Top Items:

Cox Buys Ad Network Adify For $300M — Heard through the electronic grapevine and haven't been able to confirm: Cox Enterprises, the privately-held parent of Cox Newspapers and Cox Communications, is buying Adify, one of few remaining online ad networks of significant scale. Supposed Purchase price: $300 million.

Online Ad Network Adify Sold To Cox For $300 Million Plus Earnout

Twitter: Where Nobody Knows Your Name — So I was in Washington, D.C., this past weekend for a lovely wedding, traveling back to a city where I started my career and worked for 15 years after college. — And I conducted a little experiment among the more than 100 folks gathered for the wedding …
VentureBeat,, The Real McCrea, The Last Podcast, WinExtra, The Viral Garden, Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog, The Social Times, broadstuff,, Between the Lines, larry borsato, IP Democracy,, Webomatica, Bloggers Blog, Scott Heiferman's Notes, Vinny Lingham's Blog, The Social Web and Smalltalk Tidbits …

What Twitter brings to the party — To this point, I have avoided getting into the conversations weighing the value and future of Twitter, FriendFeed, and the latest generation of community communications services. They clearly represent an evolution of instant messaging and the triumph of the feed.

Twitter: Where Nobody Knows Your Name - Yet ?

Hans Reiser Guilty of First Degree Murder — OAKLAND, California — Jurors found Linux programmer Hans Reiser guilty of first degree murder on Monday, concluding he killed his estranged wife in 2006. The verdict followed a nearly six-month trial and nearly three days of deliberation

Microsoft's Hostile Play — The silence is deafening. The deadline for Yahoo! to accept Microsoft's buyout offer expired last Saturday without a word from either company. — The software giant, which has been officially pursuing the struggling Internet portal for nearly three months, has several options.

Another reason Microsoft should give up on Yahoo: Morale
Discussion:, Scobleizer, DailyTech, GMSV, Tech Tracks, Valleywag, WinExtra, Between the Lines and IDG News Service

Two Years Later, MySpace Karaoke Launches — MySpace Karaoke launched today. I had actually forgotten about this, but the site is powered by kSolo, an online karaoke service that MySpace parent company Fox Interactive Media acquired back in April 2006. Yep, it took them two years to rebrand and relaunch it.

Where's the next new thing in Silicon Valley? — Excellent article by Jeff Nolan, an ex-VC, writing in on venture capital investments and locating the next big thing. — Incrementalism and “The New New Thing” - With all the venture capital moving around in the Silicon Valley, where is the real innovation?

RIAA files copyright suit against Project Playlist — The recording industry has filed a lawsuit alleging that Project Playlist, the company that provides an embeddable music player most often used at MySpace and Facebook, has violated its copyright. — According to a copy of the complaint obtained …

MySpace wins suit against ‘spam king’ — Sanford Wallace, the so-called spam king, has often been accused of sending annoying messages that are typically ignored by the recipient. Perhaps he considered a series of court orders as something he could blow off. — If he did he was wrong.
Discussion: Daily News

Yelp Lets Businesses Fight Back — Local businesses have a love/hate relationship with review site Yelp: The site sends new customer leads to the businesses reviewed. But businesses can also be reviewed (and trashed) without even knowing Yelp exists. — Businesses like Oakland coffee …

Interview with JAJAH's Daniel Mattes on the eve of their deal with Yahoo! — Thought JAJAH was old news? Think again. Having attracted a whopping 10 million users in the last two years, up from 2 million just last year, they're now expanding their business in dramatically new directions with the launch of JAJAH Managed Services.

Exclusive Video: Psystar in the Wild — It's alive. Reader Patrick (Whiskeyfrown) is lucky enough to be using one of the few Psystar Open Computing machines that have made it into the wild, and he was generous enough to make a video showing the machine (including the connections in the back to the monitor to show that it's legit).
The Apple Core, p2pnet, Yahoo! Tech, MacUser, The Tech Report, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, BetaNews, Guardian Unlimited, Infinite Loop and Slashdot

The End of Network News as We Know It? — Decreases in Ads and Viewers Mean Change Is in the Air for Big Three — NEW YORK ( — The big three TV network newscasts lost about 1.2 million viewers last year, and advertising on their three big morning news shows fell to an estimated $1.03 billion.

Developers at fault? SQL Injection attacks lead to wide-spread compromise of IIS servers — There's been a lot of noise and violent thrashing over the last couple days regarding a flaw that was originally believed to be a flaw in Microsoft's IIS (Internet Information Server) …
TG Daily

Malware authors turn to EULAs to protect their work — Selling botnets for particular attacks, black markets for stolen identities, and malware construction kits are all now par for the course for the increasingly commercial malware industry. Discovering that malware authors have actually turned …

Lenovo's 11-inch IdeaPad now available — Lenovo first introduced its new consumer notebook line, IdeaPad, back at CES in January. Now, the smallest—and arguably best-looking—of the bunch is set to ship to consumers very soon. — The U110, Lenovo's foray into consumer-oriented ultraportable notebooks …

The new barriers to adoption for your startup — If you have a Internet / Web / Software startup and are looking to either a) raise money or b) hire people or c) sell to your customers or pretty much do anything “normal” any other startup would do you've heard this question before …