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The New Yahoo: Sticky, Viral, And Most Of All, Friendly — Yahoo's CTO Ari Balogh and Chief Architect (Platforms) Neal Sample filled in a few more details today around their new Yahoo Open Strategy (called YOS internally). — Background — Yahoo wants to turn itself …

Microsoft Shows Gains, but Also Weaknesses — Microsoft's pursuit of Yahoo may have run into some bumps, but its big software business is humming along smoothly. — The company reported quarterly earnings Thursday that slightly surpassed Wall Street's expectations, and it provided …
Between the Lines

3G IPhone Due on June 9, Analysts Say — The 3G iPhone will be announced June 9, the likely date of Apple CEO Steve Jobs' keynote at the company's Worldwide Developers Conference, analysts said in research notes on Thursday. — The 3G iPhone will be the “first of an impressive wave of new products” …
DSLreports, 9 to 5 Mac, last100, Computerworld Blogs, Macworld, VentureBeat, Byte of the Apple, InfoWorld and

Mexican Embassy: Official Fired After Getting Caught With White House BlackBerries — Whether he was up to no good or simply desperate to play BrickBreaker, a Mexican press attaché was caught on camera pocketing several White House BlackBerries during a recent meeting in New Orleans …
Discussion: blogs, InformationWeek Weblog,, The Boy Genius Report, Engadget and Digg

Comprehensive list of low-cost ultraportables — Over the past six months or so, Asus, Everex, and HP have managed to bring low-cost ultraportable notebooks to market. But dozens of other computer makers have promised to bring out their own mini-notebooks.

Skype Tests Software for Mass-Market Mobile Phones — LUXEMBOURG, April 24, 2008 - Following recent moves to extend Skype™ conversations to a wide variety of new mobile and wireless devices, Skype is taking another major step as it continues to merge its internet communications software with mobile phones.
TechCrunch, Unwired View, Skype Journal, Phone Scoop, jkOnTheRun, and Skype Blogs

Google's ‘Blogger’ under attack by streamlined Anti-CAPTCHA operations for spam — Websense Security Labs ThreatSeeker™ technology has discovered that spammers, in their recent tactics, have targeted Google's well-known blog publishing system “Blogger” aka “Blogspot” …

Faster - Why Constant Stress is Part of Our Future — A few weeks ago, the New York Times ran a weekend piece entitled In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop, which focused on the stressful nature of blogging. Using our friend Marc Orchant's death and Om Malik's heart attack as examples …

The Open Source Model Is About Organization, Not Who Signs Your Paycheck — Nick Carr points out a report from the Linux Foundation that finds that most contributions to the Linux kernel come from people who work at companies. Nick Carr says this is a sign of a “shift from the volunteer …
Ars Technica

Marc Andreessen: Bill Gates Ain't So Bad — Question: When is Bill Gates not the devil? Answer: When he's saving the world from total technical chaos. That's according to internet golden child Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Ning. — “[Bill Gates] made an unbelievable contribution,” …

AOL Buys Fantasy Football Site Fleaflicker — AOL has acquired Fantasy Football site Fleaflicker for an undisclosed amount, Mediapost reported. The site will be added to AOL Sports, whose existing fantasy football offerings were described as “modest” by Bill Wilson, VP for programming at AOL (NYSE: TWX).

Report: AT&T Mobility to sell $100 femtocells — Carrier inked contract with femto vendor ip.access — According to a report from research and banking firm ThinkPanmure, AT&T Mobility plans to sell up to 7 million femtocells from ip.access Ltd., a picocell and femtocell infrastructure vendor based in Cambridge, United Kingdom.

XP SP3 performance gains - Nothing to write home about — Those who believed that Windows XP Service Pack 3 would provide the aging OS with a performance boost may well be disappointed. My benchmark tests show that the application of XP SP3 makes negligible difference to system performance.
Ed Bott's Windows Expertise

News Search - now with RSS — You wanted it, and now you have it. We've incorporated RSS feeds into the browse and search results experience. Subscribe and stay up to date with stories from all categories or for specific searches that you perform. We appreciate all the feedback that you've given us.

Carphone Warehouse says iPhone “out of stock” — Asks publishers to stop promoting offer — It seems that the £100 promo off the Apple iPhone announced earlier in the month from Carphone Warehouse has worked, amd worked a little too well. — Web publishers running a promotion …

MyBlogLog hCard & vCard: More Microformats, More Portable Data — Those of you that follow MyBlogLog on Twitter got an early preview of a new feature the MyBlogLog team rolled out today. (To badly paraphrase Ferris Bueller, “If you aren't on Twitter, I highly recommend setting an account up.