Top Items:

Microsoft 1, blogosphere 0 — Guys, the joke's on us. Big time. — Bloggers have been chortling all day over a goofy video made for Microsoft's sales team that made its way onto YouTube. — The video, “Rocking Our Sales,” by “Bruce ServicePack and the Vista Street Band,” is painfully lame.

Internal Microsoft Vista Video is as Painful as Videos Get — You've gotta wonder how, in a company the size of Microsoft, there's not a single person who has the balls to step up and say “Hey, you know what? This Vista music video we're making for the sales department …

Don't shoot the messenger: Microsoft internal promo video …
Crave, Microsoft Watch, One Microsoft Way, istartedsomething, Forrester Research, Engadget and Tech Tracks

Psystar Exposed: Looks Like a Hoax — After the Guardian did their own investigation into the Mac clone maker Psystar yesterday, we decided to take it a step further and see if they actually exist, in the physical sense. How could a company so brazenly challenge Apple and have little to no record of actually being a company?
Infinite Loop, ZDNet Government, WebProNews,, Byte of the Apple, Gadget Lab, DailyTech, MacUser, The Apple Core, PC World, Computerworld, Crave and Engadget

SixApart's BlogIt Could Be the Start of Something Big — SixApart launched BlogIt by TypePad last night, a Facebook app that lets you post to SixApart blogs and other blogging software like WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr, to your Facebook Newsfeed and to Twitter all from one place.
David Recordon's Blog

NBC to Apple: Build antipiracy into iTunes — SAN FRANCISCO—NBC Universal would like to have its TV shows distributed once again through Apple's iTunes service, a top executive said Wednesday, but he called for antipiracy measures to help protect his business' revenue.

YouTube Pays Users $1 Million — YouTube said today it has paid out more than $1 million to its user partners through its partner program. The figure came as part of an announcement that YouTube is expanding the program to users in Japan, Australia and Ireland (it was previously only available …

eBay Inc. Reports First Quarter 2008 Results — Delivered Second Consecutive $2-Billion Plus Quarter — Completed Approximately $1 Billion in Stock Repurchases — Acquired Fraud Sciences Ltd. — SAN JOSE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—eBay Inc. (Nasdaq:EBAY - News) today reported financial results …
Silicon Alley Insider, Between the Lines, Forbes, TechCrunch, BloggingStocks and Mashable!

IBM Launches Pilot Program for Migrating to Macs — Daniel Eran Dilger — As further evidence of the growing interest in Macs among enterprise customers, IBM's Research Information Services launched an internal pilot program designed to study the possibility of moving significant numbers of employees to the Mac platform.

The Pirate Bay Launches Uncensored Blogging Service — In their ever continuing battle to free the Internet, The Pirate Bay has now launched an uncensored blogging service, called Baywords. The service is intended to be a safe haven for bloggers who want to be able to write whatever they want …
Discussion:, CNET, TechCrunch, WebProNews, Valleywag, CrunchGear, Copy me happy and Mashable!

Valleywag Fires Writer Who Criticized Valleywag — Apparently everything and everyone is fair game at Silicon Valley gossip site Valleywag. Or, almost everything. Write a post criticizing Valleywag itself, and two weeks later you're out of a job. — Writer Jordan Golson is the person …

How Social Networking Could Kill Web Search as We Know It — Google owns search for now, but as PM's senior tech editor explains in his biweekly column, the evolving nature of how we use the Internet has left an uncertain future for search—and it's all the fault of you and your friends.

Microsoft hits back at Google with Live Search News — As a part of its Rome release, Microsoft's Live Search team has launched Live Search News, a direct competitor to Google News. — At this time, Live Search News looks like a simplified version of Google News.

Live Search News tries to combine Google News and Techmeme
Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog

Google ‘Gamed’ Airwave Sale, Republican Lawmakers Say — Google Inc. manipulated a U.S. government spectrum auction by bidding just enough to trigger rules that will open a nationwide set of airwaves to any device and then walking away, Republican lawmakers said.

Intuit getting into the hosted app business — Intuit is announcing today its entry into the growing app platform market. Like Salesforce has done, Intuit's new QuickBase Developer Program will let developers create and sell add-on Web apps that tap into the company's core product: QuickBooks.
Between the Lines

Watch Out Salesforce. Intuit Opens Up QuickBase To Developers
SmoothSpan Blog

The Decline and Fall of Tech on Digg — If you're a fan of digg, you've probably been noticing that tech stories are becoming less and less a feature of the social news site. The reason? Digg is attempting to attract a large mainstream user base. Just how low has tech sunk in digg?

Alexa Overhauls Ranking System — Everyone's favorite web statistics whipping boy Alexa has announced a major overhaul of how it compiles traffic figures. — The biggest change is Alexa's decision to drop exclusive reliance on the Alexa toolbar for traffic data, with Alexa now aggregating data from …

Just announced: MySQL to launch new features only in MySQL Enterprise — Just announced at the MySQL Partner meeting as part of the MySQL Conference and Expo in Santa Clara, CA: — MySQL will start offering some features (specifically ones related to online backups) only in MySQL Enterprise.

Mac vs. PC: The Ultimate Lab Test for New Desktops & Laptops — This computer rivalry has been elevated to a cultural divide on par with Pepsi versus Coke. Taking it beyond personal taste, PM crunches the numbers—with some surprising results (and detailed benchmark scores). — Photographs by Lendon Flanagan