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Microsoft hits back at Google with Live Search News — As a part of its Rome release, Microsoft's Live Search team has launched Live Search News, a direct competitor to Google News. — At this time, Live Search News looks like a simplified version of Google News.

Mac vs. PC: The Ultimate Lab Test for New Desktops & Laptops — This computer rivalry has been elevated to a cultural divide on par with Pepsi versus Coke. Taking it beyond personal taste, PM crunches the numbers—with some surprising results (and detailed benchmark scores). — Photographs by Lendon Flanagan
Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, Salon, Web Worker Daily, Cult of Mac, michael parekh on IT, Macenstein and Digg

Internal Microsoft Vista Video is as Painful as Videos Get — You've gotta wonder how, in a company the size of Microsoft, there's not a single person who has the balls to step up and say “Hey, you know what? This Vista music video we're making for the sales department …

Introducing Google Earth 4.3 — The Google Earth team is proud to announce the latest version of Google Earth is available today at The release of Google Earth 4.3 (beta) greatly advances our vision of offering a realistic, 3D model of the world by giving users a higher quality, more immersive experience.
Mashable!, Googling Google, Official Google Blog, InformationWeek, AppScout, Google Earth Blog and Galdos Systems Inc

How To Put Google Street View To Practical Use

A whole new world to explore
Search Engine Watch Blog

Asus Eee PC 900 Review — The Asus Eee PC 701 has earned a permanent place in history. It almost single-handedly defined the sub-notebook — a genre of PC that made slow, inexpensive laptops the hottest properties in the computing world. Many have tried to emulate its success …

Asus Eee PC 900 — Few could argue that Asus created something special when it launched the Eee PC last year. The idea of making a truly mobile, yet very affordable mobile computer was welcomed by the Press and consumers in equal measure. Although the Eee PC 4G 701 that Andy reviewed …
The Mobile Gadgeteer, Liliputing, DisplayBlog, Guardian Unlimited, Boing Boing Gadgets, Slashdot and Engadget

Valleywag Fires Writer Who Criticized Valleywag — Apparently everything and everyone is fair game at Silicon Valley gossip site Valleywag. Or, almost everything. Write a post criticizing Valleywag itself, and two weeks later you're out of a job. — Writer Jordan Golson is the person …

Psystar Exposed: Looks Like a Hoax — After the Guardian did their own investigation into the Mac clone maker Psystar yesterday, we decided to take it a step further and see if they actually exist, in the physical sense. How could a company so brazenly challenge Apple and have little to no record of actually being a company?

IBM Launches Pilot Program for Migrating to Macs — Daniel Eran Dilger — As further evidence of the growing interest in Macs among enterprise customers, IBM's Research Information Services launched an internal pilot program designed to study the possibility of moving significant numbers of employees to the Mac platform.

Microsoft planning a Zune-centric entertainment store? — Microsoft may be putting together an “entertainment marketplace” tentatively named Zune VideoX, ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley reported Wednesday. In other words, it's yet another digital content store trying to take a bite out of Apple's iTunes.

“Free Open Source Software Is Costing Vendors $60 Billion,” New Standish Group International Study Finds — “Open Source software is raising havoc throughout the software market. It is the ultimate in disruptive technology, and while to it is only 6% of estimated trillion dollars IT budgeted annually …

Graduation Day for Website Optimizer and Urchin Software! — Today at the ad:tech conference in San Francisco, we very happily announced two launches. If we could have shouted them from the rooftops, we would have. Enjoy! — Website Optimizer now available as a standalone product!

Security is No Match for Chocolate and Good Looking Women — People are too trusting, especially when there's chocolate on the line. — A survey out today by the organizers of the tech-security conference Infosecurity Europe found that 21% of 576 London office workers stopped on the street …
Good Morning Silicon Valley, The Register, Defense in Depth, and Know It All

When Everyone Talks About Weakness At Google, Wall Street Buys the Stock — Tomorrow when Google announces its first quarter earnings after the markets close, we are finally going to find out whether all the sturm und drang about Google's seemingly-flat growth of clicks on search ads is a bad as everyone thinks.

The Pirate Bay Launches Uncensored Blogging Service — In their ever continuing battle to free the Internet, The Pirate Bay has now launched an uncensored blogging service, called Baywords. The service is intended to be a safe haven for bloggers who want to be able to write whatever they want …

Earnings: eBay Q1 Revenue Up 24 Percent; Net Income Up 22 Percent — Online auctioneer eBay (NSDQ: EBAY) reported Q1 revenue of $2.19 billion, a 24 percent increase from $1.77 billion in the year-ago period. Net income grew 22 percent to $562 million ($.42 per share) from $460 million ($.33 per share).