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Google's Don't Be Evil Not “Ordained Motto” Says Marissa Mayer — Google's “Don't Be Evil” motto, first uttered by Googler Paul Buchheit (now founder of FriendFeed) in 2001, has long been the pillar of their self-imposed code of conduct. It was amended somewhat in 2006 when CEO Eric Schmidt …

Don't Be Evil or don't lose value? — Google vice-president Marissa Mayer in Sydney last week. — Asher Moses — As Google comes under ever increasing scrutiny for the power it has over our lives, the web giant is tiptoeing back from its long-held corporate motto, Don't Be Evil.

Facebook is Dead. I'm Not Being Facetious — Either there's a glitch in Facebook, or else it's dead. Well, not dead, exactly, but I noticed that, at nearly 10 pm, none of my friends have done anything today to merit appearing on the News Feed of stuff (see above).

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Amazon's MP3s not affecting iTunes —'s MP3 service is growing but not at the expense of Apple's iTunes, according to a report issued Tuesday by market researcher NPD Group. — About 10 percent of the people who shopped at AmazonMP3 in February were previous Apple shoppers, NPD said.

Amazon MP3 store's gains not coming at iTunes' expense — Amazon MP3 has made quite a splash since it launched last September. Its wide selection of DRM-free content (the widest selection when it comes to the Big Four labels) and relative ease-of-use have made it a favorite among those who buy music online.

Twitter Testing Advertising In Twitter Streams — Twitter was down tonight, nothing really unusual for the San Francisco based startup (to be fair though downtime has improved since they dumped Joyent), but what was different is some reports of users spotting ads in their Twitter stream during the service difficulties.
PDA, The Blog Herald, Internet Marketing …, Todd Watson, The Social Times, CenterNetworks, innonate, The Last Podcast, and MarketingShift

Parenting 2.0: Mom pranks son's MySpace as punishment — A sassy 13 year-old Virginian laid the smack-down on a vacuum instead of doing his chores and then was caught looking at porn by his tech savvy mother, who stumbled upon some very suspicious looking cookies (not pictured above) stored on the computer's browser.
Alice Hill's Real Tech News

AOL Buys Sphere's Blog Content Engine — Tomorrow AOL will announce the acquisition of San Francisco-based Sphere, a blog content engine that launched in 2006. The price is not being disclosed, but sources are suggesting it's in the $25 million range, or possibly a little more. More details from Om Malik

IndexTools (Yahoo!) Web Analytics goes FREE! — Hi there, a bit of news for you who follow the Yahoo! IndexTools integration steps. But first, THANK YOU very much for all the positive feedback I received in blog comments, separate blog posts, emails, phone calls etc. I truly appreciate that.

Windows XP SP3 now set for April 29 debut — Officially, Microsoft has been saying “the first half of 2008” whenever the company is asked to put a date for the release of Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3. However, various sources have been expecting the Release to Manufacturing (RTM) …

Google Local Business Center Allows Free Form Categories Now — You can now enter any category that you feel is best for your company in the category section of your Google Local Business Center listing. In the past, you had to select a specific category that was in Google's database.

Blue Jeans Cable Strikes Back - Response to Monster Cable — Not long ago we reported that Monster Cable had issued a cease and desist letter to Blue Jeans Cable about their Tartan cables. Little did the lawyer drones over at Monster know that Kurt Denke, the president of Blue Jeans was, in a former life, a lawyer by trade.

Psystar: Apple's terms violate U.S. monopoly laws — Psystar, a Miami-based OEM which is now offering OS X on generic PC hardware, claims that Apple's restrictive licensing terms violates U.S. monopoly laws. Whoa, bold claim there. Better have some deep pockets if the company wants to take the fight to court.
Infinite Loop, Byte of the Apple, Between the Lines, ZDNet Government, InformationWeek, The Post Money Value and TG Daily

fring for your iPhone - it's a fringing world first! — OK. So if you're one of the first lucky *#@$%&s to get your hands on an iPhone, you just got even luckier. We've just made a special pre-release R&D version of fring for your iPhone - a mobile VoIP app publicly available for the iPhone?...yep that's a world-first!
TechCrunch, The Mobile Gadgeteer, SlashPhone, Lifehacker, CrunchGear, The Apple Core and

Why There Aren't More Googles — Umair Haque wrote recently that the reason there aren't more Googles is that most startups get bought before they can change the world. … This has a nice sound to it, but it isn't true. Google's founders were willing to sell early on.