Top Items:

AOL Buys Sphere's Blog Content Engine — Tomorrow AOL will announce the acquisition of San Francisco-based Sphere, a blog content engine that launched in 2006. The price is not being disclosed, but sources are suggesting it's in the $25 million range, or possibly a little more. More details from Om Malik

Our New Address @ AOL.COM — Unlike the rumor that Sphere has reserved the Wrigley Field bleachers for Game 7 of the 2008 World Series, the conjecture about Sphere being acquired by a larger platform is officially true. AOL has acquired sphere. More information is here, here and here again for the curious detail seeker.

AOL's Big Give and Whirling Dervish Show!
Silicon Alley Insider

Google's Don't Be Evil Not “Ordained Motto” Says Marissa Mayer — Google's “Don't Be Evil” motto, first uttered by Googler Paul Buchheit (now founder of FriendFeed) in 2001, has long been the pillar of their self-imposed code of conduct. It was amended somewhat in 2006 when CEO Eric Schmidt …

Twitter Testing Advertising In Twitter Streams — Twitter was down tonight, nothing really unusual for the San Francisco based startup (to be fair though downtime has improved since they dumped Joyent), but what was different is some reports of users spotting ads in their Twitter stream during the service difficulties.
PDA, CenterNetworks, The Social Times, The Last Podcast,, VentureBeat, MarketingShift and The Blog Herald

Elusive ‘Twitter ads’ spotted in the wild
The Last Podcast

Facebook is Dead. I'm Not Being Facetious — Either there's a glitch in Facebook, or else it's dead. Well, not dead, exactly, but I noticed that, at nearly 10 pm, none of my friends have done anything today to merit appearing on the News Feed of stuff (see above).

Facebook News Feed Reports on You Behind Your Back
All Facebook

The end of Mowser — It's been a year since I launched Mowser at April 2007's Mobile Monday, so it's time for a progress report. Sadly, the news isn't good. — Mowser is at the end of its life in its current form. We haven't been able to raise funding, and as a site …
Download Squad, TechCrunch, diego's weblog, TechBlog,, All About Symbian, Alexander van Elsas's Weblog …, Alec Saunders SquawkBox, Technology Live, Between the Lines, Mike Rowehl, Digital Inspiration, STARTUP CHATTER, last100, sparkplug 9, The Blog Herald and Mobile Marketing Watch

Is the Mobile Web Dead? Some Mobile Entrepreneurs Say Yes
Hardware 2.0, Pat Phelan, A Media Circus, broadstuff, ReviewSaurus, Venture Chronicles,, TechCrunch and Mashable!

YouTube videos in Google Maps — I'm excited to report the Google Maps team launched a new feature that showcases embedded YouTube videos in Maps. Geotagged YouTube videos have been available in Google Earth since last year, and we thought that it was only natural to extend this functionality to Google Maps.

Psystar: Apple's terms violate U.S. monopoly laws — Psystar, a Miami-based OEM which is now offering OS X on generic PC hardware, claims that Apple's restrictive licensing terms violates U.S. monopoly laws. Whoa, bold claim there. Better have some deep pockets if the company wants to take the fight to court.

Patent holders take 4G pledge of allegiance — Defeat 99.7% of all Spam! — The owners of the patents underpinning LTE, the fourth generation mobile technology, have agreed to only charge each other “reasonable” licence fees. — The companies involved - Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, NEC …

IndexTools (Yahoo!) Web Analytics goes FREE! — Hi there, a bit of news for you who follow the Yahoo! IndexTools integration steps. But first, THANK YOU very much for all the positive feedback I received in blog comments, separate blog posts, emails, phone calls etc. I truly appreciate that.

Parenting 2.0: Mom pranks son's MySpace as punishment — A sassy 13 year-old Virginian laid the smack-down on a vacuum instead of doing his chores and then was caught looking at porn by his tech savvy mother, who stumbled upon some very suspicious looking cookies (not pictured above) stored on the computer's browser.
Alice Hill's Real Tech News

Who's Louis Gray? — At a time when blogging is evolving and the high-tech landscape is being dominated by blog publishers such as TechCrunch, GigaOm and Mashable as well as blogs operated by mainstream media, it is good to see that it's still possible for one-man/woman shop to capture …

Ten Questions About Entrepreneurs — I was interviewed yesterday by a journalist who is doing a television-style series on entrepreneurs which will be broadcast on the web starting this summer. He asked me somewhere around thirty questions about entrepreneurs.
SmoothSpan Blog

Your Analytics Data Is Very Wrong — I've written about this in the past so I expect this is nothing new for you, my dear reader. The title summarizes everything I am going to say. — My buddy Fred Wilson had a comScore chart about Delicious' growth (or lack of growth) in his hugely popular We Need A New Path To Liquidity post.

Windows XP SP3 now set for April 29 debut — Officially, Microsoft has been saying “the first half of 2008” whenever the company is asked to put a date for the release of Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3. However, various sources have been expecting the Release to Manufacturing (RTM) …

Blue Jeans Cable Strikes Back - Response to Monster Cable — Not long ago we reported that Monster Cable had issued a cease and desist letter to Blue Jeans Cable about their Tartan cables. Little did the lawyer drones over at Monster know that Kurt Denke, the president of Blue Jeans was, in a former life, a lawyer by trade.