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A new way to share with friends — Chances are, you use parts of the Internet that aren't Facebook. You might post photo albums using Flickr or Picasa, for example, instead of on Facebook. There are a lot of good sites out there, unfortunately, that can sometimes mean a lot of switching around …

Facebook is kinda competing with FriendFeed, like it kinda competes with Twitter — Update with a response from FriendFeed's Paul Buchheit, below the article — Facebook has just launched a new feature that lets you add actions from other sites to the mini-feed of actions on your profile …

Battle Of The Commodity Web Applications: It's All About People — Facebook has had an update feature similar to Twitter for a while. Now Facebook has a feature that lets users add feeds from other web services like Flickr and — just like FriendFeed.

Facebook Opens Up Mini-Feed To 3rd Party Services
All Facebook

Facebook Lexicon — At Facebook we love tools that allow you to see what people around the globe are searching for or discussing on blogs, such as Google Trends or Technorati. We thought it would be cool to show trends on the public and semi-public forums across Facebook (also known as Walls).

Facebook's Lexicon shows trends among its 70 million users
Running With Foxes

So exactly who or what is Psystar? We dig a little.. — You'll have noticed the claims of Psystar that it will be selling an “OpenComputer” (smart, avoiding the use of the Apple trademark in the “OpenMac” name it previously used) that will, in effect, be an Apple clone.

Meme13 Tries and Fails to Solve the Techmeme Echo-Chamber Problem — Many people love to check out automated blog meme aggregator Techmeme throughout the day for the latest in tech news - but a considerable number of other people consider it a self-promoting echo chamber that poisons …

Microsoft Completes Acquisition of Danger, Incorporates Company Into Premium Mobile Experiences Group — New business group strengthens company focus on innovative mobile consumer experiences. — Microsoft Corp. has completed its acquisition of Danger, Inc., the company announced today.

Lawmakers complain that Google ‘gamed’ auction — San Francisco - Three lawmakers complained Tuesday that Google “maneuvered” its way into an open wireless network without having to come up with a winning bid in the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's) recently completed 700MHz spectrum auction.

Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - April 2008 — A Critical Patch Update is a collection of patches for multiple security vulnerabilities. It also includes non-security fixes that are required (because of interdependencies) by those security patches.

Blue Jeans Cable Strikes Back - Response to Monster Cable — Not long ago we reported that Monster Cable had issued a cease and desist letter to Blue Jeans Cable about their Tartan cables. Little did the lawyer drones over at Monster know that Kurt Denke, the president of Blue Jeans was, in a former life, a lawyer by trade.

Why There Aren't More Googles — Umair Haque wrote recently that the reason there aren't more Googles is that most startups get bought before they can change the world. … This has a nice sound to it, but it isn't true. Google's founders were willing to sell early on.
STARTUP CHATTER, The Blog Herald, A VC,, RealityCrunch, SmoothSpan Blog and TechCrunch

Intel posts healthy Q1, ups forecast for Q2 — Updated 4 p.m. PDT with executive comments from Intel's conference call. — Intel's first-quarter earnings should go a long way toward reassuring the tech industry that the world is not coming to an end. — The chipmaker reported revenue …

Intel's sales beat the Street
The Register, Between the Lines, Business Wire, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Forbes and New York Times

Don't Be Evil or don't lose value? — Google vice-president Marissa Mayer in Sydney last week. — Asher Moses — As Google comes under ever increasing scrutiny for the power it has over our lives, the web giant is tiptoeing back from its long-held corporate motto, Don't Be Evil.
VentureBeat, TechCrunch, Valleywag,, Epicenter, p2pnet, broadstuff, CNET and Search Engine Land

There's more than one way to mesh — On April 15, startup Syncplicity, was hatched. Syncplicity's management team includes a number of former (and near-former) Softies — including Steven Hazel, a former employee of FolderShare. — Microsoft acquired FolderShare, a file-sync vendor …

Gone in 60 seconds: Spambot cracks Live Hotmail CAPTCHA — Internet users are quite familiar with the Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA), a quick method that verifies whether or not the user trying to sign up is a person or a bot.

Play Googolopoly, the internet board game from — At Box, we obviously spend a lot of time talking about what's going on on the internet. With such a high quantity of real and rumored products and acquisitions announcements, Google obviously gets a lot of attention in our animated discussions.