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Early notes on GoogleApps — The last few years when something new hits the tech blogosphere, I usually kick back and think while so many others scramble for position on Techmeme. I find that by doing this I can usually find the nugget that they're all missing, assuming it's an area I'm interested in …

Introducing Google App Engine + our new blog — At tonight's Campfire One we launched a preview release of Google App Engine — a developer tool that enables you to run your web applications on Google's infrastructure. The goal is to make it easy to get started with a new web app …
Good Morning Silicon Valley, Salon, BBC NEWS, The Register, All about Microsoft, A VC, InformationWeek, Epicenter, Todd Watson, Digital Daily, Search Engine Land, Software as Services, Know It All, BetaNews, Irregular Enterprise, Dana Gardner's BriefingsDirect, Official Google Blog, Adnans Sysadmin/Scripting Blog, MacMegasite, Between the Lines, Matt Cutts, Texas Startup Blog, Google Operating System, michael parekh on IT, Contentinople, CyberNet, Bungee Connect Developer …, broadstuff, CNET, I4U News and open

HuddleChat: Did Google Just Rip Off 37Signals? — Blogs are abuzz this morning about HuddleChat, a real-time chat application that a team of three Google developers created to show off Google's new App Engine platform. The chat software bears a striking resemblance to the popular Campfire app from 37Signals.

GOOGLE APP ENGINE CAN'T HANDLE DEMAND FOR GOOGLE APP ENGINE The sign-in page for Google's new App Engine platform apparently runs on App Engine — and ran out of it's server allocation this morning, triggering the error message above when a tipster tried to sign up.

Is Google App Engine HuddleChat a Campfire Rip-Off?
The Last Podcast

Google App Engine: History's Next Step or Monopolistic Boondoggle?

Google App Engine: Cloud Control to Major Tom
Rough Type, Guardian Unlimited, SmoothSpan Blog, Outside the Lines, STARTUP CHATTER and InformationWeek

Google Jumps Head First Into Web Services With Google App Engine
GigaOM, SmugBlog, Silicon Alley Insider, PC World, SmoothSpan Blog, innonate, Computerworld, OStatic blogs, Netcraft, Zoho Blogs, Blogspotting, Googlified, The Gong Show, Mashable!, Google Blogoscoped, Searchviews, Ajaxian, RIApedia, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, PSFK, MediaBytes with Shelly Palmer, Profy.Com, Network World, 901am, Jarrett House North, p2pnet, Joshua Blankenship and SlipperyBrick

Mossberg: I Have No Idea When 3G iPhone Is Coming, And I Don't Care — That Walt Mossberg prediction about a 3G iPhone in June? Hold off on that, says Walt Mossberg. The Wall Street Journal's personal tech guru tells us he has no idea when Apple (AAPL) is releasing its next phone.

Want to Expand Your Twitter Friends? Try Twubble — Twubble: Rating: — Want to Expand Your Twitter Friends? Try Twubble. If you want to follow more people and listen more effectively then this is a great twitter tool for you. Twubble will actually look at your friends list …

Nokia confirms ‘iPhone killer’ handset in pipeline — Nokia has confirmed that it's developing a touchscreen-equipped handset to take on the Apple iPhone, and has shown off pictures of the upcoming phone to drooling onlookers. — The Finnish giant's handset is codenamed ‘Tube’ …

Yahoo seems headed the way of PeopleSoft — Commentary: Yang's fight against Microsoft seems futile at this point — SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) - Yahoo chief executive Jerry Yang has not resorted to boorish tactics like calling Steve Ballmer a sociopath or comparing him to Genghis Khan …

Is E-Learning Forever Trapped in a Field of Dreams? — In the years since Bill Massy and I published Thwarted Intervention, I have come to better understand higher education's tepid embrace of the new learning technologies. My “aha” moment occurred at the San Diego meeting of the Spellings Commission in February 2006.

Put a finer point on your Gmail searches — The first application I open and the last one I close each workday is Gmail. — Even though I use the service's labels and filters to sort my mail, I often found myself scrolling through the 600-plus messages in my Gmail in-box to find the one I need.

HP's mini laptop packs a punch — The HP Mini laptop is aimed at the education market, but it could appeal to road warriors as well. Image: HP — Pick up HP's new $500 mini-laptop, and the first thing you notice is the aluminum casing. Though the thing weighs only about 2.5 pounds …

iPhone Developer Lockdown reportedly iPinkBricks all dev units — Readers report that update 5A240d is now available on the Dev Portal — Reports are streaming into TUAW that official iPhone developers have been hit this morning by the Pink Screen of Expired Release.

iBig Box, the world's largest iPod dock — Presenting the world's largest iPod dock the iBig Box. It is inflatable and comes with complete with two speakers, iPod dock, and fabric controls similar to the ones you find on iPod jackets. Other MP3 players and audio devices can be connected to it as well.

Nokia N810 Running Google Android — First it was the Sharp Zaurus and the Armadillo 500, now it's the turn of the Nokia N810. Yup, Google Android has been successfully installed on the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet and it works too. — The Wiki page at details the install guide …

VMware offers up MacBook Air for Fusion switcher video — VMware, makers of desktop virtualization solution Fusion for Intel-based Macs, is offering up a shiny new MacBook Air for the lucky Fusion user who can create the best ""Switch to Fusion" video. The company is also putting up a …

How Google determines the names for bodies of water in Google Earth — Hundreds of millions of users around the world use Google Earth. Many of them have strong — and sometimes conflicting — opinions about how places should be named and where borders should be drawn.

Cuill is banned on 10,000 sites — Be careful while you debug your crawler... Webmasters these days get very touchy about letting new spiders walk all over their sites. There are so many scraper bots, email harvesters, exploit probers, students running Nutch on gigabit university pipes …