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Google Jumps Head First Into Web Services With Google App Engine — Google isn't just talking about hosting applications in the cloud any more. Tonight at 9pm PT they're launching Google App Engine (link dead until launch time) an ambitious new project that offers a full-stack, hosted …
O'Reilly Radar, All about Microsoft, GigaOM, eWeek, Technosailor, Stay N' Alive and SmoothSpan Blog

Google hopes to house Web software on App Engine — Google plans to launch a service called App Engine Monday evening that the company hopes will attract programmers and eventually companies needing an expandable foundation for online applications. — App Engine, free to the first 10,000 people …

Google App Engine readies for brawl with Amazon — For all the rivals Google is making as it continues to expand into nearly every facet of the Internet, Amazon has thus far remained one fellow power relatively unscathed. That is about to change. Tonight, the search giant …

Apple notebook lines to see major design changes, sources say — Apple Inc.'s existing MacBook and MacBook Pro notebooks will be the last of their breed, as both product families are destined for major design changes upon their next refresh, AppleInsider has learned.

All the news that's fit to print on a map: The New York Times in Google Earth — I read a lot of news by surfing the Internet, as do many of my colleagues and friends, and I've always dreamed of a way to browse news based on geography. What's happening in Paris today? What are the top headlines in Japan?
Discussion:, VentureBeat, Mashable!, Ogle Earth, Digital Inspiration, Google Operating System, WebProNews and New York Times

Search engines warned over data — Search engines should delete personal data held about their users within six months, a European Commission advisory body on data protection has said. — The recommendation is likely to be accepted by the European Commission and could lead to a clash with search giants like Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Google Public Policy Blog, Digital Daily, Searchviews, WebGuild, Capitol Valley, broadstuff and Mashable!

“Deep Integration” Between Google Apps and Salesforce to Be Announced Next Monday — Salesforce will be making a whole bunch of partner announcements at an event in San Francisco next Monday. We've been informed that the on-demand enterprise software company will begin reselling Google's …

Facebook to Settle Thorny Lawsuit Over Its Origins — Facebook is close to putting an uncomfortable and embarrassing legal episode behind it. — A person briefed on the status of dueling lawsuits between Facebook and the competing site ConnectU said on Sunday that Facebook was finalizing …
Techdirt, TechCrunch, Epicenter, The Social, VentureBeat,, Wired News, Valleywag, The Globe and Mail, Good Morning Silicon Valley,, WebGuild, PDA, Capitol Valley, BetaNews, Digital Daily, FaceReviews, Download Squad, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, WebProNews, DealBook, BloggingStocks, Xconomy, Silicon Alley Insider, Daily News, The Chronicle, WebProBlog, All Facebook and Mashable!

Foreclosures Shown On Scary, Encroaching Heat Maps — If you want to see in stark colors exactly how the mortgage credit crisis is spreading across the country, go to real estate search site HotPads and look at the foreclosure heat maps in your area. These are map mashups that take foreclosure data …

Windows Vista SP1 Prerequisite KB937287 — Back in February, we posted about the release of a couple of prerequisites for Windows Vista Service Pack 1. While several million customers installed the updates successfully, you may have read that a few customers experienced an endless reboot cycle …
InfoWorld, Ed Bott's Microsoft Report, BetaNews, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Gizmodo, eWeek, All about Microsoft, Microsoft Watch and TechSpot's Top 25 Blogs — the one-page-version — As easy on editors as mindless lists are in print, they're even better online. has perfected the art with its “first annual blog index,” cashing in the magazine's tastemaking reputation on a crassly effective pageview-generating effort.

5 factors that determine your advertising CPM rates — An interesting post at Techcrunch: Pubmatic Data Suggests Small Sites Command Higher Rates For Remnant Ads Than Large Sites. — I love seeing this cross-site ad monetization data, since it's rare to get your hands on it unless you work for an ad network.

TechCrunch, VentureBeat in merger talks — We hear Michael Arrington is in advanced talks to acquire VentureBeat, a smaller tech blog which, like Arrington's TechCrunch, is trying to expand from the niche of covering startups. When Arrington issued a rant about the dangers …

Mossberg: 3G iPhone coming in 60 days — Uncle Walt says the iPhone will be able to download Web pages even faster in 60 days. — (Credit: CNET Networks) — Uncle Walt thinks a 3G iPhone will arrive within the next 60 days. — Walt Mossberg, the legendary technology columnist …
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs

Google's US Search Market Dominance Hits All Time High — Traffic analysts Hitwise released new numbers today finding that Google's marketshare in US searches rose last month to an all time high of 67% of searches performed. Yahoo! Search (20%), MSN Search (5.25%) and (4%) trail far behind but aren't insignificant either.