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Yahoo!'s Board of Directors Responds to Latest Microsoft Letter — The Board of Directors of Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO), a leading global Internet company, today sent the following letter to Steve Ballmer, Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft Corporation. — Dear Steve:
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Yahoo vs. Microsoft: Thanks for the letter Steve; Now give us more money or get lost — Yahoo on Monday responded to Microsoft's weekend “negotiate or we're launching a proxy war or pulling our offer” love letter. The gist: Get lost. — Give credit to Yahoo for sheer moxie (or maybe it's stupidity).

Facebook to Settle Thorny Lawsuit Over Its Origins — Facebook is close to putting an uncomfortable and embarrassing legal episode behind it. — A person briefed on the status of dueling lawsuits between Facebook and the competing site ConnectU said on Sunday that Facebook was finalizing …

Europe clears mobiles on aircraft — Mobile phone calls will be allowed on planes flying in European airspace under new European Commission rules. — The decision means that mobiles could be used once a plane has reached an altitude of 3,000m or more. — It follows six months of consultation …

Search engines warned over data — Search engines should delete personal data held about their users within six months, a European Commission advisory body on data protection has said. — The recommendation is likely to be accepted by the European Commission and could lead to a clash with search giants like Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Europe Takes Step Toward In-Flight Cellphones — The European Commission announced plans on Monday that will let airlines offer midair cellphone calls to passengers across the European Union, removing a major obstacle for companies that want to sell the service.

Imeem Confirms Snocap Acquisition — After a long search that turned up no other buyers, Sean Fanning's startup Snocap is being bought by music social network imeem. We first reported the deal in February. Imeem is officially announcing the deal today. Terms are not being disclosed …

Can Sony get 50% market share for Blu-ray this year? — Maybe that price cut in Blu-ray players is coming sooner than we think because Digitimes is reporting that Sony has set some very ambitious goals for Blu-ray in 2008. And by ambitious I'm talking a 50-50 split with DVD.

Facebook Chat: Now We're Talking — This week marks the launch of Facebook Chat—a new way for you to communicate with your friends in real-time. The Wall and Inbox have been the primary ways to communicate, but when more immediacy is necessary—for example when making plans for lunch …

The Frustratingly Unfulfilled Promise of Google Gears — Back on May 30th of last year, Google released Google Gears, a browser plug-in designed to help Web-based applications work even when they couldn't connect to the Internet. I was pretty jazzed up about it, and so were my PCW colleagues …

Thin Intel Netbook to vie with MacBook Air? — During a keynote speech at the Intel Developer Forum in Shanghai, an Intel executive brandished a Netbook that looked Air-thin. Will inexpensive Linux Netbooks be a poor man's MacBook Air? — Most of the photos to date of upcoming Netbooks …

TripIt Goes Even More Mobile — TripIt, the service that creates master travel itineraries out of your confirmation emails, has become even more traveler-friendly with a new mobile site. — Users can access the site at with their handheld devices.

Check Trip Itineraries On Your Mobile with TripIt Mobile

Comcast, Twitter And The Chicken (trust me, I have a point) — I've had a very odd weekend. — First, I've taken a dozen or so phone calls from concerned relatives and friends over this NYTimes article. But a bigger issue is that the Internet was down in the house starting late Friday night, so I haven't been online much.
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For some reason, Twitter hasn't yet taken the journalist community by storm
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Breaking! TailRank Exposes Massive Number Of Blogs Hacked — UPDATE 4.7.08: Looks like ZDnet was hacked as well (although they've since cleaned up) — So in some innocent conversation earlier today with Allen Stern, he noticed that Tailrank was getting hammered with spam, via Tailrank's River …

Cash scarcer for new technology firms — More Web start-ups are on the rocks as investors appear to be warier about their bets. — In recent months, some start-up technology companies have died or gone into comas after running out of money, a possible early sign that the resurgence in venture investment may be coming to an end.

Media Watch: Chief Dan Farber Brings Lessons Of Blogger Media — I'm waiting for Dan Farber, the new head of CNET's, in a large, sun-lit foyer. People are coming out for lunch and their mood seems relaxed and cheerful despite a 10 per cent cut in CNET staff numbers made just just a few days before.