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Facebook Chat Launches - Tour & First Impressions — Facebook has just turned on Chat in a “few networks” (including mine) this morning and I think it's a great implementation. While Facebook hasn't announced an official rollout schedule, Chat will be gradually rolling out over the coming days.

Facebook Chat Launches, For Some — We've received word that Facebook has released its much anticipated chat/IM application to a few unspecified networks. The “pre-launch beta”, as Facebook is calling it, started sometime last night. — InsideFacebook has some screenshots and a summary of their first impressions.
Internet Marketing …

Anatomy of a ‘Blogging will kill you’ story: Why I didn't make the cut — I read the New York Times' take on how the stress of blogging and how it can kill you with great interest: I was interviewed for it. But I pretty much knew I wouldn't make the final story as my take was different than Matt Richtel's.

The New York Times covers blogging — Actual New York Times headline for Sunday, April 6, 2008: … Reworded for brevity: … Future New York Times headline submissions from yours truly: … And of course, the inevitable, perennial favorite: … p.s. The Judy Miller memorial New York Times blogging story headline:

Relax, Chill and maybe Blog — The blogosphere's reaction to the attention grabbing headline in The New York Times is equally attention grabbing. Having lived through a health scare, I have a different perspective on not only this whole blog thing but on life, some of which I have shared in the past with the readers of this blog.

New York Times: blog trolling 101
WinExtra, Silicon Alley Insider, Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard, Slashdot, Profy.Com and Doc Searls Weblog domain name fetches millions — Who would've thought a generic domain name would still have the capacity to pull in big bucks? Chris Clark, the seller of “,” seemed a bit in shock after he managed to rake in $2.6 million from the auction of the domain name.

Joost Denies: No “Major Retrenchement”, Or “Sole U.S. Focus” — Joost, the online video service which has had more than its share of troubles since its founding, had another story this weekend to contend with, this time a sketchily-sourced story from Times UK.

More Crappy Censorship From Your Friends at Yahoo! — Possibly The Most Ridiculous DMCA Take Down Yet — Mike Arrington has a blog post over at TechCrunch regarding a recent censorship case over at Yahoo where taking down and destroying user's content seems to be business as usual.

One person you don't want to piss off — Michael Arrington just told his Twitter fans that Comcast has been for 36 hours and he's told after a half-a-lifetime on hold that it's California-wide. Others pipe in with their troubles. I go looking at the news and find more problems on the East Coast.

10 Ways the Internet (As We Know It) Will Die — We often think of the Internet as a platform for unfettered global communication, where information flows freely, innovators can launch new applications at will, and everyone can have a voice. But it's unlikely that our children's Internet will look anything like what we have now.

Strung out hackers and BBC beanbags — Mobile programming as a competitive art form? — On Saturday the BBC-sponsored Over The Air: the 48-hour race to create innovative mobile applications wound up with 21 teams presenting applications they had hacked together.

A class of copyright thieves? A lawsuit over lecture notes — The current university lecture has a few aspects that students from earlier decades might not recognize. Instead of the occasional tape recorder, professors will often find themselves surrounded by a small pack of electronic recording devices …

Blog Herald says Loren Feldman Outsmarted me — Matt Craven at the Blog Herald has posted a review of my recent mud wrestling with 1938 Media's Loren Feldman, saying Loren utsmarted me. Feldman, who seems to be building a career on making fun of prominent people in social media …

The “Hidden Return” Of Online Advertising — We all know that online advertising benefits from being measurable and that it's returns are often better than offline advertising. But the one thing we have not been able to measure is the offline impact of online advertising.