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Seesmic Acquires Popular Twitter AIR Client Twhirl — San Francisco video/chat startup Seesmic has acquired Twhirl, a popular application created by German developer Marco Kaiser that allows users to access the Twitter service directly from their desktop, and also cross post to other services like Pownce and Jaiku.
VentureBeat,,, ProgrammableWeb, Mashable!, The Last Podcast and ReadWriteWeb

20 reasons why Seesmic acquired Twhirl — As TechCrunch just announced, Seesmic just acquired Twhirl. And here are 20 ways it will benefit the Seesmic community —Staying in touch with your friends using microblogging is much easier using a client than through your browser

Video chat startup Seesmic acquires Twitter client Twhirl

iTunes Store Top Music Retailer in the US — Apple® today announced that the iTunes® Store ( surpassed Wal-Mart to become the number one music retailer in the US, based on the latest data from the NPD Group*. With over 50 million customers, iTunes has sold …

Microsoft: June 30 Windows XP cut-off set in stone — Microsoft made it official on April 3: There will be no new reprieves for Windows XP (other than on Ultra Low-Cost PCs). — Some customers and partners had been hoping the company might extend again the deadline for all PC makers …
TechWeb, Microsoft, Techlog, GottaBeMobile, Tech Tracks, BetaNews, Engadget, Electronista and Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog

Cone of silence (finally) lifts on the spectrum auction — For three weeks at the end of January and early February, a small team of us holed up in double super secret “war rooms” in Mountain View, CA and Washington, D.C. to bid on Google's behalf in the FCC spectrum auction.

Rumor: Ad network Federated Media raises $50M from Oak Hill Capital Partners, at $200M valuation — The ad network Federated Media has raised $50 million at a $200 million pre-money valuation from private equity firm Oak Hill Capital Partners, I've heard from a source, with investment bank Savvian helping to broker the deal.

MySpace and Record Companies Create Music Site — SAN FRANCISCO — In the latest effort by the ailing music industry to bolster its declining prospects, three of the four major music companies have struck a deal with MySpace to start an music Web site. — As part of the deal …
CNN, Associated Press, Business Week, Contentinople,, Podcasting News, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, Silicon Alley Insider,, Good Morning Silicon Valley, JupiterResearch, Business Week, Slashdot, Searchviews, Listening Post, Guardian Unlimited, Digital Daily, Techdirt, Download Squad, WebProNews, FaceReviews, TechBlog, TG Daily, Lost Remote and Electronista

The bubble to end all bubbles? — Are we in a bubble? Far too late to be asking that question, says Chris Nolan, a former Valley newspaper gossip who now runs a startup, Spot-On. She weighs in on the current market crisis and its effects on the tech business.

Finally: Craigslist Launches a Blog of Their Own — A month after we launched, the good people at craigslist launched their own blog. Oh, and shortly thereafter, I received the following request from their CEO, Jim Buckmaster, to shut ours down: … This was my response:

Craigslist Launches Official Blog
STARTUP CHATTER, craigslist blog, ReadWriteWeb, DygiScape, Download Squad, Bloggers Blog and The Blog Herald

South Park kills 10 YouTube memes for good — Viacom continues to pursue a $1 billion lawsuit against Google's YouTube for allowing video piracy. On Viacom's Comedy Central, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone aren't helping their corporate parent's legal case.

Fox Interactive Media To Miss Revenue Targets; Chief Revenue Officer Out Amid Reorganization — Amidst all the excitement over the MySpace Music announcement today is another story about the fate of parent company Fox Interactive Media. FIM, the division of News Corp. that controls MySpace …

Motorola to eliminate 2,600 jobs — Ouch. — Motorola took another hit Thursday in announcing, through a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, that it will lay off 2,600 employees. As a result, it will take a $104 million pretax charge in the first quarter of the year for severance costs.

Facebook hires away Google's top chef — Is it “poaching” when a company steals a rival's chef? At Google, executive chef Josef Desimone scrambled cruelty-free eggs by the truckload. Now Facebook has hired him to replace steam-heated trays of takeout with the kind of free food Googlers are used to. Not Immune From Discrimination Lawsuit, Appeals Court Rules — Apartment hunting site cannot shield itself from an housing discrimination lawsuit by claiming it is just an internet forum, because the site requires users to answer questions about their gender …

Reported Dollar Loss From Internet Crime Reaches All Time High — Washington, D.C. — According to the 2007 Internet Crime Report, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received 206,884 complaints of crimes perpetrated over the Internet during 2007. Of the complaints received …

Fashion Designers Turning To Patents To Protect Their Designs (And Kill The Industry) — from the how-short-sighted-can-you-be dept — Five years ago we pointed out that the entertainment industry could take a wonderful lesson from the fashion industry. After all, here was a highly competitive …