Top Items:

Apple passes Wal-Mart, now #1 music retailer in US — Over the past few years, we have watched Apple climb the music sales chart courtesy of the iTunes. Last month we learned that Apple passed Best Buy to become the number two retailer in the the US. Now, Apple has ascended to the top of the charts …
Apple 2.0, Download Squad, The Apple Core, TechBlog, CyberNet, Gizmodo, Electronista, Podcasting News, Apple Gazette, MacRumors, CrunchGear, Silicon Alley Insider, last100, Engadget, Alec Saunders .LOG, Dan's Tech-n-Stuff Weblog, Adaptive Path, 9 to 5 Mac, VentureBeat, Slashdot, hypebot and Digg

MySpace Music On The Way — Settles with Universal — MySpace is set to launch a joint music venture with three of the major music labels, according to sources familiar with the deal. — The new venture will be called MySpace Music and will offer music streaming, MP3 downloads, concert tickets, ringtones and merchandise.

Arrington: ‘Demo needs to die’ — TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, in discussing the decision to place TechCrunch 50 at the same time as DemoFall said, ‘Demo needs to die.’ — The scheduling of the TechCrunch 50 conference, which was announced Wednesday, has pit it directly against DemoFall …
The Guidewire

Imitation Is Flattery? Or Just Bad for Entrepreneurs? — There are a dozen other, perhaps more important and insightful, posts I'd rather be writing today. But, alas, my friends at TechCrunch put a wall in my path today and I just can't ignore it, despite counsel from perhaps wiser advisers to do just that.

Memo to Chris Shipley: Luca Brasi Sleeps With the Fishes! — “Demo needs to die,” said TechCrunch Editor Michael Arrington yesterday. — Oh, my. Oh, dear. Not more bloody tangoing!?! — The pugnacious tech blogger-who was last seen slapping around other tech bloggers who deigned …

Announcing The TechCrunch50 Conference: September 8-10, San Francisco

Trouble in conference land: TechCrunch50, DEMO happening at the same time
Valleywag, Pat Phelan, Ewan Spence's All New Musings, Geek Gestalt,, SheGeeks and Zoli's Blog

Psst...secrets of Google News exposed! — Often publishers ask us why Google News didn't include one of their articles, or skipped the image associated with an article. In the search for answers, we've noticed that there's a lot of confusion about how we include and rank articles.
Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable, Google Blogoscoped, WebProNews, WebProBlog and Journalistopia

SONY ROLLS OUT WORLD'S SMALLEST FULL HD CAMCORDER JUST IN TIME FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION — The new pocket-sized Sony HDR-TG1 Handycam® camcorder's weighty high-definition capability will appeal to vacationers who prefer to “travel light.” — This diminutive camcorder weighs in at only ten ounces.

Sony Intros Tiniest HD Video Camera Ever
IDG News Service

FriendFeed's Increased Filtering Clears Deck of Unwanted Junk — Before the end of 2007, after making FriendFeed an integral part of my daily Web experience, I publicly posted a number of requested updates that would help make the social Web activity aggregation service even more of a must-visit site than it already was for me.

IBM and Linden Partner on Enterprise-Class Second Life — IBM and Linden Labs are partnering to develop a version of Second Life that will live behind the corporate firewall. — As I mentioned in my previous post, Second Life is far too fat and clumsy to be taken seriously in the enterprise.

IBM and Linden Lab to create enterprise-safe virtual worlds
Computerworld, Gearlog, IT Jungle, I4U News, Crave, Breaking News, Gizmodo, The Last Podcast and The Technology Chronicles

An Atom-powered Intel? Not a chance — With Intel's focus on the new Atom-brand processors being described at the Intel Developer Forum this week, “Atom-powered” is the obvious description of the mobile Internet devices (MIDs) these chips will go into... and it seems like half the IDF stories …
IDG News Service

Study: ‘Influencers’ Possess Less Clout — IN THE WORLD OF SOCIAL media, so-called “influencers” might have less clout than some marketers think. — According to a new study from Canadian research firm Pollara, self-described social media users put far more trust in friends and family online …

Hands off our network, Bell tells CRTC — BY PETER NOWAK — Bell Canada Inc. is calling on the courts to scrap mandated access by competitors to its network, a move that could jeopardize some smaller companies that sell phone and internet services. — The Montreal-based company …

Trademark Dispute Pits Apple vs. The Big Apple — The Big Apple has a new logo, and Apple says: Drop dead. — At issue is the emblem for New York City's GreeNYC campaign, which has started to appear around the city on bus shelters, hybrid gasoline-electric taxicabs and even Whole Foods shopping bags.

iPhone used less for talk, more for Web and music, says iSuppli — US iPhone owners are spending their time enjoying all its capabilities - voice, data communications and multimedia entertainment - rather than exclusively using it for traditional voice calls, according to a latest consumer survey by research firm iSuppli.