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Analyst: How Apple sells 45 million iPhones in 2009 — Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster took a lot of heat back in June 2007 when he predicted, three weeks before Apple even began selling the iPhone, that the company would be shipping them at the rate of 45 million a year by 2009.
Crave, Electronista, Hardware 2.0, Between the Lines, Apple Gazette, MacDailyNews and LoopRumors

“Apple Will Sell 45mm iPhones in 2009—For $12 Billion of Revenue”
24/7 Wall St.

Content owners should drop Yahoo for Google — Yahoo made a huge critical blunder today: they decided to compete with their customers. Today they launched a content site called Shine dedicated to women. It looks really slick, and they make a point of talking about all the great editors …
Mashable!,, Associated Press, Susan Mernit's Blog, Quintura blog, Silicon Alley Insider and TechCrunch

Hear us roar — This isn't exactly a secret, but we've unveiled a new website for women today, called Yahoo! Shine. — When our editorial team — which includes editors that hail from Lucky to Jane to the Wall Street Journal — sat down to conceive it, we wanted to avoid all of the buckets …
Marksonland, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Digital Daily, Between the Lines, Tech Tracks, Susan Mernit's Blog, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Gadgetell, Search Engine Land, BetaNews, Digital Trends, Darren Herman, CNET, AppScout, Contentinople, BoomTown, WebGuild, Search Engine Journal, Profy.Com, ResourceShelf, Screenwerk, Download Squad, MarketingVOX and WebProNews

Publish2 raises a round, aims to bring more journalists to the web — In recent years, many journalists (including myself) have experimented with web services intended to help journalism go online, and those efforts have failed. — We'd hoped that things like better newsroom software …
Behind The Money Blog,, GigaOM, CNET, BuzzMachine, IP Democracy and Susan Mernit's Blog

Here's A ScreenShot Of Publish2 — Publish2, the stealth Digg-Clone-For-Journalists that announced a fundraising this morning, is being very quiet about exactly what their product is and how it works. In an interview last week they told me only friends and family were testing it.

Chumby Picks Up $12.5 Million Series B Funding — Chumby Industries (love the name), makers of the Chumby Internet connected device, have picked up $12.5 million in Series B funding today. The lead investor was JK&B Capital, and other participants included existing venture investors …

After 38 years, a new type of memory to hit market — It's been a long haul for phase change memory, but the goal is in sight. — Numonyx, the memory joint venture between STMicroelectronics and Intel, is already shipping samples of phase change memory (PCM) chips to customers …

April 1st, The Annual Day Without Google - Can You Live Without It For One Day? — Our network blog has just announced an annual ‘Day Without Google’, starting tomorrow April 1st. ASE editor Charles Knight writes: “All we're asking is that for One Day you try one of the Top 100 Alternative Search Engines”.

RIM's iPhone Killer: Just Like iPhone, But Crappier — Research in Motion's iPhone killer, the Blackberry 9000, has finally been spotted in the wild. (AAPL) (RIMM) Engadget has pics, one of which is on right (9000 on right, Blackberry Brick on left). Some observations: — RIM ripped off the iPhone!

Bad Security Week for Apple — Bad Security Week for Apple — Public embarrassment at a hacking contest and vulnerability disclosures for a new browser made for a discouraging week for Mac security folks. — It was one security embarrassment after another for Apple the week of March 24.

Brandjunkies on the Influence of Brands: The 2008 Brandjunkie Survey Results — So, just what does a man in Algeria between the ages of 40 and 45 feel about the McDonald's brand? Or what does a woman in the Philippines between the ages of 26 and 30 think of Google's brand?

Deutsche Telekom / T-Mobile demands Engadget Mobile discontinue using the color magenta — So last week Deutsche Telekom, owners of the global T-Mobile brand, sent Engadget a late birthday present: a hand-delivered letter direct from their German legal department requesting the prompt discontinuation …

Adobe joins Linux Foundation, develops AIR for Linux — San Francisco - Adobe Systems released an early alpha version of its rich Internet application platform AIR for Linux on Monday, and announced that it has joined the Linux Foundation, a nonprofit organization that promotes and standardizes Linux.
VentureBeat, Ars Technica, The Register,, AppScout, BetaNews, Compiler, Ryan Stewart, eWeek, 901am, and Slashdot

Happy Run Some Old Web Browsers Day! — computers, linux, mac, nscp, retrocomputing — Happy Run Some Old Web Browsers Day! — In honor of the ten year anniversary of the Mozilla project,, the Internet Web Site of the Mosaic Communications Corporation, is now back online.

Xoopit Turns Inbox Into a Social Network — Xoopit, a San Francisco-based company, has developed technologies that can turn your GMail (or for that matter, any IMAP email) account into a social environment that is most relevant to you. The company, which also is announcing a new $5 million round …

ProBlogger Launches PayPerTweet — ProBlogger Launches PayPerTweet — Over the last two years Twitter has grown exponentially in it's use by tens of millions of people around the world. Even ProBlogger's founder Darren Rowse is Tweeting Here. — With millions now using Twitter …

hi5 Launches Platform; First Network on OpenSocial with Messaging APIs — As expected, hi5 announced the launch of its developer platform today with support for OpenSocial. Additionally, the social network, which is most popular in Latin America, has announced that it has become a founding member …