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Bringing the cloud with you — We know that many of you have been waiting for offline access to Google Docs, and I'm happy to tell you we'll be rolling it out over the next few weeks, starting today with a small percentage of users. — Here's why I'm excited about this development.
The Last Podcast,, ReadWriteWeb, STARTUP CHATTER, Google Operating System, VentureBeat, Ars Technica, Official Google Blog, Zoho Blogs, BetaNews, Lifehacker, Dan's Tech-n-Stuff Weblog, Googlified, Web Worker Daily, Ajaxian, Digital Inspiration, TechCrunch,, Mashable! and HighTouch

Google Docs getting offline access — Google Docs' word processor is finally getting offline access. Using the free Google Gears extension, users will soon be able to read and edit their files even when they have no Internet connection. — The Gears-enabled version of Google Docs will roll …

Why We're Suing Facebook For $25 Million In Statutory Damages — When I started TechCrunch nearly three years ago it was meant to be little more than a hobby. I love startups, and writing about them was fun, not work. But since then this hobby has grown into a real business.

TechCrunch acquires Tiger Beat, will rename it CrunchKids

Your April Fool's Day Joke Continues to Suck — Having been blogging for a few years, I've developed a few annual traditions. This one's a favorite: Warning you off of lame April Fool's jokes on the web. Every year, I get called a curmudgeon, or lambasted for having no sense of humor.

The Transition to a Mac-ready Workforce — This is a few days old, but I didn't have a chance to write about it: A new Morgan Stanley survey suggests that 40% of college students plan to buy a Mac as their next computer. I mention this because it goes along exactly with what I've been saying for a while …
Howard Lindzon

RIM's iPhone Killer: Just Like iPhone, But Crappier — Research in Motion's iPhone killer, the Blackberry 9000, has finally been spotted in the wild. (AAPL) (RIMM) Engadget has pics, one of which is on right (9000 on right, Blackberry Brick on left). Some observations: — RIM ripped off the iPhone!

Web surfers know advertisers are watching—and don't like it — When I visit digg, I most often get ads for shoes available at Cole Haan and Nine West. Incidentally, I happen to like shoes from those retailers, and although I don't really need to buy new shoes, I find myself clicking through …

Norway asks to suspend its ‘Yes’ vote on OOXML — Members of the Norwegian technical committee that voted to ratify Microsoft's OOXML document format as an ISO standard are protesting that decision even before the full results of the standards body's vote on the technology have been announced.
ZDNet Government

YouTube RickRolls Users — If you aren't familiar with RickRolling - it's when someone puts a link on website to something, but it actually takes you to a music video of Rick Astley's “hit” song Never Gonna Give You Up. — YouTube is RickRolling its own users on April 1.

How Google Can Eat Amazon's Lunch — I can't believe I'm going to do this, but I'm going to do it. — Yesterday, Dave Winer ranted about how blogs have become an ecosystem of recycled conversations about an original thought that happened long ago. Even so, I am going to talk about a post that Dave Winer wrote this weekend.

Deutsche Telekom / T-Mobile demands Engadget Mobile discontinue using the color magenta — So last week Deutsche Telekom, owners of the global T-Mobile brand, sent Engadget a late birthday present: a hand-delivered letter direct from their German legal department requesting the prompt discontinuation …

Venture Capitalists Fight Back Against TheFunded — TheFunded, a site where entrepreneurs can leave anonymous feedback about their experiences with venture capitalists, has created quite a stir on Sand Hill Road. Rarely do I meet with a VC without the subject of it coming up, and how unfair it is.

Windows: A Monopoly Shakes — [Editor's Note: This is the first of two posts pulling data from Forrester report, “Enterprise Desktop And Web 2.0/SaaS Platform Trends, 2007”.] — Forrester Research published the data on Thursday, but only released it publicly today.

Sharing My Location Just the Way I Like It — I've been waiting eagerly for FireEagle. It launched at ETech (video & Radar post). It's Yahoo's service for brokering locations. The app itself is very simple and clear; it's the way it should be because it can be used to make some very big mistakes.

Xoopit Turns Inbox Into a Social Network — Xoopit, a San Francisco-based company, has developed technologies that can turn your GMail (or for that matter, any IMAP email) account into a social environment that is most relevant to you. The company, which also is announcing a new $5 million round …
Discussion:, Download Squad, VentureBeat, ReadWriteWeb, WinExtra,, Silicon Alley Insider, TechCrunch and Somewhat Frank

Hey, Sarbanes and Oxley, You Killed Our IPO Market—Are You Happy? — There's one sure way to make sure investors don't lose money in initial public offerings: Make sure there are none. And “none” is barely an exaggeration. As Vas Sridharan notes, there has been exactly one (1) ONE Valley IPO this year.
AccMan Pro