Top Items:

Insight into YouTube videos — I remember the first time a video I posted to YouTube cracked 100 views. I wasn't so much surprised as curious: Who were these people? How did they find this video? Where did they come from? — Today we're taking our first step towards answering …

YouTube Reveals Video Analytics Tool for All Users — Whether a YouTube video has 10 views or 10,000,000, people always want to know the same thing: who's watching this? Where do viewers come from? How did they find my video? — Finally, we have some answers.
Podcasting News

YouTube Feature Tells Video Creators When and Where a Clip Is Being Watched

Review: Adobe Photoshop Express — Adobe's VP of Hosted and Consumer Services refers to Photoshop Express as “the on-ramp to the Adobe digital-imaging franchise.” Next exit Photoshop Elements? Construction delays? Slippery pavement ahead? The mind reels with metaphorical possibilities.

Adobe Unveils Webtop Version of Photoshop. Picnik Is Not Scared. — As I alluded to in an earlier post, online photo-editing applications keep getting better as the competition heats up between startups like Picnik and FotoFlexer. Today, a very large competitor, Adobe …

A One-Stop Site Offers All the Photo Functions, From Posting Online …

Comcast and BitTorrent Form Collaboration to Address Network Management, Network Architecture and Content Distribution — Comcast Corporation and BitTorrent, Inc. announced today that they will undertake a collaborative effort with one another and with the broader Internet and ISP community …

Comcast Teams Up With BitTorrent and Promises Net Neutrality — Comcast has announced that it will lift the ban on BitTorrent traffic, which prevented its users from sharing files using the popular protocol. The ISP and BitTorrent Inc. will work together on finding customer friendly solutions …

Comcast, BitTorrent To Work Together On Network Traffic — Long at loggerheads, cable provider Comcast Corp. and popular file-sharing company BitTorrent Inc. now are working together. — The deal comes as BitTorrent, which became known for developing software technology widely used …

Safer Children in a Digital World: the report of the Byron Review — On 6th September the Prime Minister asked me to conduct an independent review, looking at the risks to children from exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate material on the internet and in video games.
WebProNews, BBC NEWS, Terra Nova, Cisco High Tech Policy Blog, and Digital Trends

Computer games to get cigarette-style health warnings
Guardian, Joystiq,, Kotaku,, and Destructoid

WebKit achieves Acid3 100/100 in public build — UPDATE We now believe we have a full rendering pass (but not necessarily an animation smoothness pass yet). See the bottom of the post for details. — UPDATE The Windows nightly is now available for download. See below for details.
Infinite Loop, Bb's RealTech, WeBreakStuff, Hixie's Natural Log and Adnans Sysadmin/Scripting Blog

Pirillo Starts Large Scale Community CMS Project — Chris Pirillo has announced a new, large scale open source CMS project that aims to “de-geekify” website tools (announcement video above). — The project will be built on the open source Drupal framework: … I chatted with Pirillo after the announcement.

New EC2 Features: Static IP Addresses, Availability Zones, and User Selectable Kernels — We just added three important new features to Amazon EC2: Elastic IP Addresses, Availability Zones, and User Selectable Kernels. The documentation, the WSDL, the AMI tools, and the command line tools …

Google February Paid Clicks Lousy (Again)* — A source says Comscore has finally released its February “US paid clicks” report for Google (GOOG), Yahoo (YHOO), et al. We have not seen the report, but our source relays the following: — Google had 515mm US paid clicks in February, which is up only 3% year over year.
Discussion:, WebGuild, The Last Podcast, Between the Lines, VentureBeat, WebProNews, CNET and Mashable!

Google Feb. Paid Clicks Up 3% Year-Over-Year

Safari for Windows: Only for ‘Apple-labeled’ computers? — Apple, it seems, hasn't totally gotten used to making browsers for this Windows thing. — The license terms for the company's Safari Web browser on Windows include a curious restriction: “The software allows you to install and use …

What I learned from OSBC 2008 — Having had a day to ruminate about the Open Source Business Conference 2008, a few key takeaways suggest themselves. It was by far the best OSBC yet, with a far more diverse audience and speaking faculty that we've had before.

Jana Partners On CNET Reorg: Timing ‘Astounding’; Task Force Led By Wrong Party — Jana Partners, the activist group going after CNET (NSDQ: CNET), has published a letter commenting on the company's latest layoffs and reorganization. The firm says it is “astounding” that it took the company so long to make a shakeup.
Silicon Alley Insider