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CNET REORGANIZATION: INTERNAL MEMO FROM NEIL ASHE, CEO — We all recognize that we must continuously change to be successful, and we embrace change. At the beginning of the year, we talked about our focus on category defining brands and the need to drive greater efficiencies in the business.

Online media company CNET cutting 120 jobs — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Online media company CNET Networks Inc said on Wednesday it will eliminate 120 jobs, or about 10 percent of its staff, in a restructuring to help it focus on long-term growth amid complaints from some investors.

CNET Internal Memo: ‘Difficult Decisions’; Realignment; May Raise …

Google February Paid Clicks Lousy (Again)* — A source says Comscore has finally released its February “US paid clicks” report for Google (GOOG), Yahoo (YHOO), et al. We have not seen the report, but our source relays the following: — Google had 515mm US paid clicks in February, which is up only 3% year over year.

Insight into YouTube videos — I remember the first time a video I posted to YouTube cracked 100 views. I wasn't so much surprised as curious: Who were these people? How did they find this video? Where did they come from? — Today we're taking our first step towards answering …

YouTube Feature Tells Video Creators When and Where a Clip Is Being Watched — In a move to provide better data to its users, YouTube formally announced late Wednesday that it had added a free feature that will show video creators when and where viewers are watching their videos.

The Twenty-Five Most Valuable Blogs — There is no way to accurately put a value on blogs and blogging companies. All are privately-held and, as is true with many content businesses, the value of the company is based on what a buyer will pay. The figures we have put together look …
Silicon Alley Insider, Pro Blogging News, Beet.TV, The Guidewire,, Maple Leaf 2.0, David Galbraith, Mark Evans and MediaFile

Motorola insider tells all about the fall of a technology icon — Last month we were contacted by the late Geoffrey Frost's personal adviser at Motorola; until Frost's death in 2005, Numair Faraz worked under the Motorola's former CMO — the man widely regarded as the father of the RAZR.
CNET, Gadgetell, Gizmodo, IntoMobile, One More Thing, Out of the Box, MacDailyNews, Switched, Boing Boing Gadgets, New York Times and Slashdot

Amazon takes on Apple with copy-protection-free music — The music industry is finally comfortable selling digital music without copy protection, but the huge shift hasn't resulted in dramatically higher sales. — Instead, it produced something that major music labels have long sought: a strong No. 2 competitor to Apple.
Silicon Alley Insider, VentureBeat,, Coolfer, hypebot, MacDailyNews, CNET and eHomeUpgrade

Review: Adobe Photoshop Express — Adobe's VP of Hosted and Consumer Services refers to Photoshop Express as “the on-ramp to the Adobe digital-imaging franchise.” Next exit Photoshop Elements? Construction delays? Slippery pavement ahead? The mind reels with metaphorical possibilities.

Live from Mozilla: Firefox for iPhone? No. — Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla VP of engineering — I'm at a Mozilla “open house” sitting around a table with about 10 other bloggers. Lots of history is being discussed here; the 10th anniversary of Mozilla will be celebrated on Monday (Firefox 1 came out two years after Mozilla started).

Opera and the Acid3 Test — We have some excellent news! Lars Erik Bolstad, the Head of Core Technology at Opera Software, sent me the following information to share:
Ed Burnette's Dev Connection, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, CyberNet, Bb's RealTech and Slashdot

HP UMPC 2133 specs revealed, street date of April 7th? — We'd been hearing that HP's slick UMPC 2133 was going sport VIA processors, and now we've got some more info to back that up — we just received what appears to be a full spec list for the upcoming machine, and it's VIA C7-Ms all around …

AMD releases Quad and Triple core Phenom processors — Today AMD announce the expansion of the CPU lineup by officially releasing quad-core and triple-core Phenom processors. — How best to sum up this new lineup? I guess it's a case where that old phrase “something for everyone” actually fits the bill pretty well.

Apple forbids Windows users from installing Safari for Windows — First they mock web security. Then EULAs — In using Apple Software Update to slip his Safari browser onto millions of Windows PCs, Steve Jobs didn't just undermine “the security of the whole Web”. He's made a mockery of end user licensing agreements.

Dash's Car Navigator Gives Smart Directions, If Others Participate — As smart as in-car navigation devices are, they could be smarter. They could talk to each other via the Internet and share information on how fast traffic is moving on the roads they have just traveled.

More Questions Than Answers About OpenSocial — The launch of the OpenSocial Foundation yesterday was probably more about preempting lawsuits than it is about anything else, but getting Yahoo!, Google and Newscorp all in the same room raised some eyebrows. It also raises some big questions.