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Review: Adobe Photoshop Express — Adobe's VP of Hosted and Consumer Services refers to Photoshop Express as “the on-ramp to the Adobe digital-imaging franchise.” Next exit Photoshop Elements? Construction delays? Slippery pavement ahead? The mind reels with metaphorical possibilities.
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Adobe Unveils Webtop Version of Photoshop. Picnik Is Not Scared. — As I alluded to in an earlier post, online photo-editing applications keep getting better as the competition heats up between startups like Picnik and FotoFlexer. Today, a very large competitor, Adobe …

Adobe opens shop on Web-based Photoshop Express — Adobe Systems will open up Photoshop Express on Thursday, its long-anticipated Web-based image editor aimed at the millions of consumers that want a simple way to touch up, share, and store photos. — Photoshop Express …

A One-Stop Site Offers All the Photo Functions, From Posting Online …

Insight into YouTube videos — I remember the first time a video I posted to YouTube cracked 100 views. I wasn't so much surprised as curious: Who were these people? How did they find this video? Where did they come from? — Today we're taking our first step towards answering …
WebProNews, Search Engine Journal,, CNET, Googlified, Howard Lindzon, TechCrunch and Search Engine Watch Blog

YouTube Launches Video Stats Package — Google announced this evening the immediate availability of a new video statistics package free for anyone with a YouTube account. The software, called Insight, gives users access to a range of statistics about the videos they upload to the site …

YouTube Feature Tells Video Creators When and Where a Clip Is Being Watched — In a move to provide better data to its users, YouTube formally announced late Wednesday that it had added a free feature that will show video creators when and where viewers are watching their videos.

WebKit achieves Acid3 100/100 in public build — UPDATE We now believe we have a full rendering pass (but not necessarily an animation smoothness pass yet). See the bottom of the post for details. — UPDATE The Windows nightly is now available for download. See below for details.

Opera and the Acid3 Test — We have some excellent news! Lars Erik Bolstad, the Head of Core Technology at Opera Software, sent me the following information to share:

Pirillo Starts Large Scale Community CMS Project — Chris Pirillo has announced a new, large scale open source CMS project that aims to “de-geekify” website tools (announcement video above). — The project will be built on the open source Drupal framework: … I chatted with Pirillo after the announcement.

Google February Paid Clicks Lousy (Again)* — A source says Comscore has finally released its February “US paid clicks” report for Google (GOOG), Yahoo (YHOO), et al. We have not seen the report, but our source relays the following: — Google had 515mm US paid clicks in February, which is up only 3% year over year.
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Google Feb. Paid Clicks Up 3% Year-Over-Year

Safer Children in a Digital World: the report of the Byron Review — On 6th September the Prime Minister asked me to conduct an independent review, looking at the risks to children from exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate material on the internet and in video games.

My new gig at the Guardian in London — At the end of April I will be joining the Guardian in London to build a new developer program there. — This is a fantastic opportunity in many ways. Perhaps what's most appealing to me is the direction the Guardian is going …

HP UMPC 2133 specs revealed, street date of April 7th? — We'd been hearing that HP's slick UMPC 2133 was going sport VIA processors, and now we've got some more info to back that up — we just received what appears to be a full spec list for the upcoming machine, and it's VIA C7-Ms all around …

Steve Jobs Apple Collage Looks Impressive — The image associated with this post is best viewed using a browser.We're not sure how many hours it took to assemble this collage of Steve Jobs made solely out of Apple products, but we're pretty sure the process was done on a Mac.

Motorola insider tells all about the fall of a technology icon — Last month we were contacted by the late Geoffrey Frost's personal adviser at Motorola; until Frost's death in 2005, Numair Faraz worked under the Motorola's former CMO — the man widely regarded as the father of the RAZR.
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