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iPhone 2.0, iPhone 3.0 or iPhone Nano - a clamshell/flip phone? — When talking about how Apple is gonna take over mobile phone industry, one of the things that is very rarely talked about, is iPhone form factor. — There's a reason we have mobile phones in tens of shapes and sizes, and a number of form factors.
TechCrunch, Infinite Loop, The Boy Genius Report, Gizmodo, Ubergizmo, Technology Questions, IntoMobile, zedgeHeadz, MacRumors, LoopRumors and Tech Blog

Online advertiser to settle spam charges for record $2.9 million — An online advertising company accused of luring customers with deceptive offers of “free” iPhones, laptop computers, plasma televisions, and other goods has agreed to pay a record $2.9 million fine as part of a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission.

Recognize Internet addiction as a mental illness, MD urges — Users experience cravings, withdrawal, psychiatrist says — Compulsive e-mailing and text messaging could soon become classified as an official brain illness. — An editorial in this month's issue of the American Journal …

Martian Headsets — You're about to see the mother of all flamewars on internet groups where web developers hang out. It'll make the Battle of Stalingrad look like that time your sister-in-law stormed out of afternoon tea at your grandmother's and wrapped the Mustang around a tree.
Guardian Unlimited

Is fragmentation bad? — Imagine that you've just finished watching a movie and are in the mood to talk about it. How are you going to do that? You could chat with random, semi-anonymous people in the movie theater lobby (assume you went to a theater). You could find a community of people …

Think Different: Maybe the Web's Not a Place to Stick Your Ads — Matthew Creamer Asks Whether We're All Missing the Point When It Comes to the Internet — “Steve Jobs hates the internet.” So jokes a contact of mine whenever he laments what he regards as Apple's relatively paltry investment in web advertising.

BLOGGER FOILS GOOGLE'S APRIL FOOLS' JOKE ON MICROSOFT Sneaky blogger Phillip Lenssen uncovered Google's answer to Microsoft's annoying animated assistant, Clippy. His name is Cliply. Lessen found him in the source code of a Google Docs document. Google developers told Lenssen Cliply is an …

Vista SP1 Consumer Rollout Coming Tomorrow — Customers will be able to download SP1 tomorrow; retail versions will be in stores on Wednesday. — Microsoft's long-awaited service pack for Windows Vista is reported to be heading to consumers tomorrow. The RTM version of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 …
Engadget, The Register, The Last Podcast, Gizmodo, TechSpot, Gadgetell, Slashdot and Dan's Tech-n-Stuff Weblog

10 Things I Warned Microsoft About Windows Vista
Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, Jeremy Toeman's LIVEdigitally, CrunchGear, WinBeta and Forever Geek

Online Games by the Hundreds, With Tie-Ins — For some children, watching “Dora the Explorer” on television is becoming passé. Now, they want to be Dora. — Tapping into this desire, media companies are increasingly entering the marketplace for online games — called casual games …

How I gamed Digg — and laughed all the way to the bank — If you make your living publishing content on the Internet, you live and die by the pageview. One way to drive huge amounts of traffic to your site is through “social news” sites like Digg. If I write something interesting …

A new specter is haunting Valleywag — It is high time that I should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish my views, my aims, my tendencies. The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. As a proud member of the creative underclass, I'm here to rage!

Microsoft Adopts Flash Lite For Windows Mobile As a Stopgap Measure — Flash Lite for mobile phones might not be good enough for Steve Jobs, but Microsoft is less picky. It is licensing Flash Lite for Windows Mobile. This is an acknowledgment of two things: there are a lot of developers …

FriendFeed has search — I am extremely happy to announce that FriendFeed now has search. There is now a search box on the top right of your FriendFeed home page. You can search over all of your friends' shared items, an individual person's items, or search all of FriendFeed:

WordPerfect antitrust case greenlighted by the Supreme Court — Microsoft and Novell are partners now, but the companies used to be fierce competitors in the office software space. We know how that war turned out: Word and Excel gradually squeezed WordPerfect and Quattro Pro out of the market …

Google: We didn't help the NSA (or did we?) — Google is now the first of the major search engines and e-mail providers to make a firm statement on the issue of the National Security Agency's wholesale surveillance of Internet content. — Google has stated it didn't help the NSA search your e-mails.

Facebook gets entangled in Middle East conflict — JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Complaints by Jewish settlers angry at Facebook for listing them as residents of “Palestine” prompted the popular social networking Web site to allow users to switch themselves back to Israel.