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FriendFeed Adds Search, And Suddenly Feels Like A Destination Site — FriendFeed, a service that aggregates social network information, just launched quite a nice little search feature. Users can search by individual, friends, or all users, and specify the search only to specific services like Twitter or Delicious.
Discussion:, broadstuff, Scobleizer, Alexander van Elsas's Weblog …, WinExtra, The Last Podcast and WeBreakStuff

FriendFeed has search — I am extremely happy to announce that FriendFeed now has search. There is now a search box on the top right of your FriendFeed home page. You can search over all of your friends' shared items, an individual person's items, or search all of FriendFeed:
Discussion:, The Last Podcast, SheGeeks, Lifestream Blog, Fast Wonder Blog and WeBreakStuff

FriendFeed gains search. Hey Twitter, where's your search? — Both FriendFeed and Twitter have seemingly been talked about non-stop in the blogosphere since SXSW ended (our coverage). That will continue at least one more day as FriendFeed has added search functionality.

Meebo raising round, valued up to $250 million. Bear Stearns sold for $236 million — Meebo, the site that lets users send instant messages from a single page — across various IM platforms — is trying to raise $25-$30 million at a nose-bleed valuation of between $200 million and $250 million, I'm hearing from multiple sources.

Charlie Rose Face Plants To Save His MacBook Air — Yeah, you read that headline right. Apple couldn't pay for better press than this. — Viewers of the Charlie Rose show tonight were stunned to see the normally composed Rose looking like he'd just been in a bar fight.

Apple snags 14 percent of US-based PC retail sales in February — Growth in Apple's personal computer business continued to outpace the industry average last month, with Macs accounting for a 14 percent unit share and 25 percent dollar share of all US-based PC retail sales, according to market research firm NPD.

Six-core Intel processors coming this year — Advancing its architecture at what most independent observers would now agree is a breakneck pace, Intel offered further details today on how soon it would begin phasing out the Core Microarchitecture it introduced in the summer of 2006.

Intel Corporation's Multicore Architecture Briefing — Intel Corporation today discussed upcoming leading edge microprocessors and technologies. Intel's 45nm high-k metal gate leading manufacturing technology is enabling the industry to move to multicore processors in all market segments …

Recognize Internet addiction as a mental illness, MD urges — Users experience cravings, withdrawal, psychiatrist says — Compulsive e-mailing and text messaging could soon become classified as an official brain illness. — An editorial in this month's issue of the American Journal …
O'Flaherty,, Engadget,, Life On the Wicked Stage, 901am, Online Media Cultist and Digg

2.5 Sneak Peek — A customizable dashboard, multi-file upload, built-in galleries, one-click plugin upgrades, tag management, built-in Gravatars, full text feeds, and faster load times sound interesting to you? Then WordPress 2.5 might be the release for you.

Does More Than One Monitor Improve Productivity? — I've been a multiple monitor enthusiast since the dark days of Windows Millennium Edition. I've written about the manifold joys of many-monitor computing a number of times over the last four years: — Multiple Monitors and Productivity

Is fragmentation bad? — Imagine that you've just finished watching a movie and are in the mood to talk about it. How are you going to do that? You could chat with random, semi-anonymous people in the movie theater lobby (assume you went to a theater). You could find a community of people …

Apple patent would allow iPhone clamshell — Apple has developed a technique that could allow for a smaller iPhone with all the controls but half the size, according to a recent but not yet fully public US Patent Office filing. Described as a “dual sided trackpad,” the primary variant …

BLOGGER FOILS GOOGLE'S APRIL FOOLS' JOKE ON MICROSOFT Sneaky blogger Phillip Lenssen uncovered Google's answer to Microsoft's annoying animated assistant, Clippy. His name is Cliply. Lessen found him in the source code of a Google Docs document. Google developers told Lenssen Cliply is an …

How I gamed Digg — and laughed all the way to the bank — If you make your living publishing content on the Internet, you live and die by the pageview. One way to drive huge amounts of traffic to your site is through “social news” sites like Digg. If I write something interesting …