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YouTube Everywhere — We try really hard to make YouTube as open as possible. Anyone can upload and view videos, which can be embedded anywhere and viewed on all kinds of different devices. And, of course, anyone can participate in our community by commenting on videos, rating them, and sharing them with friends.
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YouTube, once just a destination, becoming a service too — Google's YouTube just announced that it is expanding its APIs to allow more direct access to the service. — The updates to the APIs, or application programming interfaces, give developers deeper access into YouTube for video uploading …
Crave, Ars Technica, Chris Pirillo,, Electronista,, Mashable!, Gadgetell, AppScout, NewTeeVee and Geek News Central

Something to write home about — Since the initial YouTube Data API launch back in August, the team has been hard at work completing a whole suite of tools and features to make it possible for you to fully integrate YouTube into your sites and applications.
Googling Google, Official Google Blog, Google Operating System, BetaNews and Digital Trends

iPhone SDK Downloads Top 100,000 — Apple® today announced that more than 100,000 iPhone™ developers have downloaded the beta iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK) in the first four days since its launch on March 6. The iPhone SDK provides developers with the same rich set …
CNET, Engadget, Guardian Unlimited, Infinite Loop, Gadgetell, Digital Trends, Podcasting News, IntoMobile, iLounge, Gadget Lab,, iPhone Central, The Apple Core, MacDailyNews, I4U News, Kotaku, Silicon Alley Insider, Boing Boing Gadgets, Macsimum News, Technology Live, Byte of the Apple, JD on EP, Macworld, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and Mobile Entertainment

The Search for the Killer iPhone App — Many developers are hard at work building tools for Apple's popular phone, despite what some consider limits on their ability to collaborate — Executives at venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers had a running bet as they announced …

Yahoo's Nightmare Scenario, Part 1 — Here's what many people within Yahoo (YHOO), who are not CEO Jerry Yang and the board of directors, are chattering about these days: That the Internet portal will not make a deal, any kind of deal, related to the outstanding unsolicited acquisition offer by Microsoft …

Yahoo Disaster Scenario: Blowing Q1 — Kara Swisher revives an issue we raised a few weeks back: What happens if Yahoo (YHOO) blows Q1? This question has no doubt been bandied about in Microsoft (MSFT) conference rooms as an exasperated Steve Ballmer watches Yahoo's molasses-like response to its bid.
Tech Trader Daily, Big Tech,, CNET, Thomas Hawk's Digital … and Webomatica

Half-Assed Startup: How do I start my company and keep my day job? — [Ed: I enjoyed Tony Wright's contrarian article, Half-Assed Startup, when I first read it on his excellent blog. Tony, a founder of RescueTime (Y Combinator), argues that you can start a company while you're otherwise employed.
Texas Startup Blog

The Tools Google Uses Internally — A web seminar Google held yesterday at KMWorld Magazine offered a great deal of insight into how Google manages projects and communication internally. The presentation by Google followed an employee through his first few weeks at the company …

A Heart Device Is Found Vulnerable to Hacker Attacks — To the long list of objects vulnerable to attack by computer hackers, add the human heart. — The threat seems largely theoretical. But a team of computer security researchers plans to report Wednesday that it had been able …

Rush Limbaugh gets special treatment from Apple — Here's one way to get moved to the head of the genius line: complain about your problem on a radio show carried by 650 stations across the U.S. — On Feb. 12, Rush Limbaugh, a self-proclaimed “big Mac guy,” talked about two problems …

GoDaddy Silences Police-Watchdog Site — A new web service that lets users rate and comment on the uniformed police officers in their community is scrambling to restore service Tuesday, after hosting company GoDaddy unceremonious pulled-the-plug on the site in the wake of outrage from criticism-leery cops.
Techdirt, DSLreports,, WebProNews, The Technology Liberation … and Boing Boing

iPhone Dev Team jailbreaks firmware 2.0... before it's out — This is just getting silly, don't you think? The iPhone Dev Team has once again proven their totally gnarly talents by freeing up the latest firmware before it's even the latest firmware. Apple, here's our suggestion …
Infinite Loop, Computerworld Blogs, PC World, MacUser, InformationWeek Weblog, IntoMobile and 9 to 5 Mac

Did DivX close Stage6 to duck copyright litigation? — DivX, parent company of defunct video-sharing site Stage6, on Tuesday disclosed how it came to the decision to shutter the service rather than to sell. — “Potential copyright litigation” was one of management's top considerations leading …

How Nanaimo Became Best Known Google Earth Town — Those of you who are astute readers of this blog (and other geo-spatial blogs) will probably already know that the small town of Nanaimo in British Columbia, Canada has been garnering the reputation of the best town to leverage Google Earth.