Top Items:

Apple Announces iPhone 2.0 Software Beta — Includes SDK & Built-in Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync — Apple® today previewed its iPhone™ 2.0 software, scheduled for release this June, and announced the immediate availability of a beta release of the software to selected developers and enterprise customers.
GigaOM, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, AppleInsider, Computerworld, Macsimum News, Macworld,, MacDailyNews, Zero Day, Switched, Between the Lines, Orbitcast, Engadget, You Had Me At EHLO, CenterNetworks, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Guardian Unlimited, Paul Colligan's …, The Universal Desktop, Engadget Mobile, Tech Ticker, Gadgetell, Insanely Great Mac and Silicon Alley Insider

iPhone SDK exceeds developer expectations — Apple's iPhone SDK offers far more than many developers expected, according to developers that InfoWorld spoke with after the long-awaited SDK unveiled today. “It looks like this is what everybody wanted,” said Tony Meadow, principal at Bear River Associates …

iPhone SDK, Apple's Touch Platform, and The Next Two Decades — What we saw today was the spark. The explosion will continue for twenty years. We will all feel the warmth. — What we saw today was the beginning of two-decades of mobile domination by Apple.

Q&A: Microsoft Helps Connect Apple iPhone Users to Microsoft's Exchange Server — Terry Myerson, corporate vice president for Exchange, talks to PressPass about the importance of the new agreement between Microsoft and Apple to offer built-in support for Exchange on the iPhone …
The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Engadget, Microsoft Watch, greg hughes, CyberNet, Switched and Out of the Box

Kleiner Perkins Anounces $100 million iFund for iPhone Applications — John Doerr took the stage today at Apple's announcement of its iPhone software developer kit and announced a $100 million fund to invest in startups that create apps for the iPhone. ""I can't wait to see the great new companies that we build together," he says.
New York Times, Byte of the Apple,, VC Circle, Los Angeles Times, Profy.Com, The Open Road, Epicenter, The Register, stuart henshall and Macworld

iPhone Enterprise and SDK: First Impressions and Questions — ENTERPRISE SUPPORT … I was wrong. There was never any question that this is a big market, the question was whether Apple wanted a part of it. The answer, clearly, is yes. The enterprise features announced today are serious and difficult.
GracefulFlavor, One More Thing, The Macalope, Mark Sigal's Blog, Out of the Box and Ars Technica

Why Apple's SDK finally justifies iPhone hype — Last June, a day after buying Apple's much-hyped iPhone, the first thing I noticed was that the thing wasn't a cellphone. The iPhone was revolutionary, I wrote then, because it was the first fully-mobile general-purpose computer.

Apple takes iPhone corporate in a big way
Business Week, editors, CNET,, Techlog, Macworld and

Live from Apple's iPhone SDK press conference
Ryan Block, PC World, Hardware 2.0, Ars Technica, Macworld, TechCrunch,, eWeek, Massively, Computerworld, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Skype Journal, 9 to 5 Mac, Download Squad, Engadget Mobile, Valleywag, VentureBeat, Gizmodo, Digital Daily, Public Knowledge, Gadget Lab, Joystiq, MacRumors, SMS Text News, Wi-Fi Networking News, The Boy Genius Report, AppScout, InformationWeek Weblog and Tech Trader Daily

MIX08 - Steve Ballmer screams “Web developers. Web developers. Web developers” — On the second day of Microsoft's MIX 2008 conference in Las Vegas for web developers and designers, Rafael Rivera - my liveblogging companion and Bryant Zadegan's cameraman, took the rare opportunity to stand …

Ballmer on the hot seat at Mix — LAS VEGAS—At Microsoft's Mix conference here Thursday, CEO Steve Ballmer said online advertising is “the next superbig thing” but admitted that the company is well behind Google. — “Despite the fact you could say we are not where we'd like to be …
Microsoft Watch

Google will have 90% search market share in the US one year from now — That's an insane prediction I was told, after I made it in front of a half dozen of the most important public market investors in the tech world at a conference recently (think the largest shareholders in Yahoo and Google).
Michael Gray, Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog, Favorite {fvrit} Blog, Good Morning Silicon Valley and Joe Duck

Amazon to enter US wine market — Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, is to start selling wine in the US, entering a business fraught with regulatory complexities and littered with the wreckage of previous failures. — Amazon is looking to recruit a senior wine buyer …

The future of social networks: Social networks will be like air — On Monday, I gave the kick off speech for the Graphing Social Patterns West conference on the topic, “The Future Of Social Networks” (slides are available on SlideShare, summaries available on, ReadWriteWeb, and allfacebook.)

Yahoo Plays for Time In Bid to Resist Microsoft — Yahoo said yesterday that it postponed the deadline for nominating directors, seeking time to try to fend off a $44.6 billion takeover bid from Microsoft. — Since Microsoft announced its unsolicited proposal last month …

DIA keeps Wi-Fi on the mild side — Want to browse Vanity Fair magazine on the Denver airport's free Wi-Fi system? Sorry. You'll have to buy it at the newsstand, because DIA's Internet filter blocks Vanity Fair as “provocative.” — You can't get to the popular gossip column on DIA's Wi-Fi signal, either.

Denver airport censors free Wi-Fi network
Wi-Fi Networking News

Analysts say T-Mobile may acquire Sprint — Sprint Nextel may be a takeover target, according to one of the nation's largest investment banking firms. — Deutsche Telekom, owner of T-Mobile and the world's sixth largest phone company, may consider acquiring Overland Park-based Sprint …

Another Touchscreen Phone But Wait, This One Has A Surprise! — Check out this concept mobile phone called the Mooon+. One too many “o's” in there but I appreciate the clean design. It's got that big gorgeous touchscreen, sleek design, sexy metal accents, and a digital camera. So what's the big deal right?

How to get “new” Gmail in your Google Apps account — While many people using Google Apps are already happy users of the “new” version of Gmail (apparently Google doesn't want to call it Gmail 2.0), there are still many users of Google Apps that are stuck on the older version.