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Look before you leak — I bet you thought people banked in the Cayman Islands because they serve fruity cocktails with tiny parasols in them while you're waiting for your checks to clear. Well, you're only partly right. The other reason people keep accounts in the Caymans is to avoid paying taxes …

eBay seller strike starts, listings dip — EBay's listings appear to be down 3% since this week's seller strike began, but separating the boycott's effects from standard daily fluctuations is a tricky task. — (FORTUNE Small Business) — Monday marked the start of a week-long eBay (EBAY …

Microsoft releases Windows XP SP3 RC2 — Microsoft has released Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate 2 to the general public. For the last few weeks the latest pre-release version of SP3 was only available to about 15,000 beta testers. But now you can download the update from Microsoft's servers using Windows Update.

Update on Windows Vista SP1 Prerequisite KB937287 — We've heard a few reports about problems customers may be experiencing as a result of KB937287, the servicing stack update I blogged about last week, and I wanted to provide a quick update for you. Immediately after receiving reports of this error …

Sprint expected to undercut rivals' call plans — NEW YORK (Reuters) - No. 3 U.S. mobile service provider Sprint Nextel Corp (S.N) is expected to offer flat-rate calling plans at up to a 40 percent discount to its rivals, hurtling the industry into a price war, analysts said on Wednesday.

Gates on Yahoo: It's the people — PALO ALTO, Calif.—Bill Gates is willing to pay a lot for engineering talent. — Asked what makes Yahoo worth more than $40 billion, Gates pointed not to the company's products, its huge base of advertisers or its market share, but rather to the company's engineers.

Gates On Yahoo Acquisition: It's The Engineers We Want

Microsoft announces games for Zune via XNA Studio — Looks like games are coming for the Zune after all! Microsoft just announed XNA Studio developers will be able to use the Zune as a multiplayer wireless mobile gaming platform. Details are sparse at this point, but it looks like it's …

Sharper Image Files for Bankruptcy; You'll Need to Go Elsewhere to Try Out a Massage Recliner — When I was a kid and would get dragged to the mall by my parents, I would always gravitate to stores like Sharper Image. These gadget-stuffed stores probably never actually got a sale out of me …

HP's UMPC 2133 to cost $630 when shipping in April? — A report by the Commercial Times says that HP will launch its 8.9-inch UMPC in April for “more than” NT$20,000 or about $630 bucks. Sure sounds like the UMPC 2133 we showed you yesterday, eh? That's about right when you compare it to the $300, entry-level 7-inch Eee PC.
Electronista, UMPCPortal, The Mobile Gadgeteer, The Boy Genius Report, Mobility Site, The Register and Digg

Google & Its 99 Broadband Balloons — Google, according to The Wall Street Journal is thinking about teaming up with Space Data Corp., a company that sends balloons carrying small (micro) base stations about 20 miles up in the air for providing connectivity to truckers and oil companies.

Why Most VC-Backed, Ad-Supported Companies Are Doomed to Fail — Most of the web projects out there are ad-supported, or intend to be ad-supported. — While a lot of companies are bootstrapped, most are financed by angel investors or venture capitalists.
Tech Confidential

GenieTown Launches To Tackle Local Services — Palo Alto-based Genie Town launches this morning. They're trying to crack the local services nut - a huge market, but one that a lot of the big guys are eyeing, too. — The company says they are addressing the long tail of local services.
Tech Confidential, Insider Chatter, Screenwerk, Rational rants, 901am, CenterNetworks,, VentureBeat and Mashable!

Olympic committe says yes to bloggers!?! No! — The IOC Blogging Guidelines just fell into my mailbox. It was clear to me the the Olympic committee must adjust it's rules to the emerging world of social media, blogging, photo sharing and video sharing and to use it as an advantage.

NewsClipper Brings All The News Video from Around the Web to One Place — Why isn't there a Google News for video? That is what Onar Vikingstad, a 27-year-old Norwegian Web developer with a day job at Apple, asked himself before he created NewsClipper. The site is a side project …

T-Shirts for VCs — Hilarious new t-shirts for the “top 2/20%” (get it?) of the population from VC Wear: — There are more awesome t-shirts at VC Wear as well a Powerpoint Pitch and a Buy it (the company) Now button. — There's truth in every shirt. Brilliant.

The New Backpack's First 24 Hours — Yesterday's big Backpack update was a huge success. It was the best day in Backpack's history — even better than the last big update in July '07 and add anywhere in Oct '07. — We usually don't share numbers, but we thought we'd break tradition …

EU Invests $22 Million in Next-Generation BitTorrent Client — A few weeks ago we reported that the EU Greens launched a pro-filesharing campaign named “I Wouldn't Steal”. In a continued effort to support the development of P2P technology, the European Union has now invested $22 million …
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