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So What Happened At YouTube's Videocracy Event? — YouTube trotted out all their heavy hitters for their Videocracy event in NYC last night. — Here are some highlights of what they said: — For Content Partners/Creators — Get ready for active sharing. — Get ready for upgraded video editing tools.
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Microsoft reorg: Who's in; who's out — On February 14, Microsoft announced a corporate reorganization affecting many of its divisions. — As with any Microsoft early-year reorg — which typically occur after the company's fiscal mid-year reviews — there are winners and losers.

Microsoft Announces New, Expanded Roles for Key Executives — Fourteen leaders promoted as company matches leadership talent to expanding business priorities. — Microsoft Corp. today announced a series of executive promotions — seven new senior vice presidents and seven new corporate vice presidents …

PS3 said to outsell Xbox in 2008, crack 20m in 2011 — Sony's PlayStation 3 console will outperform the Xbox 360 and roughly double its user base in 2008, says a new estimate by research firm iSuppli. The study predicts that Sony will sell approximately 10 million PS3s over the course of 2008 …

LiveUniverse Buys Revver for More than a Song — Troubled video site Revver was bought by Brad Greenspan's LiveUniverse last night for a price “many multiples more” than the $500,000 to $1.5 million reported recently, according to a source close to the deal.

Microsoft researchers make me cry — It's not often that I see software that really changes my world. It's even rarer that I see software that I know will change the world my sons live in. I can count those times pretty easily. The first time I saw an Apple II in 1977.

Yahoo turns to News Corp., leaving Microsoft jilted at the altar — Yahoo didn't like Microsoft's advances, despite the ostensibly sweet buyout offer of $44.6 billion, or $31 per share. So management is looking around for other sweethearts that could keep it from falling under the control of big, bad Mr. Softy.

Google Tests Video Ads on Search Results Pages — Google has always had a love-hate relationship with advertising. Its power and wealth come from the $16 billion a year of advertising that it sells. Yet on its most important pages, the results from its Web search engine …

Google cheers anti-Comcast legislation — ‘Power to the people. And us.’ — Just after Comcast copped to throttling P2P traffic, a new net neutrality bill appeared on Capitol Hill. — Yesterday, US congressman Edward J. Markey, the chairman of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunication …

PR Wire Service to Journalists & Bloggers: We Don't Need You — We received an interesting email today from Business Wire, a press release wire service that Warren Buffett bought in March 2006. Currently Business Wire is ranked about #32 on the Techmeme Leaderboard, which puts it above some top tech blogs …

Indiana Jones 4 trailer, now in Quicktime HD! — Today is one of the best days I've ever had here at CrunchGear. So far I've written about a new Star Wars movie, the new Star Trek movie, and now I'm really, really happy to give you the new Indiana Jones movie's teaser trailer in HD.

New York Times Plans to Cut 100 Newsroom Jobs — After years of resisting the newsroom cuts that have hit most of the industry, The New York Times will bow to growing financial strain and eliminate about 100 newsroom jobs this year, the executive editor said Thursday.

Citysearch syndication deal: AOL and IAC's Valentine's Day hookup — InterActiveCorp chair Barry Diller recently went on the record saying that he wouldn't buy AOL unless somebody handed it to him for free. But that doesn't rule out content partnerships: AOL announced Thursday that it has formed …

AOL Pacts With CitySearch On Ads And Content
Search Engine Watch Blog

PS3 takes on Slingbox — Sony has talked up the multimedia capabilities of the PlayStation 3 since before it was launched - but it is only now that those promises are being met. — Later this year Sony will launch an add-on that will let PS3 owners watch digital TV via their console …

SCO Plans Rebound Thanks to $100M Lifeline — The Unix vendor aims to rise from the ashes — and possibly continue its controversial legal claims. — Embattled Unix vendor SCO may get a new lease on life, thanks to a $100 million infusion aimed at helping it emerge from bankruptcy and pursue its controversial legal claims.

Vodafone Hires Pieter Knook to Head Up New Internet Services Function — New organisation will accelerate delivery of the Group's Mobile Plus strategy — Vodafone Group Plc today announces the creation of Vodafone Internet Services which will lead the development and delivery of Vodafone's current …

Analyst expects new Nintendo, Microsoft hardware by2010 — DS and PSP cycles also expected to end — Industry analysts Pacific Crest Securities believe that successors to Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii should be on the market in two year's time.