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Torvalds pans Apple with ‘utter crap’ putdown — Linus Torvalds, the founder of Linux operating system. — Apple's much-touted new operating system, OS X Leopard, is in some ways worse than Windows Vista, says the founder of the Linux open source project, Linus Torvalds.
Q and A with Linus Torvalds — Q. How's the conference been for you? — A It's very relaxed. I think the students involved are learning things but for me it's the social side. It's more meeting people, going out for dinner with people. All the real work (on Linux) is done over email.
Apple Adds New iPhone & iPod touch Models — Apple® today added new models of the iPhone™ and iPod® touch which have double the memory, doubling the amount of music, photos and videos that customers can carry with them wherever they go. The revolutionary iPhone now comes …
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Fourth undersea cable cut near UAE, suspicions rise — For the fourth time in a week, an undersea communications cable has apparently been cut (or “failed due to a power outage,” as some sources suggest), and while no official reports of subversion have surfaced just yet, things are beginning to get suspicious.
Who cut the cables? — Three undersea fiber-optic cables …
Be part of the Super Tuesday action — They don't call it Super Tuesday for nothing! Today marks an exciting day in the race to the U.S. Presidency: voters in 24 states will choose their party candidates. This will be the largest number of primaries taking place at one time in the history of the U.S. electoral system.
Google Teams With Twitter For Super Tuesday Tracking
Google, Yahoo Going After Outlook — Google and Yahoo are rolling out Web software on steroids to compete with Outlook, another clue why Microsoft is shelling out $45 billion and going into debt for Yahoo. — SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Business software units of Yahoo and Google …
EBay to ban negative seller views — Online auction site eBay has said it plans to overhaul its feedback system and will ban sellers from leaving negative comments about buyers. — EBay said problems were occurring, and slowing down trade, when buyers left negative comments about sellers who then retaliated with their own views.
Open access: everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask — Since the first rumblings of the 700MHz auction began, there's been a fair amount of confusion, doubt, and distress over just what exactly this whole thing means. With the champagne-chugging news that bids have reached …
HTC Magnum Video Surfaces; WTF?!? — What you can't tell from the video above is that the guy holding the Magnum is actually 11-inches tall... We're honestly not sure exactly what to make of this, but we have to assume that in reality it's is some sort of crazy internal prototype built to test some new hardware.
Dealipedia Launches — Business information for all — Generally speaking, a press release can give you all the information you'll want about a given business deal. But press releases sometimes ignore important things like money, and include a bunch of extra garbage about how wonderful all the involved companies are.
A Bad Month For SEO's Reputation — We seem to be going through another wave “SEOs are scumbags” incidents, and I find myself with little energy to push back against them with yet another defense of the industry. It's not that SEO doesn't deserve better treatment.
ICANN turns on next-gen IP addresses — The great migration from Internet Protocol version 4 to IPv6 has officially begun, after the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers added the first addresses to its root servers that conform to the new version.
Microsoft reorg could come next week — Microsoft is expected to announce organizational changes in the coming days, shaking up some of the leadership in its Windows and Windows Live groups, according to sources familiar with the company's plans. — The changes have been in the works for some time …
Dell Suit Reveals Lucrative Domain-Name Trade — A civil suit filed by Dell sheds light on typosquatting, creating ad-filled Web pages with URLs that are similar to brand-name sites. — Recommend this story? — A civil suit filed in Florida by Dell and its Alienware subsidiary …
Hey, LinkedIn: Call Your IPO Bankers — Facebook is smart to put off an IPO until 2009: Mark Zuckerberg needs to stay CEO and he's too young to be a public CEO. Also, the lesson Google taught us was that it's smart to wait until you are so dominant that you, not Wall Street, can call the shots.
Opera unleashes innovative technology in latest mobile Web browser — Opera Mobile 9.5 — Faster speed, new interface and Opera Widgets bring users closer to a full desktop experience — Exclusive preview at Mobile World Congress 2008 (February 11-14, Barcelona)
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