Top Items:

Google and Dell tipped to reveal iPhone rival plans — Speculation is mounting that Google is plotting the launch of a mobile phone in partnership with computer giant Dell. — Senior industry sources claim the two companies will reveal their plans at next month's 3GSM telecoms conference in Barcelona …
CrunchGear, Profy.Com, IntoMobile, Good Morning Silicon Valley, The Mobile Gadgeteer, Electronista, InformationWeek Weblog,, Digital Daily, Tech Trader Daily, Handheld News …, Computerworld Blogs, VentureBeat, The Tech Report,, Gizmodo, Silicon Alley Insider, and Slashdot

Garmin announces the nuvifone — That's right folks — Garmin has just announced its new iPhone-like smartphone, the nüvifone. The device features full browsing, PIM, phone and of course, GPS functions. It's an HSDPA, quad-band phone, also equipped with WiFi, Bluetooth …

Microsoft doesn't recommend creating Vista ‘Lite’ — Frustrated with Vista's sluggishness, some people have been turning to a utility called vLite, that strips out components of the operating system deemed unessential. — Although the move does offer frustrated Vista users an option …

Google Universal Search: 2008 Edition — It's just over a half-year since Google launched Universal Search, its method of blending results from its own various topically-focused or “vertical” search engines. Since that time, the system has evolved. In particular, Google Universal Search …

Yahoo! OpenID Provider service now available as a public beta — Today, we are launching the public beta of the much-anticipated Yahoo! OpenID Provider service. This means that users with a Yahoo! account - all 248 million of them - will be able to sign in to any website that supports OpenID 2.0 …

Yahoo Users, You've Got OpenID
Yahoo! Developer Network blog

Mediterranean Cables Cut, Disrupting Communications — Jan. 30 (Bloomberg) — Internet and telephone communications across the Middle East and India were disrupted after two submarine cable systems in the Mediterranean Sea were cut. — Six ships were diverted from Alexandria port …

Amazon Earnings Call Details: Web Services Use Up More Bandwidth Than; The Kindle is a Hit — Amazon earnings just came out. The company had a strong fourth quarter, with revenues up 42 percent to $5.7 billion, net income doubling to $207 million, and free cash flow doubling as well to $1.4 billion.

MacBook Air Now Shipping — Apple TV Update Coming Soon — Apple® today announced that MacBook Air™, the world's thinnest notebook, is now shipping. MacBook Air measures an unprecedented 0.16-inches at its thinnest point, while its maximum height of 0.76-inches is less than the thinnest point on competing notebooks.

Copy a CD, owe $1.5 million under “gluttonous” PRO-IP Act — Not content with the current (and already massive) statutory damages allowed under copyright law, the RIAA is pushing to expand the provision. The issue is compilations, which now are treated as a single work.
Techdirt, Gizmodo, Orbitcast, DSLreports, LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION®, Smalltalk Tidbits … and Digg

Yahoo's Vision-Goes-Here Strategy — Listening to the droning, jargon-filled Yahoo conference call on Tuesday night, you could only think that Jerry Yang and Sue Decker were aiming their conversation only at analysts who needed to fill out their 2008 spreadsheets. — That strategy didn't work.

FCC Auction Bidding Tops $11.5 Billion — Minimum bid for 700MHz slice not met — The big prize, a slice of spectrum covering the US, has stalled at a bid of $4.29 billion, under the Federal Communication Commission's reserve price of $4.6 billion. — Who blinks first in a standoff over the prized slice of spectrum?

comScore Releases 2007 U.S. Internet Year in Review — Google and Facebook among Biggest Winners in 2007 — comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released a report highlighting the major trends in U.S. Internet activity in 2007 …

Crazy Apple Rumors Site on hold indefinitely — Much like the career of Jennifer fricking Connelly, perhaps the best source of Apple-inspired humor on the Internet is going on hiatus. — John Moltz, the editor of Crazy Apple Rumors Site, announced Tuesday that come Friday …

Persai, a personalized online news aggregator — Persai is a site that automatically discovers articles you might like from around the web. Imagine it being the opposite of social news sites like Digg or Reddit, where users submit and vote on their favorite stories.

DEMO: Rove lets you look at your PC desktop from your mobile phone — Rove Mobile of Ottawa, Canada, allows you to gain remote access to your PC from a cell phone or another computer. It can use Windows Mobile or BlackBerry phones to scroll through your machine back home.

Fresh from New York: Trends in online advertising — Silicon Alley technologists and Madison Avenue advertising executives have been meeting yesterday and today at the AlwaysOn OnMedia NYC conference. Here are some of the trends people were talking about:

Verizon: We don't want to play copyright cop on our network — In contrast to AT&T, company says it's not interested in installing filters on its network or inspecting packets for possible piracy, citing concerns about customer privacy. — Dell to close its U.S. stores