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Major Labels Allow P2P Music Sharing on Qtrax — After years of fighting peer-to-peer file-sharing companies, the major record labels have decided that if they can't beat them, they might as well join them — in one case, anyway. At the Midem conference in Cannes, France …
Christopher Null, Ars Technica, PDA, JupiterResearch, A VC, hypebot, Advertising Lab, Slashdot and Digg

Free (legal) P2P Music Downloads? Told You So. — I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but in case you haven't heard: The era of paid music downloads is coming to an end (despite the fact that online sales are growing). — Qtrax, which has signed all four major labels …

Warner, UMG: No Deals With Free Music Service QTrax (WMG) — QTrax, the free P2P music service, made a big splash today by announcing that it was launching with the support of all four big music labels. But at least two of the four — Warner Music Group (WMG) and Universal Music Group - don't have deals with the company.
hypebot, Mashable!,,, ReadWriteWeb and The Boy Genius Report

Mainstream music industry realizes the value of ‘free’ — CANNES: The mainstream music industry has finally come to recognize a price for digital songs that might be good enough to compete with the underground exchange of tunes on the Internet: free. — It is a new attitude in a business …

Sony Ericsson Adds 5 Million New Tracks to PlayNow Arena

Blu-ray is smokin' hot; HD formats outpacing DVD — Although HD DVD appears to be in dire straits, the format battle between it and Blu-ray has had at least one positive ramification: pricing on players has fallen at a rapid rate, and sales are eclipsing those seen in the early years of DVD.

Souljah Boy to TellMe: Search, Listen and Obey — Machine translation from voice to text promises to be the grail of local mobile search. Michael Fitzgerald in The New York Times today highlights voice search and voice recognition software in gadgets that “Listen and Obey.”
Randy Holloway Unfiltered

The Coming Wave of Gadgets That Listen and Obey
Life On the Wicked Stage, Mashable!, Blog, Understanding Google … and GigaOM

How I Use Twitter — Dave Winer today asked for advice for Twitter newbies. I'm not sure I have a lot of advice for newbies (given that Twitter is still a young product, aren't we all newbies and figuring out how to use it anyway?). However, I can write about how I use it. — I never use the website.

Amazon to Begin International Rollout of Amazon MP3 in 2008 — (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced that in 2008 the company will begin an international rollout of Amazon MP3, Amazon's DRM-free MP3 digital music store where every song is playable on virtually any digital music-capable device …

Amazon says will begin int'l roll-out of its MP3 store — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Online retailer Inc said on Sunday it will begin an international roll-out this year of its digital music store that offers songs without copy-protection technology known as digital rights management.

Amazon MP3 store to spread DRM-free love global in 2008
MacRumors, Silicon Alley Insider, Electronista, TechCrunch, Changing Way, Mashable! and Digg

Get your Macbook Airs starting Tuesday! — Not that this is the biggest deal in the world, but for those hopin' and wishin' and prayin' to get a MBA as fast as possible, you'll be able to run down to your local Apple store to grab one on Tuesday! Here's the deal: stores have them, no question because they arrived Friday / Saturday.

Deliver a keynote like Steve Jobs in ten simple steps — Are you a CEO hoping to “step it up,” “knock it out of the park,” and generally “take it to the bridge” — old-school style — but you can't seem to work the magic? Well, BusinessWeek has got just the thing for you …

Firefox rises from ashes of abandoned Netscape — As of Friday, AOL officially will end its support for Netscape, the fabled browser that helped transform cyberspace from a fraternity of software geeks into a community of consumers who could point and click their way through news and entertainment.

Wi-Fi to reach the rails this week — MBTA's pilot program welcomed — BOSTON— The trains from Worcester to Boston will not be moving any faster, but starting in the middle of this week, passengers will be able to surf the Web on their laptops, iPhones and hand-held PDAs as the MBTA starts a free high-speed Wi-Fi Internet service.

Capillaries can carry compressed context — I've been playing around with FoxyTunes, installing it in Firefox, getting the TwittyTunes extension. And it's not just because I like music. I think what's happening here is very powerful. — Let's start with Twitter, it looks harmless and gormless, what possible use could it have?

Lumin's MultiTouch display does... uh, multi-touch — If you've absolutely, positively got to have a multi-touch display system right this second, look no further than the Germany company Lumin and its creatively named MultiTouch. For an undisclosed price (available on request) …