Top Items: Creator Raises $29.5M — Matt Mullenweg, founder of Automattic and creator of open-source blogging system WordPress, stopped by my apartment earlier this week. Matt, who is one of my closest friends, brought his Texan sense of humor and all-around good cheer …

Act Two — You've probably seen the news on GigaOM, Automattic has raised a new “series B” round of funding. We're entering what I consider Act II of the Automattic story. I'll talk about where we're going, but first some history. — In 2005 Automattic was small.

Microsoft Joining — Chris Saad, Chairman of the Data Portability Working Group, confirmed to me this morning that Microsoft's David Treadwell, a VP at Windows Live, will be joining the organization. Microsoft is expected to make a formal announcement in the coming days.
LiveSide, Changing Way,, The Social Times, Mashable!, The Real McCrea, Wikinomics and Digg

Microsoft to join Web 2.0 data portability group, says source
Alec Saunders .LOG

Motorola Announces Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year Sales and Earnings — Fourth-quarter sales of $9.65 billion — Fourth-quarter GAAP earnings from continuing operations of $0.05 per share, including net charges of $0.09 per share from items highlighted below
CrunchGear, eWeek, IntoMobile, GigaOM, Seeking Alpha,,, Phone Scoop and Technology Live

Will Apple turn tech stocks sour? — Apple reported earnings that beat analyst estimates on strong sales of iMacs, laptops and iPhones. But its cautious outlook led investors to slam the stock Wednesday morning, and take much of the Nasdaq down with it. — Why?

Apple Q1: The iPod Has Left The Building (AAPL)
Apple, Seeking Alpha, Roughly Drafted, Between the Lines, Paul Kedrosky's …, Orbitcast, Daring Fireball, Cult of Mac and Mashable!

Free the Music — A few days ago we sent out some cryptic invitations to a press conference in New York that Felix and Martin are presiding over. We've had fun in the office reading the rumors and speculation, but it's time to spill the beans: — As of today, you can play full-length tracks …

What to do if you're laid off in 2008 recession — It's sad to hear about layoffs at companies like Yahoo. Right now it seems like a bad time to be laid off. I'm here to offer some hope. — I laid myself off in February 2002. Remember that time? It was far worse than what we've seen so far in the economic turmoil of 2008.
Deep Jive Interests

Take your tech recession and stuff it — newsmaker Like a lot of technology CEOs these days, Seagate's Bill Watkins finds himself frequently asked whether the world as we know it is coming to an end—or something like that. — What with regular triple-digit losses on the Dow Jones …

How to successfully launch a social networking development platform. — I decided to jot down some observations and thoughts on launching successful social networking development platforms... like the one facebook launched at f8, Bebo's clone of facebook's, or the one MySpace will be launching, etc.

For-profit app developers versus For-attention app developers
Charles Hudson's Weblog

Real-Estate Search Engine Roost Launches With Full MLS Listings — Just when you thought the real-estate bubble had burst and the economy was going to hell, here comes another real-estate search engine. Today we see the launch of Roost, a real-estate site inspired by the lean look and feel of travel search engine Kayak.

The Nokia 7900 Crystal Prism adds a touch of glamour — Espoo, Finland - Nokia today unveiled its latest addition to the Prism Collection, the Nokia 7900 Crystal Prism, aimed at design-conscious consumers. With its seamless diamond-cut design with a crystal centre key …

Oops: MPAA admits college piracy numbers grossly inflated … Unbelievable. — After commissioning a 2005 study from LEK Consulting that showed collegiate file-swappers were responsible for 44 percent of movie studio “losses” to piracy, the MPAA then used the report it bought to bludgeon Congress …

Publicis, Google to Exchange Execs — Companies Plan to Share Talent, Collaborate to Develop New Products — NEW YORK ( — Publicis Groupe and Google are collaborating to develop new products and tools and exchange talent by embedding executives in each others' companies.
Search Engine Watch Blog, Insider Chatter, WebProNews, Reuters and MediaBytes with Shelly …

Why is email stuck in the 80's? — Email is screwed up. — Not that email as a method of communication is screwed but more the fact that the software we use to manage the ever increasing amount of email we get is brain dead and next to ineffectual in letting us control our information flow.

BATTLEFIELD HEROES™ PRESS RELEASE — BATTLEFIELD HEROES LEADS THE WAY FOR EA'S NEW — ‘PLAY 4 FREE’ BUSINESS MODEL — Unique Cartoon Shooter Introduces a New Way to Play Battlefield — Munich, Germany, January 21, 2008 - At the Digital, Life, Design Conference (DLD) in Munich …

GOOGLE DROPS MORE THAN 160 POINTS — That's not something we're used to hearing, but since its peak back in the Fall at nearly 750, Google has dropped to 584 currently, a 166 point drop (it's dropped more in after hours, all the way down to 568). It's on a steep decline in the past few days …
AppScout,, Search Engine Land, WebProNews, broadstuff, ParisLemon, CenterNetworks and

Nanya and Inotera foresee tight DRAM supply in 2H08 — The DRAM industry has a favorable outlook for 2008 as the lowering of capital expenditure (capex) by industry players will result in tight supply in the second half of the year, according to Nanya Technology and Inotera Memories.