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Yahoo, Please Put Up A Fight — Yahoo has lost about $20 billion in market cap over the last two years. The fight that it was supposed to put up against Google has been full of Brownian Motion, generating no real momentum. — Yahoo has a staggering 500 million users. forum member posts first review of Windows 7 Milestone 1 Build 6.1.6519.1 — Looks like it didn't take long for the first external build of Windows 7 to be leaked on to the interwebs. Black fumes were reported escaping Steven Sinofsky's office earlier this morning after news Microsoft …

Windows 7 details emerge - look Software + Services — Right now everyone is getting excited over the apparent distribution of early Windows 7 builds to external Microsoft partners. One poster over at Neowin is claiming to have installed the build and while unsurprisingly its difficult to verify this …

Apple store down: pink iPod nano and Canadian iPhone rumors swirl — Yup, it's down again... on a Tuesday... just hours before they announce their quarterly financials. We've been hearing about new pink iPod nanos all morning which have apparently been shipped to big box retail locations.

EBay Chief Whitman Plans to Retire — EBay Inc. Chief Executive Meg Whitman is preparing to retire. — In the past few months, Ms. Whitman, who has led the San Jose, Calif., Internet auctioneer since March 1998, has been delegating more daily responsibilities to her lieutenants and is completing …

The Digg Story Doesn't Sell Anymore — Muhammad Saleem posted an article on that goes over 9 different reasons on why the Digg story sells. Muhammad makes a series of points that I agree helped to propel to success. However, the golden days of are long gone.

MacBook Air Unboxed, Compared to Sony VAIO — Here you have the first MacBook Air unboxing: iPhone-styled tiny packaging, minimalist and all in smooth black. Not only that, but they were allowed to compare it to another thin laptop, a Sony VAIO (fight!) Akiko Wada, a Japanese blogger …

Life after Google, with millions — What would you do if you were flush with $10 million or $100 million? Would you retire, go to work every day at the company that made you rich, or chase other dreams? — That's the multimillion-dollar question for hundreds of early Googlers.
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

Vista virtualization move opens real doors — Microsoft's decision to allow Home versions of Vista to run inside virtual machines may have far-reaching benefits in the coming years. — The initial market for such virtual Vista machines is likely to be among Mac users looking to run Windows …

Electronic Arts to give away video games online — A new, free version of Battlefield heralds the games indutry's shift towards making money from advertising and in-game sales — Electronic Arts, the computer game publisher, has signalled its intent to embrace new, internet-based business models …

Boston gets Comcast's TiVo-powered DVR — NEW YORK — TiVo aims to make life easy for its digital video recorder customers. But its journey to this potentially pivotal week was extraordinarily difficult. — After three years of painstaking work, Comcast, (CMCSA) the nation's largest cable provider …

Nokia unveils two handsets that offer a range of useful features and colours aimed at consumers in emerging markets — Nokia Sharing Survey reveals mobile phone sharing on the rise — Espoo, Finland - Today, Nokia unveiled the Nokia 2600 classic and the Nokia 1209, two mobile handsets …
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RIM Showcases BlackBerry Platform Enhancements at Lotusphere 2008 — Orlando, FL, Lotusphere 2008, Booth 516 - Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM) today announced a series of updates for its market-leading BlackBerry® platform that include enhanced messaging and collaboration …

Pownce Opens To Public Tonight At Midnight; Early Screen Shots Of New Features — Pownce, a service that lets users send messages, files, links, and events to friends, first launched into private beta over six months ago. It was founded by Leah Culver, Kevin Rose and Daniel Burka (Rose and Burka of Digg fame).

Airwaves, Web Power at Auction — WASHINGTON — The auction for rights to a highly valuable swath of the nation's airwaves will begin Thursday and is expected to include multibillion-dollar bids from the nation's two biggest wireless phone companies, Verizon and AT&T, as well as Google.