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Yahoo (YHOO): More Details on Potential Mass Firings — Last night we reported a tip that Yahoo has created a list of 1,500-2,500 jobs that may be cut within two weeks and that Jerry Yang will make the decision to go ahead with the layoffs—or not—this week.
Search Engine Watch Blog

Yahoo To Cut 20% Of Its Workforce? — Silicon Alley Insider is reporting that Yahoo is preparing to lay off up to 20% of its 12,000 strong workforce, a big purge as the Sunnyvale based company attempts to become more profitable. — Talks of staff downsizing at Yahoo have been doing …

RIAA Website Wiped Clean by “Hackers” — It started out on the social news website Reddit, where a link to a really slow SQL query was posted. While the Reddit users were trying to kill the RIAA server, someone allegedly decided to up the ante and wipe the site's entire database.

Social Networks, from the 80s to the 00s — As Facebook enjoys its moment in the sun, we should take a moment to step back and look at the history of computers and social communication. Some historical perspective is in order, both to assess the real value of social networks as businesses …

Associate Email Addresses with a Google Account — Alternate email addresses are useful if you forget the password of your Google Account and now you can add more than one. In your account, click on Edit next to “Personal information” and associate additional email addresses with your Google Account.

PodShow Podcasting Network Grew 29144% in 2007...Without Porn — According to the analysts at Compete, the Podshow podcasting network is one of the top five movers and shakers of 2007. — Here's what PodShow's Adam Curry has to say about the news:

CuePrompter - Your Online Teleprompter — Whether you're recording a podcast, a Squadcast, or anything in between it can sometimes be difficult to remember what you were trying to say once a video camera starts rolling. CuePrompter is free online teleprompter service that allows you to turn …

Vista and Office 2007 getting some traction ahead of Windows 7 — The third and last CDW Windows Vista Tracking Poll, performed by Walker Information, shows that Windows Vista is getting some take-up. The number of organisations “evaluating and testing” Vista has increased from 29% in February 2007 to 48% …

Another News Feed rule change coming this week — As part of the user experience improvement program (i.e. aggressive developer marketing crackdown) announced last week, Facebook is making another change to the way applications can publish stories to users' feeds this week.

New Robert Scoble TV Show on FastCompany.TV will be Monetized via Sponsorships, No Pre/Post Roll — As publishers large and small look to monetize online video content, one emerging model is sponsorship, a format in which a brand gets to be associated with a show, usually with an introductory mention and/or graphic.

Researcher pinpoints Skype vulnerability — Security researcher Aviv Raff has discovered and demonstrated a flaw within Skype that allows malicious code to be run under certain circumstances. The problem is caused by Skype's web control. The program uses Internet Explorer to render internal …

Anti-Nokia backlash grows in Germany — BERLIN (AFP) - Anti-Nokia anger in Germany for closing a factory is growing with politicians publicly ditching the firm's phones and joining calls for a national boycott in Europe's largest economy. — The Finnish mobile phone giant said on Tuesday …
The Raw Feed

In a Vortex — In a vortex. That's the only way to describe the past thirty days, during which we closed out our second quarter, and put together the transaction to acquire MySQL. How'd it all start? — “That'll never happen, I've been trying for years.”

Dangers of remote Javascript — As we move to a widget web, where the goodies on your site may not necessarily come from your site, it's worth sparing a thought for security. We at O'Reilly just got bit on, which redirected to a porn site courtesy a piece of remotely-included Javascript.