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Yahoo Implements OpenID; Massive Win For The Project — The rumor last week was that Google (as well as Verisign and IBM) were mulling over the idea of joining the OpenID 2.0 single sign-on framework. But the real news comes today, as Yahoo and its roughly 250 million user IDs officially jump on the bandwagon.
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Yahoo! Announces Support for OpenID; Users Able to Access Multiple Internet Sites with Their Yahoo! ID — Yahoo! Support Triples Number of OpenID Accounts to 368 million — Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO), a leading global Internet company, today announced its support for the OpenID 2. digital identity framework …

All-You-Can-Eat Broadband Is Dead: Time Warner to Charge by the Byte — Reason number 149 I won't move to Texas: Time Warner confirmed it'll be testing a new pricing plan in Beaumont that's based on how much bandwidth you eat up. That's right, hard caps. Totally made-up example …

Update: Joost Fires CTO — Joost CTO Dirk-Willem van Gulik was fired by the Internet TV software company. He has taken another job as chief technical architect of the BBC Future Media and Technology Group, which is responsible for a similar project, the peer-to-peer video software iPlayer.
RELATED: Announces Core Initiatives to Combat Climate Change, Poverty and Emerging Threats — Reveals its plans for philanthropy; announces new grants and investments — In its continuing effort to use the power of information and technology to help people better their lives …

Confirmed: Change Your System Time, Watch Your iTunes Rentals Forever — Update: That was fast. It's busted—or fixed, depending on your POV. See the jump. Movie rentals from iTunes 7.6? Awesome. That pesky 24-hour viewing window once you've started the film? Not so much.

Exonerated RIAA defendant scores double victory in court — A US District Court judge in Oregon has reaffirmed a magistrate's award of attorneys' fees and the dismissal of exonerated RIAA defendant Tanya Andersen's counterclaims against the RIAA without prejudice so that her class-action lawsuit …
The Register, Brier Dudley's blog, p2pnet, Listening Post, Smalltalk Tidbits …, TechSpot News and Digg

Survey finds Apple users have sense of superiority — no wait, hear us out — Wait up, hang on here — you're telling us a personality profiling conducted on 7,500 people at Apple's biggest tub-thumping event of the year, Macworld, yielded results that would suggest Apple users “are more liberal …

Are you suffering from password pressure? — Few things make you feel more helpless than sitting blank-faced at a screen, looking at a flashing cursor and a message saying “PASSWORD INCORRECT” in a disapproving tone. But that was the one for your bank, wasn't it? Or was it?
Zoli's Blog

so, everyone's asking what happened between me and steve jobs today... Update 01.16: this is now on Digg, “Steve Jobs tells off fan, calls her 'rude': Blogger and podcaster Violet Blue approached the Apple CEO on the Macworld floor to ask for a photo — and got completely blown off.".

Sink or Swim? The Top Moving Sites Of 2007 — At Compete we frequently write about monthly traffic volume and site popularity, but the focus is usually on the ten or twenty sites that enjoy monthly visitors in the tens (or even hundreds) of millions. While it's important to investigate these sites …

Has AT&T Lost Its Mind? — A BAFFLING PROPOSAL TO FILTER THE INTERNET. — Chances are that as you read this article, it is passing over part of AT&T's network. That matters, because last week AT&T announced that it is seriously considering plans to examine all the traffic it carries …

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to Keynote on Sunday, March 9 — SXSW Interactive is pleased to announce Facebook's founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, as the keynote presentation on Sunday, March 9 at 2:00 PM. Sarah Lacy, author, BusinessWeek columist and co-host of Yahoo Finance's “TeckTicker” …

Swingers Director to Launch New Media Co — Doug Liman, director of Swingers and The Bourne Identity and an executive producer of The O.C., is the latest Hollywood talent to start a digital production company. Launching with an agreement to use striking writers from the WGA, the company …