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Breaking: Apple Insider Leaks Ultra-Portable Details — An Apple insider told Wired today that the company's new ultraportable, expected to be seen in public for the first time tomorrow, has an extremely thin profile and is shaped like a teardrop when closed — thicker at the top behind the screen …
CrunchGear, creativebits, Cult of Mac, ParisLemon, MacRumors, 9 to 5 Mac, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and Digg

Macworld Expo Predictions — Predictions and advance commentary for tomorrow's Macworld keynote, some based on consensus rumors, some based on no more than wishful thinking on the part of yours truly. This is all conjecture and tea-leaf-reading (well, mostly), so, please, no wagering.

First in line for the keynote — These fortunate guys are first in the general admission line for tomorrow's keynote; they've been waiting since 12 noon today, a full 21 hours before SJ-time begins. Granted, there are shorter lines for Platinum/Super pass holders and for media attendees …

Help-Key: How to turn the Macworld Keynote into a fun, healthy drinking game — With The Keynote (that Keynote) at 9:00 tomorrow morning, we're not sure who exactly would buy into a Macworld Keynote Drinking Game other than college students, but it's an exercise in foolishness any way you look at it, so I had to indulge.
Jeremy Toeman's LIVEdigitally

Facebook buying Plaxo? — Facebook is “one hundred percent” buying Plaxo, we've just heard from a source. — This follows a rumor previously published by Valleywag asserting that such a deal is underway. — While these types of rumors should be taken with more than a grain of salt …

Plaxo And Facebook Merger Rumors False (So Far) — We know Plaxo is for sale, presumably looking for north of $100 million and telling people around Silicon Valley that they've had an offer for north of $200 million. Revolution Partners, an investment bank, has been pitching them to all the big potential buyers.

Sophomoric Pranks Do Not a Journalist Make — Last week gadget blog Gizmodo admitted to pulling a prank at CES 2008 in which they used a device to turn off TVs on the exhibit floor and during company presentations. In their post about the prank Gizmodo apologized ("It was too much fun …

Macworld2008: Steve Jobs keynote speech leaked? — Apple CEO's stage notes appear on Wikipedia — We're used to seeing the online tech world go crazy with rumours and speculation in the days before Macworld, but this year a new element has been introduced to the mix.
Gadget Lab, Micro Persuasion, Between the Lines, Forbes,, TechCrunch, WebProNews, Gizmodo, ParisLemon, Guardian Unlimited, Gearlog, IntoMobile, Hardware 2.0, Podcasting News,, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Good Morning Silicon Valley, i-boy, Smalltalk Tidbits …, Laurent Haug's blog, Tech_Space, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, Ubergizmo and TechBlog

Fake Apple Keynote “Leaked” on Wikipedia
Byte of the Apple,, MediaShift, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs and VoIP Blog

The ocean as watercooler: floating data centers stay cool — A new Silicon Valley startup called International Data Security (IDS) has sent some big waves through the data storage industry by announcing (PDF) its intent to set up a fleet of data-serving cargo ships.

Ohloh ranks the world's coders, and helps them advertise too — Ohloh, a company that ranks the nation's top open source coders, is opening its service to let other developers to track and rank their own teams. — It's the latest move by Ohloh, a Bellevue, WA company that already distributes …

CNNMoney Relaunches Site; Banks on Video —, part of Time Inc, has relaunched the site, with a big emphasis on video. The relaunch comes a few days before Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) Finance's video service is rumored to be launched, and in the midst of a similar video effort by AOL Money.

Swedish prosecutors dump 4,000 legal docs on The Pirate Bay — As the calendar pages turned from 2007 to 2008, one constant remained for the motion picture and music industries: The Pirate Bay's willingness to ignore their threats (and copyrights) to the point that the Swedish group's site …

If Apple Made A Foleo — Ah Foleo, the infamous Palm Smartphone computer assistant we'll never see. Sure the hardware was lackluster and left people wondering why they would carry yet another device around, especially one so underpowered. Of course, maybe if Palm had some of that Apple magic …
Life On the Wicked Stage

Apple Makes Nice With Hollywood — Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs' expected announcement Tuesday of online movie rentals at iTunes will mark a new stage in the company's relationship with media and entertainment companies. — At least one film studio—News Corp. (nyse: NWS - news …
Los Angeles Times