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Introducing the first Android prototype — NEW YORK — A small software developer today plans to unveil a suite of applications — browser, camera, games and more — based on the new Google-endorsed operating system, Android. — A La Mobile, based in San Ramon, Calif. …

Lessons Learned from 60 Minutes' Interview with Zuckerberg: Brandee Barker is a Genius and Zuck Wears Nice Moccasins — To say that the Lesley Stahl's profile of Mark Zuckerberg tonight on 60 Minutes was “groundbreaking” would be a great exaggeration. Hell, to me, the most groundbreaking discovery …
Texas Startup Blog

Netflix expands Internet viewing option — SAN FRANCISCO - Girding for a potential threat from Apple Inc., online DVD rental service Netflix Inc. is lifting its limits on how long most subscribers can watch movies and television shows over high-speed Internet connections.
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“U.S. Economy Screwed” — The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments: — Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy. — The “bad debt” problem is not just …
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EMI managers will have to sing for their supper — Guy Hands will this week pledge to invest tens of millions of pounds recruiting new talent scouts and managing EMI's existing acts. — But alongside the investment in so-called A&R - artist and repertoire - he will also unveil plans to cut …

Wallstrip Star Leaves Show to Start for CBS — Wallstrip star Lindsay Campbell has left the daily financial news web show and moved on to a new project within CBS Interactive, according to Wallstrip founder Howard Lindzon. CBS bought Wallstrip for $4 million last May.

Trying to Fine-Tune Yahoo — Jerry Yang began his biggest public presentation since becoming chief executive of Yahoo with something of an apology. — “I'm guessing that a lot of you are here today to see what the new look and new face of Yahoo is all about,” he told an audience …

ULTIMATE LIVEBLOGGING TOOL: COVERITLIVE — CoverItLive is a new, hosted service for blogging events in real-time, or “liveblogging." It's a useful tool for people covering major industry events, speeches, sports, and the like. I first saw the product in use when I was watching …

Things Are Looking Good At Startup Schwag — It's been a few months since we wrote about Startup Schwag, a service that sends users startup-branded tshirts and stickers every month. — You'll either think this is lame (not target market) or so cool you've wet your pants (target market) and act accordingly.

Bloomberg News Launches CEO Show as New Video Strategy Emerges — Bloomberg News has launched CEO Spotlight, a new Web video series of CEO interviews produced in Bloomberg bureaus around the globe. It is the first step by the media behemoth to bring a vast amount of business news video clips to the public Internet.

Andy Grove's Last Stand — The former Intel chief, now battling Parkinson's, is on a crusade to speed progress in treating the disease. Can he make a difference? — Andy Grove noticed an occasional tremor in the index finger of his right hand. it was 1999, when Grove was 63 and had just stepped …

Skype with High Quality Video — Periodically a vendor sends me a pretty good toy to try out. The Logitech QuickCam Pro for Notebooks is one such item. The folks at Skype's PR agency shipped it to me because they wanted me to see the high quality video features in the latest version of Skype.... more on Skype in a minute.
Skype Journal

Macworld Exhibitor tip: disable the IR port on your Macs — As you may or may not know there has been something of a dust up across the tech blogosphere regarding a prank that a certain tech blog performed during CES. The prank involved a little gizmo that turned off a number of televisions at once …

Two Views of Innovation, Colliding in Washington — AS the Senate prepares to tinker with the nation's patent laws this spring, it's worth recalling the law of unintended consequences. — From the vantage point of a half-century, for example, it's clear that the formation …