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iPhone 1.1.3 firmware feature gallery — Looks like the soon-to-be-released iPhone firmware 1.1.3 has quite a few surprises. We were able to get a look at it, and here is what we found: — That is all we have found for now. We also know that is you used AnySIM to unlock your phone, you can expect the 1.1.3 update to brick it.
Podcasting News, Gizmodo, Engadget Mobile, ParisLemon, The Boy Genius Report, Roam4free, CrunchGear, Infinite Loop, PalmAddicts, Mobility Site, Tech Blog and Digg

Video of iPhone Firmware 1.1.3 in Action and Evidence Shows Update Is Real — Here's a video of the allegedly iPhone Firmware 1.1.3. Update: It is very real, according to Natetrue and the evidence we have gathered from him. Knowing that the mighty Natetrue (the author of iBrickr …

How to Lose Your Job on Your Own Time — WERE Henry Ford brought back to life today, he would most likely be delighted by the Internet: the uninhibited way many people express themselves on the Web makes it easy to supervise the private lives of employees. — In his day, the Ford Motor …

Updates from Your Gmail Contacts — One of the reasons why the chat box can no longer be disabled in the new version of Gmail is that it will include some new features: updates from your contacts. Yes, they are the same contacts you barely know, but these updates will help you learn more about them.

2007 Metrics — Google Operating System — Unofficial news and tips about Google — Sunday, December 30, 2007 — 2007 Metrics — Last year, when I posted some stats for this blog, I didn't realize that many blogs do that. These stats aren't very important to me …

GMail: The New Social Network — What is the true measure of your social graph? If you ask Google, the answer is found in your contact database. In further moves designed to create a defacto social network, it was discovered by the source code sleuthings of Ionut Alex Chitu …

Google is God — For something I'm working on, I compiled a bunch of stats on Google (sorry, I didn't intend to blog it and so I didn't capture all the links, but I found the collection so compelling I thought I'd share it): — • Google is the “fastest growing company in the history of the world.”

VC's New Math: Does Less = More? — Thiel Seeks to Change Old Habits by Investing Small on Start-Ups — Three years ago, Peter Thiel, who runs a small venture-capital concern called Founders Fund, plowed $500,000 into a little-known social-networking Web site called Facebook Inc. Later on, his company invested a bit more.

Girl Gets Bizarre Surprise Instead of iPod — A little girl thought she was getting an iPod for Christmas but ended up getting a rude surprise. She got the box but when she opened it up, she found a surprising switch: the iPod had been replaced with a bizarre note.
Gizmodo, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, Spluch, Leveraging Ideas, Engadget and The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Innovative Minds Don't Think Alike — IT'S a pickle of a paradox: As our knowledge and expertise increase, our creativity and ability to innovate tend to taper off. Why? Because the walls of the proverbial box in which we think are thickening along with our experience.

Microsoft Using YouTube To Promote Vista & Live, Leaves Comments Open — Microsoft has taken its marketing push for Windows Vista and Windows Live into enemy territory by offering demonstration videos on YouTube (example above). The new channel (link) was launched December 21.

WhatsOpen shows you what nearby stores are open — WhatsOpen, a secretive local search company that promises an easier way to find which stores are open near you, is now open for public use. — Just type in the name of the store you're looking for, and your location.

New security rules for batteries on planes — If you don't want to lose your spare lithium batteries for your camera, notebook or cell phone, you might want to pack carefully for your next flight. — New rules from the Transportation and Security Administration that take effect …
Mobilewhack, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Mobility Site, The Mobile Gadgeteer and The WebGuild Blog

Subvert And Profit Unapologetically Targets YouTube — Subvert And Profit is a service that lets users pay to get their sites on Digg (and more recently StumbleUpon). — Unlike Pay Per Post, the company doesn't waste a lot of time trying to spin their business into something socially acceptable.