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Apple and Google, telecom's new stars — It was Apple and Google—not the traditional phone companies AT&T and Verizon Communications—that took center stage in the telephony market in 2007. — In January, Apple announced the iPhone and named AT&T its exclusive carrier in the U.S. For almost six months …

Send email attachments up to 5GB with AOL's Xdrive — While most web-based email services have file attachment size limits, there are plenty of ways around those limitations. MailBigFile, YouSendIt, Driveway, and other services all let you “park” large files temporarily online and send …

2008 Web Predictions — What Web applications and trends will make it big in 2008? In this post the RWW authors ruminate on the current trends in Web technology and look forward to what 2008 might bring us. Topics include Google, semantic web, online advertising, recommendation systems …
WebMetricsGuru, Stealthmode Partners,, Adam Kalsey, BlueBlog, Are You Paying Attention? and

Google Reader shares private data, ruins Christmas — Update: Got posted to /. homepage. The discussion continues there. — As each day Google hoards more of your data there is an implicit deal that makes this possible: You give Google your private data, while they keep it private.

Best Buy Still Using Secret In-Store Website With Higher Pricing — Even after being slapped in the face with a suit by a Connecticut attorney general, Best Buy is still having an internal website that offers higher prices than the actual

HoHoHo: Digg Might Be Acquiring Menéame and CoRank — Spanish tech site Techtear is reporting that Digg may have acquired Spanish social voting site Menéame and possibly coRank as well. — A sort of translation of what Techtear is saying

Christmas Present For Apple Bulls: Mac Cleared for Takeoff — As hard as it is to believe, many Apple (AAPL) bulls are still missing the best part of the company's growth story: The improving opportunity for Apple's computer business. Unlike the last go-round, when Apple got clobbered …

Christmas eve: Apple MacBook is Amazon's No. 1 top-selling computer
Silicon Alley Insider, ParisLemon, BloggingStocks, and Alice Hill's Real Tech News

Facebook is so last year - welcome to the hit websites of 2008 — Virtual pets, video diaries and travellers' logs could be the next stars of cyberspace — For many in the dotcom world, 2007 was dominated by one story: the rise of Facebook. The success of the social networking service …

Airborne Internet might bring turbulence — NEW YORK - Seat 17D is yapping endlessly on an Internet phone call. Seat 16F is flaming Seat 16D with expletive-laden chats. Seat 16E is too busy surfing porn sites to care. Seat 17C just wants to sleep. — Welcome to the promise of the Internet …
Ars Technica, Joe Duck, Wi-Fi Networking News, Mashable!, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband and Associated Press

Quiet year for tech on Capitol Hill — Democrats in 2007 controlled both chambers of Congress for the first time in a dozen years—and with the power shift came a scattershot year for technology policy. — Sweeping initiatives like elevating minimum wage and lowering prescription drug prices …
Tech Daily Dose

Worker runs up £27k mobile bill — EXCLUSIVE: Factory worker runs up £27,000 mobile bill in a month — It's good to talk... unless you fail to read the smallprint on your new mobile phone contract and end up with a bill for £27,322. — Ian Simpson, 29 …

The Pirate Bay: Torrents and Peers Double in 2007 — The Pirate Bay now tracks nearly 1 million torrents and over 8 million peers at any given point in time. This is quite a change compared to last year, and there is no sign that this trend will stop anytime soon. — December 2006

Consumers Who Watch TV Online More Engaged Than TV-Set Watchers, Simmons Finds — CONSUMERS ARE 47% MORE ENGAGED in ads that run with television programs that they view online than those watched on a TV set, according to new research findings. — A cross-media study by Simmons …

iPhone take-up the key as O2 targets Europe — Matthew Key was in California last week, briefing Steve Jobs on the iPhone's impact in the UK. — The incoming chief executive of O 2 Europe, which is the exclusive mobile network for the iPhone in the UK, gave an upbeat report to Apple's chief executive.