Top Items:

Majority Of Americans On Google Docs: "What You Talkin Bout Willis?" — A new survey by NPD has found that the 73% of Americans have never heard of Google Docs and other online office applications, but perhaps worst still only 0.5% of respondents have abandoned desktop office applications for an online alternative.

R.I.P.: The Web 2.0 Office Suite … In a recent survey, NPD asked nearly 600 PC users: "Have you heard about online, browser-based office productivity applications like Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, gOffice, etc.?" NPD also asked, "If so, how often do you use them?"
ReadWriteWeb, Digital Daily, Search Engine Land,, Download Squad and Between the Lines

Yes, There Can Be Life After Word — AS the clerk at Circuit City rang up my purchase of a new notebook computer last month, she started her up-selling. — Padded bag? No. Security lock? No. Windows Office? — For someone who processes words for a living, Microsoft's software would seem to be an indispensable tool.

Apple Meets with DoCoMo, Softbank On Launching iPhone in Japan — After signing deals with U.S. and European operators to sell its iPhone earlier this year, Apple Inc. now is making plans to enter Japan, one of the biggest and most sophisticated mobile-phone markets in the world.
Infinite Loop, Digital Daily, PalmAddicts, iLounge, BloggingStocks, Gizmodo, Seeking Alpha,, Silicon Alley Insider, IntoMobile, ParisLemon and Apple Gazette

Nanosolar Ships First Panels — After five years of product development - including aggressively pipelined science, research and development, manufacturing process development, product testing, manufacturing engineering and tool development, and factory construction - we now have shipped …

Start-Up Sells Solar Panels at Lower-Than-Usual Cost — SAN JOSE, Calif. — Nanosolar, a heavily financed Silicon Valley start-up whose backers include Google's co-founders, plans to announce Tuesday that it has begun selling its innovative solar panels, which are made using a technique …

Introducing Video Sitemaps — In our effort to help users search all the world's public videos, the Google Video team joined the Sitemaps folks to introduce Video Sitemaps—an extension of the Sitemap Protocol that helps make your videos more searchable via Google Video Search.
Ryan Stewart, Web Analytics World, WebProNews, TechCrunch, Googlified, Podcasting News, Search Engine Journal, Cost Per News and Mashable!

Q&A: Peter Norvig — The evolution of Web search. — As director of research at Google, Peter Norvig is intimately involved in the attempt to manage the world's information. He's a good match for the job, having spent much of his life thinking about how computers think and making them do it more efficiently.

New Advanced News search — Want to find articles from a specific news source? You may not know of some tricks to make Google News do the work for you. — Try using our site operator along with a keyword, like this: [ Paris]. Or you can also use our advanced news search page.

The Big Switch: 12 Signed Pre-Release Copies For TechCrunch Readers — Author Nick Carr is someone I used to love to hate. He wrote blog posts that I strongly disagreed with - such as this one about the long tail of blogging, and another arguing that Web 2.0 had serious faults.

Amazon partners with fans' online record label — Sellaband, which lets fans invest in bands whose music they like, will now sell its albums on Amazon for £8.99 each — Sellaband, the fledgling music site which allows users to become 'investors' in bands whose music they like …

'Guitar Hero,' 'Rock Band' strum up big sales — A battle of the bands is at center stage this holiday season. — The opening act, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, has been a tough ticket at retailers in all versions (Xbox, Wii, PS2 and PS3, about $50, or about $100 with controller) since its release in late October.
Things That

The Depth of EBay's Problems 2: Angry Sellers — Here's another angle on what's wrong at eBay: Sellers increasingly find eBay too expensive and are becoming successful finding buyers on or on their own sites. I wrote Friday about why Amazon should buy eBay.

Why Nobody Likes a Smart Machine — At a Best Buy store in Midtown Manhattan, Donald Norman was previewing a scene about to be re-enacted in living rooms around the world. — He was playing with one of this year's hot Christmas gifts, a digital photo frame from Kodak.
Smart Mobs