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Google Gets Ready to Rumble With Microsoft — A CEREBRAL computer-scientist-turned-executive, Eric E. Schmidt has spent much of his career competing uphill against Microsoft, quietly watching it outflank, outmaneuver or simply outgun most of its rivals. — At Sun Microsystems …
Between the Lines,, SmoothSpan Blog, Insider Chatter, Pattern Finder, Vinny Lingham's Blog, Rough Type and Slashdot

Google vs. Microsoft = Microsoft vs IBM 30 years ago — This battle of the titans has been brewing for 5 years or more. It is inevitable. Not because of animosity between the companies, but because of underlying business and technology trends driven by new customers and technology advances.
Silicon Alley Insider

Google Profiles — They're coming and it will be difficult to get away without having one. Google Profiles will be integrated in most Google services so you have a coherent identity and a simple way to manage your contacts. — "A Google Profile is simply how you represent yourself on Google products …
Download Squad,, BloggingStocks, The Social Times, Zoli's Blog, Marc's Voice, Mashable!, Official Google Reader Blog and Digg

Google Starts Rolling Out Centralized Profiles — Google is rolling out a centralized profile system that will provide personalized information to each Google product you use. The unimaginatively named Google Profile will share information across all Google products, unifying often disparate Google systems …

Misunderstanding Copyright Law And Ruining Everyone's Fun — So the Richter Scales video that everyone has been talking about is history (mostly - good old Daily Motion tends to ignore the take down notices, so I was able to embed it above). It is the victim of a bullying tactic by a photographer and her lawyer.

Photographer takes down Bubble 2.0 fun — Recently I posted Bubble 2.0, the video, a very funny song by Richter Scales. However, if you click the YouTube link now you'll find it's no longer available. It's been taken down by YouTube because a photographer, Lane Hartwell …

Why Lane Hartwell is wrong
I, Platform, The WebGuild Blog, TechWag,, Joe Duck, Publishing 2.0, WebMetricsGuru, Burningbird, Blogcosm and Wired News

Hannah Montana Tickets on Sale! Oops, They're Gone — HANNAH MONTANA has made 2007 a very bright year for various business interests, but especially for StubHub, the online ticket exchange site. — Though the year is not yet complete, StubHub announced on Dec. 5 that its concert ticket sales …

Online ad sellers out-local the locals — In a historic first, online media companies collectively will sell more ads in local markets this year than such individual hometown media as newspapers, broadcasters and yellow pages, says an independent research firm.

Amazon removes the database scaling wall — When Amazon introduced S3 in March 2006 I knew I would use it and I was sure a lot of other developers would. I saw it as a solution to a problem we all have — storage that scales up when needed, and scales down when not.

Celebrating seven years of blogging — December 15, 2000. That's when I started blogging. In seven years a lot has happened. The first two years of my blog have disappeared. They might be on a hard drive somewhere, I'm still trying to track them down.

REVIEW: WINDOWS XP — I have finally decided to take the plunge. Last night I upgraded my Vista desktop machine to Windows XP, and this afternoon I will be doing the same to my laptop. — Look & Feel — Windows XP has quite a cartoony look and feel compared to the slick look of Aero Glass …

Add more power to 10.5's screen sharing — One of 10.5's new features that I use quite often is the built-in screen sharing. You can use screen sharing from iChat, which is great for family tech support, but I'm referring specifically to screen sharing in the Finder.

Wider Spying Fuels Aid Plan for Telecom Industry — WASHINGTON — For months, the Bush administration has waged a high-profile campaign, including personal lobbying by President Bush and closed-door briefings by top officials, to persuade Congress to pass legislation protecting companies …

Surviving the 2008 recession — Recession is in the air. It isn't here for sure, but, damn, when you pay $50 for two coffees and a tart in Paris you know your economy isn't healthy. Add in the latest energy prices and you see we're almost definitely going to have a problem over the next year …

Google sees own shadow, jumps overboard — Google announces "Knol"... First-order response — Bad news for jason and mahalo! Google declares war on jimmy and wikipedia! — Some context — So Google makes an algo that puts wikipedia at the top of all the results.