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Why I Stopped Using Twitter — There's a lot of Twitter hype in the blogosphere today, and I've contributed plenty of my own Twitter hype in the past. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to offer some anti-hype, derived from my own experience using Twitter — an explanation of why I STOPPED using Twitter.

Penthouse Buys Group of Social-Networking Sites — While the influx of free and low-cost video has hurt the sale of pornographic videos, the chief executive of the Penthouse Media Group remains so bullish on the sex-related entertainment industry that he is investing $500 million in a group of social networking sites.

A new face in HTPCs — When we first opened the PDF containing the concept images of Omaura's concept TT chassis, we thought for a second it was a large, TV-stand-ready all-in-one PC whose display had a seriously distorted aspect ratio. We'll confess to a little disappointment once we realized …

Forget the SanDisk Deal, NBC Direct Will Soon Have Free Downloads in HD — While NBC Universal is making deals left and right to try to make up for the fact that it is no longer distributing its digital TV shows through iTunes, don't get distracted by all the small-fry announcements.

NBCU: SanDisk Fanfare = Our New iTunes Store
Hollywood Reporter, Byte of the Apple, PC Magazine, Digital Daily, Gizmodo and

"w00t" crowned word of year by U.S. dictionary — BOSTON (Reuters) - "w00t," an expression of joy coined by online gamers, was crowned word of the year on Tuesday by the publisher of a leading U.S. dictionary. — Massachusetts-based Merriam-Webster Inc. said "w00t" — typically spelled with two zeros …

50 Top 10 Lists of 2007 — Top 10 Gadgets — #1. Apple iPhone — The iPhone changed the way we think about how mobile media devices should look, feel and perform. The design is exceptional inside and out: It's got a slick glass-and-stainless steel case and an elegant touch screen loaded with eye candy.

Mahalo takes a step forward with human-powered search engine — Jason McCabe Calacanis, CEO of Mahalo, believes that humans can outwit the machines. This is not a replay of Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Terminator" movies. Rather, Mahalo is a search engine that is powered by human judgment, known in Web 2.0 circles as "curation."

The Next Social Network: WordPress — Could open-source blogging platform WordPress serve as your next social networking profile? Chris Messina, co-founder of Citizen Agency, thinks so. He's started a project called DiSo, for distributed social networking, that aims to "build a social network with its skin inside out."

Toshiba's New Secondary Battery Squashed ... No Explosion, Fire ... Why? [Video] — Kouji Kariatsumari, Nikkei Electronics — Toshiba Corp developed a Li-ion secondary battery "SCiB (Super Charge ion Battery)." The life cycle of the new battery is more than 10 years even if it is rapidly charged and discharged many times.

Online, in touch, up to speed: UK's social network obsessives are European leaders — One in four UK adults do it 23 times a month. And Britons do it more often than anyone else in world, except for Canadians. The obsession is with social networking, which according to a report published today …
The Open Road

SWsoft renames itself Parallels — SWsoft, a start-up selling the Virtuozzo server virtualization software, has renamed itself Parallels after a product line better known among consumers that lets Windows run on Intel-based Macs. — "When we talk to partners, media, analysts, the channel …

Hey, HP laptop owners: click here to get hijacked — If you use a Hewlett-Packard laptop, chances are a hacker can hijack your machine simply by luring you to a malicious website. — The pwnage comes courtesy of "HP Info Center", which comes installed on most HP laptops, according to a post made Tuesday to
Ryan Naraine's Zero Day

Developer platforms: Friendster, Bebo, LinkedIn aren't waiting for Open Social — Friendster and Bebo are joining LinkedIn as the latest large social networks to open their web sites to outside developers. — Like Facebook, and a recent effort led by Google to do something similar with its …

Is All This Talk Of 'Open' Just Lip Service? — Open, open, open. It's the buzzword of the moment in mobile, thanks to the likes of Google and Verizon. Operators are talking about how they're open, how they want to foster innovation and new business models, and how they love openness and so on.

The Venus by LG Gets Dressed Up in Pink for Verizon Wireless — The Venus features a 2.0 megapixel camera, VZ Navigator(SM) capability, a microSD(TM) memory slot that can support up to 8 GB of additional memory, and dual-screen displays, the lower with touch navigation.

Microsoft Office 2007 SP1 Arrives Early — Micosoft cuts testing short, a sign to some that there aren't enough users to do the testing. — The Office team beat its own deadline of early 2008 and will release Office 2007 Service Pack 1 Dec. 11. — In an unusual move …