Top Items:

RIAA: Those CD rips of yours are still "unauthorized" — Those MP3 and AAC files that you've ripped from your CD collection are still "unauthorized copies" in the eyes of the recording industry. In a brief filed late last week, the RIAA said that the MP3 files on a PC owned by a file-sharing defendant …

RIAA NOT Saying That Personal Copies Are Illegal (Yet) — I believe that lawyer Ray Beckerman has done some wonderful things in defending people being bullied by the RIAA and accused of infringing on copyrights with very little evidence. He also does a fantastic job keeping people informed …

RIAA files supplemental brief in Atlantic v. Howell; argues …
Read/WriteWeb, Gizmodo, Boing Boing, iLounge, p2pnet, Geek News Central and Thomas Hawk's Digital …

Some Conversations have shifted to Twitter — Twitter is one of the top referrers of traffic to my blog, over 2000 referrers from twitter to my blog in the last 30 days...there's something happening there. — I've also noticed and increase of new users over the past 30 days, feel free to add me as a friend, I will add you back.
Discussion:, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, PR 2.0, Fast Wonder Blog, The Social Times and innonate

Why is Twitter Exploding? Because it's A Conversation Ecosystem. — Lot's of chatter happening round the blogosphere regarding Twitter, between Forrester's Peter Kim and Jeremiah (also of Forrester). I've described Twitter as a "conversation ecosystem" in places like BusinessWeek …
Dan Blank

Microsoft Offers Free Copy of Windows Vista Ultimate if you Surrender Privacy — Need a free copy of Windows Vista Ultimate? Are you incredibly trusting of big corporations? Well I have the deal for you, with a new program through Microsoft called the Windows Feedback Program.

Let Microsoft spy on you, get a free copy of Vista Ultimate

Snag Vista Ultimate for free, in exchange for your privacy

SanDisk Gives NBCU What Apple Wouldn't: Pricing Flexibility — Now that the rift between NBC U and Apple's iTunes looks irreparable (for now), NBC U is busy putting its shows everywhere else. Today NBC U announced a deal with SanDisk, which has a unique, if inelegant solution to bridge the TV-Internet divide.
PC Magazine
RELATED: Enhances Payment Options with Bill Me Later — SEATTLE—(BUSINESS WIRE)— (NASDAQ:AMZN - News) today announced it has signed an agreement with Bill Me Later, Inc., a leading provider of alternative payment technologies, to make the Bill Me Later payment option available on the website.
Tech Trader Daily, AppScout, Between the Lines, TechCrunch, Mashable! and

Office 2007 sp1 ready for download today — Today sp1 ships. hurray. It's not up there yet but should be later today. Also the kb articles for each patch don't seem to be live at this moment but should also appear later on today. — Looking down the list of fixes, here are some that caught my eye …

Microsoft Office 2007 SP1 Arrives Early
All about Microsoft, Ed Bott's Windows Expertise, … and CNET

The Internet. The TV. — Here's how to finally bring them together. — Millions of people love watching Internet video on their PCs. So why can't the technology industry figure out how to get them to watch Internet video on their television sets? — It isn't for lack of trying.

Latitude XT Details — Lots of folks have been waiting for us to release more details on the Latitude XT Tablet PC. My first brief post about it has received more than 400 comments and has gone on to become the #1 most viewed post in Direct2Dell's history.

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-064 - Critical — Vulnerabilities in DirectX Could Allow Remote Code Execution (941568) — Version: 1.0 — General Information — Executive Summary — This critical security update resolves two privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft DirectX.

Ask Launches AskEraser — Privacy. It's a topic we discuss quite a bit here at But we we do more than talk about it. We listen to user feedback, industry debate, the CDT and many other sources. And we've responded by launching AskEraser on and Ask UK. — Search Privacy When Enabled

'Here Comes Another Bubble' Takedown! — So, it turns out YouTube actually can protect copyright! — In this case, that's too bad, since the video-sharing service just took down the very popular music video parody called "Here Comes Another Bubble," by San Francisco's Richter Scales …

Sprint to soft-launch WiMAX before Christmas — Within the week, Sprint will turn live its WiMAX networks in Chicago and Baltimore-Washington, D.C., Sprint officials said today. The soft launch will extend only to Sprint employees and is intended to prepare the networks for a broader customer trial in the first quarter.

Failed WGA checks lead to a barrage of antipiracy lawsuits — As part of its global antipiracy efforts, Microsoft announced today that it has filed 52 lawsuits around the world and referred another 22 cases to law enforcement agencies in 22 different countries.

Plaxo Offers Pulse Plugin For Outlook — Plaxo has announced a new plugin that brings Plaxo Pulse to Microsoft Outlook. — Plaxo is claiming the new service is "historic;" its an extremely long stretch but this isn't to say that the functionality isn't interesting.

Future-safe archives — I just woke up in Paris, it's 5:34AM here, but back in California, it still never ceases to amaze me, the day hasn't yet flipped. You guys haven't even gone to bed yet! Now that's amazing to me. What perseverence! Keep up the good work everybody.

Friendster developer platform goes live with over 180 apps — Friendster has fully launched its developer platform with more than 180 applications available to its 56 million registered users, the social-networking site said Tuesday. — The company first announced the platform on October 25.