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Thoughts on Beacon — About a month ago, we released a new feature called Beacon to try to help people share information with their friends about things they do on the web. We've made a lot of mistakes building this feature, but we've made even more with how we've handled them.
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Facebook Beacon: Privacy Disaster or PR Blip on the Road to World Domination? Let's look at the data. — thanks to Jay Meattle at Compete for some data & a reality check. — note: i *still* think Facebook should have have stuck to their "Beacon is opt-out" guns, but they also should rollout …

Zuckerberg Apologizes, Allows Facebook Users to Evade Beacon — Mark Zuckerberg has produced a symphony of contrition in a blog post today about Facebook's Beacon feature, which initially sent information on users' Web purchases to their friends unless they specifically blocked the disclosure of each purchase.

Mark Zuckerberg on Beacon: We Made Mistakes — Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, after taking it on the chin for nearly two weeks, is apologizing about the company's Beacon advertising platform fiasco. In his blog post, in which he explains his side of the story and rationalizes his reasoning …

Google Announces launch of iPhone Application — Today, Google announced the release of a new iPhone application that integrates its multiple services into a single interface, making it easy for iPhone users to find, use and switch between Google search, Gmail, Calendar, Reader, and more.

Google Pre-Launches New iPhone Interface — We heard a rumor that Google was going to launch a new interface for users accessing the site via an iPhone in the next few days. But an anonymous tip let us know it actually launched without any warning or announcement this evening.

Cellphone could be boarding pass, too — Continental Airlines passengers in Houston will be able to board flights using just a cellphone or personal-digital assistant instead of a regular boarding pass in a three-month test program launched Tuesday at Bush Intercontinental Airport.
Today @ PC World, CrunchGear, Engadget, Gadget Lab, IntoMobile, Gizmodo, The Mobile Gadgeteer, Phone Scoop and jkOnTheRun

Postal Rate Change to Wallop Netflix, Help BBI? (NFLX) — Another reason for Netflix (NFLX) to hurry up and transition to a purely digital model: A potential postal rate change could cut the company's operating income per subscriber by two-thirds, say Citi analysts Mark Mahaney and Tony Wible.
Salon, Between the Lines, Epicenter, Read/WriteWeb, Tech Check with Jim Goldman and Mashable!

Netflix: Postal Service Inspector General Proposes Applying Surchage To DVD Mailers
Hacking NetFlix

AN OPEN LETTER TO SAM SETHI — Please Note: This is an open letter to Sam Sethi, Founder and CEO of Blognation. I have elected to write this letter after having been one of the principal Blognation authors since August of this year. In all that time I have not received the pay promised …

My comment on Oliver's Post about Blognation.

Apple Donates 100 iPod nanos to Victims of CA Wildfires [Charity] — So there you are, a kid who just lost his entire house in the recent Southern California wildfires. What would be at the top of your wishlist? A new house? Returning to a sense of normalcy? All your old possessions that are now irretrievably torched?

Nielsen to Be Video Cop — For years, media and technology companies have been ensnarled in a battle over the rights to video posted online. Now ratings giant Nielsen wants to be the policeman. — Nielsen is rolling out a new service that aims to ensure that video is distributed and viewed …

Sprint XOHM Will Soft Launch "In A Few Days" — Sprint Nextel will soft launch its XOHM WiMax network in the next few days according to Bin Shen, VP of Product Management and Partnership Development. Chicago, Washington DC and Baltimore will all go live at soft launch …

Classically designed and fully featured Nokia 6263 now available at T-Mobile USA — New fold-style phone includes 1.3 megapixel camera, e-mail capability and a music player — WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. - Designed for customers who want to have the latest features like e-mail capability with support …

Share ideas to the maximum — Loïc Le Meur has come up with 10 rules for anyone wanting to be successful in business, after he learned to break all of the accepted ones himself. — France's best-known blogger has at times alienated his audience, offended his countrymen …

Why Apple can't do to video what it did to music — perspective From Hollywood to New York City, media executives have spent the last two years fretting that Steve Jobs could wreak havoc on the video distribution business the same way he upended the music industry.
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