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NYT: Facebook's Zuckerberg Lied To Us; Coke: Ditto — The "Beacon" fallout continues. The New York Times' Louise Story essentially accuses Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg of lying to her about Beacon's being "opt-in." Coca-Cola got a similar impression from the company—and, having learned the truth, is holding off on using the program.
Discussion:, blognation,,, Leigh's Blitherings, Deep Jive Interests and CNET

Facebook Beacon is Unfixable — Earlier this week I wrote a blog post which pointed out that the two major privacy and user experience problems with Facebook Beacon where that it (i) linked a user's Facebook account with an account on another site without the users permission and (ii) …

Facebook's Misrepresentation of Beacon's Threat to Privacy: Tracking users who opt out or are not logged in. — As follow-up to Ben's look at Facebook's Beacon system, I began investigating the extent of its privacy implications. What I found is extremely disconcerting.
WinExtra, All Facebook, Collaborative Thinking,, InfoWorld, It's Rishi and broadstuff

Friending, Ancient or Otherwise — THE growing popularity of social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Second Life has thrust many of us into a new world where we make "friends" with people we barely know, scrawl messages on each other's walls and project our identities using totem-like visual symbols.
Putting people first

WebFives/Vizrea aquired by Microsoft so download your content in the next 30 days — I set up a Vizrea account back in 2006 when they launched their service that was going to make it easy to get photos and video off of my camera-enabled phone and onto my PC so I could share it easily with others.

Lots of Little Screens: TV Is Changing Shape — INEXPENSIVE broadband access has done far more for online video than enable the success of services like YouTube and iTunes. By unchaining video watchers from their TV sets, it has opened the floodgates to a generation of TV producers for whom the Internet is their native medium.
Off On A Tangent

For the 2008 Race, Google Is a Crucial Constituency — LAST century, General Motors assembly plants were a regular stop on the itineraries of presidential candidates. This election cycle, Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., has become a favorite destination.

Pogo Stylus Tickles Your iPhone With More Precision [IPhone] — Pogo Stylus Tickles Your iPhone With More Precision — If you have fingers as big as chorizos and want to click with more precision on the iPhone, here's the Pogo Stylus. According to the manufacturer the Pogo Stylus …

Google Street Views Hides Your Face. What Took So Long? — Finally, Google's thinking about making its Street Views map completely anonymous, to protect the privacy of people that show up in the photographs. For its Europe Street Views version, Google will be modifying all photos to ensure …

Search Engine Land Celebrates Its First Birthday! — Happy Birthday to us! Today, Search Engine Land officially turns one year old. Below, I wanted to share some thanks to all those who've helped make it such a successful year, and I'm going to save the in-depth "what have we achieved" …
Small Business SEM

Second Life Viewer Susceptible to Quicktime Security Flaw — We were alerted a short time ago that a QuickTime exploit has been discovered which may allow an attacker to crash or exploit the Second Life viewer. The Second Life viewer uses Apple QuickTime to play videos and streaming media.

Teenager arrested over '£9.7m computer hacking ring' — James Sturcke and agencies — A New Zealand teenager was today arrested on suspicion of stealing millions of pounds from bank accounts around the world and of being the ringleader of a hacking network which infiltrated more than 1.3m computers.

Transparent PNGs in Internet Explorer 6 — Newer breeds of browser such as Firefox and Safari have offered support for PNG images with full alpha channel transparency for a few years. With the use of hacks, support has been available in Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6, but the hacks are non-ideal and have been tricky to use.

December 2007 Video Playback FAQ — ** Represents a new feature or change in functionality from the Spring 07 release. — **1. What exactly does the Xbox 360 support for AVI? — Xbox 360 supports the following for AVI: … 2. What exactly does the Xbox 360 support for H.264?

Mozilla Swats Firefox Bug With a Patch — Mozilla has issued a fix for a bug found in an update issued earlier this week. — Officials at Mozilla said they have released an update to fix a flaw in the recently released version of their Firefox browser.