Top Items:

Live Documents enters the Office suite ring — Sabeer Bhatia was the co-founder of Hotmail, the Web email service Microsoft acquired for $400 million in 1998. Now, Bhatia wants to bite the hand that fed him. He formed a new company, InstaColl, and is joining Zoho, ThinkFree, Google …

Microsoft's Hotmail founder goes for the (wrong) Office jugular with Live Documents — Sabeer Bhatia, one of the co-founders of Hotmail (bought by Microsoft for $400 million ten years ago), is on a mission to lobotomize Microsoft's $20 billion Office business. He has an uphill climb.
Discussion:, Live Documents, Ryan Stewart, /Message, TechSpot News, Rough Type, deal architect and Times of London

The Secret Strategies Behind Many "Viral" Videos — This guest post was written by Dan Ackerman Greenberg, co-founder of viral video marketing company The Comotion Group and lead TA for the Stanford Facebook Class. Dan will graduate from the Stanford Management Science & Engineering Masters program in June.

The BIG iPod touch review — A few weeks ago I got my hands on two 16GB iPod touch devices. Having spent a lot of hands on time with these devices it's time for a comprehensive review. — The iPod touch was for me the first Apple device to come out when I eagerly awaited the release day.

Forgotten your password? Google can find it for you. Unfortunately — There's a certain amount of crowing associated with hacking the blog of a security team - which might be why a hacker, apparently Russian, broke into the blog of the Cambridge University security team at the Light Blue Touchpaper blog.
TechSpot News

Is Facebook Really Censoring Search When It Suits Them? — Earlier this month I wrote a blog post showing that a search for presidential candidate "Ron Paul" in Facebook Groups yields zero results. Facebook blamed the problem on a bug (unofficially, via comments by employees to that post), which was later corrected.

Poor Anti-Pirates: E-mail About Leaked IFPI Email Gets Leaked — Last month a leaked email from The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) - the anti-piracy organization that represents the recording industry worldwide - revealed that they had plans …

ASUS eeePC: First impressions and GPL violations — For my birthday, I bought myself an ASUS eeePC. Now, I've been lusting after very-small-form-factor laptops for some time (ever since I saw the Zaurus C series), and this is quite the small one. It also ships with Linux, which (I thought) …

Japanese Researchers Recycle Old Cell Phone Parts into PCs [Recycled Parts] — Recycled cell phone parts are being used alongside circuit boards to make pocket-sized PCs. A team of engineers at Hokuto System is behind the idea, which will be available in Japan before the end of the year, and is known as DVIEW.
Tech Digest

O2 has Wigan-sized iPhone problem — Exclusive Everyone wants a Wii or an Eee this Christmas. They're the hottest technology items in town, but there's none to be found for love nor money. If you want an iPhone, however, supplies remain plentiful. — Reliable channel sources tell us …

Why is the iPlayer a multi million pound disaster? — Beeb Week The story of the BBC's iPlayer is of a multi-million pound failure that took years to complete, and was designed for a world that never arrived. More was spent on the project than many Silicon Valley startups ever burn through …

Real Online Competition: The Right to Exit — There has been a lot of news coverage of Google's "openness initiatives" over the past few weeks. The "Open Handset Alliance" promises to break the carriers' appliancization of cell phones. OpenSocial is designed to put its imprint …

IAC To Spend $100 Million In China, China Coming As Well — IAC is planning on spending $100 million on new ventures in China and is also looking to launch a Chinese version of — According to the Wall Street Journal, IAC CEO Barry Diller said the new push into China …
CenterNetworks, Silicon Alley Insider, Tech Trader Daily, Search Engine Land, BloggingStocks and Seeking Alpha

Update On One Of Google's Paid Links Info Pages? — From the Google Webmaster Help Center (my emphasis): — "Buying links in order to improve a site's ranking is in violation of Google's webmaster guidelines and can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results."

Facebook Is Almost 2/3 Women (and other stats) — A blogger named Paul Francis went to the trouble of gathering Facebook user data via an advertiser tool that facilitates audience targeting. He pulled user numbers for the top countries, broken down by male/female. — The data set is here.