Top Items:

The Secret Strategies Behind Many "Viral" Videos — This guest post was written by Dan Ackerman Greenberg, co-founder of viral video marketing company The Comotion Group and lead TA for the Stanford Facebook Class. Dan will graduate from the Stanford Management Science & Engineering Masters program in June.

YouTube: Promotional vs. Commercial Distribution Platform — It's a numbers' game, for sure, but you shouldn't be cooking the numbers to win. Call me naive, call me idealistic, but that's my philosophy. — A recent post on Tech Crunch talks about how "two top Hollywood movie studios …

Is Facebook Really Censoring Search When It Suits Them? — Earlier this month I wrote a blog post showing that a search for presidential candidate "Ron Paul" in Facebook Groups yields zero results. Facebook blamed the problem on a bug (unofficially, via comments by employees to that post), which was later corrected.

Microsoft's Hotmail founder goes for the (wrong) Office jugular with Live Documents — Sabeer Bhatia, one of the co-founders of Hotmail (bought by Microsoft for $400 million ten years ago), is on a mission to lobotomize Microsoft's $20 billion Office business. He has an uphill climb.

The Word is out: Microsoft will face online fight on core software

O2 has Wigan-sized iPhone problem — Exclusive Everyone wants a Wii or an Eee this Christmas. They're the hottest technology items in town, but there's none to be found for love nor money. If you want an iPhone, however, supplies remain plentiful. — Reliable channel sources tell us …

The fine line between advertising and recommendations — Facebook Beacon has the 'Net riled up over what many see as an invasion of their privacy. A Wall Street Journal article gives a good description of how the opt-out process works: … The problem seems to be that like everything else on Facebook …

Exercise for the Reader: Facebook Member Stats — [Update: before you get too far into these numbers, you might like to check out this updated post, which gives a more accurate breakdown of genders - the country totals remain the same] — Out of interest I went through the Facebook ad platform …

Japanese Researchers Recycle Old Cell Phone Parts into PCs [Recycled Parts] — Japanese Researchers Recycle Old Cell Phone Parts into PCs — Recycled cell phone parts are being used alongside circuit boards to make pocket-sized PCs. A team of engineers at Hokuto System is behind the idea …

Skype's Encryption May be Used as an Excuse for Trojan Viruses by German Police [Skype] — Skype's encryption codes are proving a problem for German police, who say that their officers are unable to monitor suspect conversations. One of the country's top cops admitted yesterday …
The Register

Update On One Of Google's Paid Links Info Pages? — From the Google Webmaster Help Center (my emphasis): — "Buying links in order to improve a site's ranking is in violation of Google's webmaster guidelines and can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results."
Search Engine Roundtable

IAC To Spend $100 Million In China, China Coming As Well — IAC is planning on spending $100 million on new ventures in China and is also looking to launch a Chinese version of — According to the Wall Street Journal, IAC CEO Barry Diller said the new push into China …

Amazon Kindle sells out on debut — Amazon boss Jeff Bezos unveiled the Kindle device — Amazon's Kindle e-book reader has sold out despite scepticism about whether the device will prove popular. — A notice on the Kindle pages on the Amazon web store said "heavy customer demand" …

Romantics Sue Over Guitar Hero — The 80s pop band The Romantics are suing the producers of the fabulously successful video game Guitar Hero. (Billboard story here.) The game includes a lawfully produced cover of The Romantics' one and only smash hit, What I Like About You.

Blyk Claims Up To 43 Percent Click-Through On First Mobile Ads — Six weeks after launching, Blyk - the mobile virtual network giving free calls and texts in return for receiving ads - has given us some numbers indicating its progress. — Response: Sales director Jonathan MacDonald told …