Top Items:

Is the social graph Web 3.0? — Well, it looks like there'll be no escaping the "social graph" term. World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, in a blog post last evening, not only bestowed his blessing on the social graph but elevated it to the capitalized Social Graph, a sign that we have a New Paradigm on our hands.

Tim Berners-Lee: From World Wide Web to Giant Global Graph — On this Thanksgiving morning in the U.S., the Facebook Beacon storm continues to rage (Techmeme). It's simply growing pains for the social graph. In fact, the social graph (which Mark Zuckerberg defines as the network …

Is Facebook Really Ruining Christmas? — Political action and consumer advocacy organization MoveOn this week launched a public campaign against Facebook's new Project Beacon advertising system (our coverage). MoveOn characterizes the ad system as "a huge invasion of privacy" …

Giant Global Graph — Well, it has been a long time since the last blog. So many topics, so little time. Some talks, a couple of Design Issues articles, but no blog. To dissipate the worry of expectation of quality, I resolve to lower the bar. More about what I had for breakfast.

Rumour: News Corp to buy LinkedIn — [Get the RSS feed or see right for the newsletter. Digg this story. Got a story? Get in touch] — An unconfirmed rumour has reached me via a reliable source that LinkedIn is in talks with media giant News Corporation over a possible buyout in January 2008.
Discussion:, CenterNetworks, PDA, Virtual Economics, TechWag, Telegraph, Lost Remote, 901am, and MobHappy

An E-Book Reader That Just May Catch On — You've got to have a lot of nerve to introduce an electronic book reader in 2007. — Sure, the idea has appeal: an e-reader lets you carry hundreds of books, search or jump to any spot in the text and bump up the type size when your eyes get tired.

Microsoft: XP contains random number generator bug — Microsoft admits recently discovered Windows 2000 flaw exists in XP too — Windows XP, Microsoft's most popular operating system, sports the same encryption flaws that Israeli researchers recently disclosed in Windows 2000, Microsoft officials confirmed late Tuesday.

Thanksgiving 2007 from Google, Yahoo,, Dogpile & The Search Industry — Today is one of my most favorite holidays, Thanksgiving! This will probably be our only post today, but I wanted to share the logos and search forum threads from around the search industry.
Search Engine Land

Thanksgiving Search Engine Logos & Off For The Day — Search Engine Land is taking the Thanksgiving holiday off, and best wishes to all those celebrating today. We'll be back with regular coverage tomorrow. Search engines are celebrating with special logos like those above.

Facebook Stealing Googlers At An Alarming Rate — Facebook and Google have been competing with each over more than just social networking. Facebook is growing from 300ish employees today to 700 next year. And the best place to get good engineers and others is Google …
PDA, Guardian Unlimited, WebMetricsGuru, Smalltalk Tidbits …, The Open Road and Mark Evans

The Word is out: Microsoft will face online fight on core software — The co-founder of Hotmail, the web-based e-mail service bought by Microsoft for $400 million a decade ago, is challenging the American software giant's core $20 billion (£9.7 billion) office desktop business.
Channel 9

Microsoft's social network clocking the most downtime — Social networks are more popular than ever, and are flourishing in the Web 2.0 era. With their huge user numbers, it is very important for these websites to have a high availability. For the largest social networks …

Giving Thanks for...Facebook? — In this season of giving thanks, Netizens feel grateful for the sense of connectedness and reconnectedness brought by online social networks. The big news, after all, isn't that our Facebook profiles will soon turn into virtual Tupperware parties but rather that we can use them to stay in touch.

Google Replaces Video Link with Products Link — Google on their global homepage replaced the top-left link to Google Video with a link to Google Product Search, the former Froogle. These navigational links are not consistent throughout Google's services, so the change isn't visible everywhere.