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The social graft — "Once every hundred years media changes," boy-coder turned big-thinker Mark Zuckerberg declared today at the Facebook Social Advertising Event in New York City. And it's true. Look back over the last millennium or two, and you'll see that every century, like clockwork, there's been a big change in media.
The Open Road, Between the Lines, broadstuff, Doc Searls Weblog, Skrentablog, Webomatica, Web Strategy, The Last Podcast,, Mark Evans, Todd Watson, Unit Structures, Deep Jive Interests, Alexander van Elsas's Weblog …, Technovia, Alec Saunders .LOG, MediaVidea, New York Times, Guardian Unlimited, gapingvoid, michael parekh on IT, Read/WriteWeb, Business Week, WinExtra, Silicon Alley Insider, TechCrunch, GigaOM,, Search Engine Land and

Facebook Ads — Today we announced an entirely new advertising solution for Facebook. Right now, we want to make clear what's changing—and what's not—for you. — First of all, what's not changing: — Facebook will always stay clutter-free and clean. — Facebook will never sell any of your information.
Search Engine Watch Blog, ClickZ, Bits, Bokardo, Screenwerk, Insider Chatter, WebProNews, Between the Lines, Laughing Squid and Digital Daily

Facebook Is Marketing Your Brand Preferences (With Your Permission) — FACEBOOK wants to put your face on advertisements for products that you like. — Facebook .com is a social networking site that lets people accumulate "friends" and share preferences and play games with them.

Time Warner to buy Quigo — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Time Warner Inc's AOL (TWX.N: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Wednesday it will buy Internet advertising technology company Quigo to bolster its ad force and make it more competitive with Google Inc (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile, Research) and Yahoo Inc (YHOO.O: Quote, Profile, Research).

Google maps find their way to gas pumps — The Internet giant will join with another firm to give directions at service stations. — Lost drivers soon will be able to Google for help at the pump. — As part of a partnership to be announced today, the online search leader …

Attack of the 20%'ers — At Google, 20% time is core to our culture and today's Reader release incorporates features developed by two engineers in their 20% time. Those two engineers would be us! — Steve Lacey: As a blogger I like to include a blogroll on my site so that friends …

The power of the Web with Opera Mini 4 — After three betas we're proud to release the shiny new Opera Mini 4 to the world. — We've done a lot with this new Opera Mini. For example, we rewrote the entire code for Opera Mini 4 and added lots of improvements and new features to make the browser even better.
Download Squad, BetaNews, CrunchGear, CyberNet, MobHappy, Ajaxian, IntoMobile, The Mobile Gadgeteer and Compiler

Google's Game-Focused Advertising Initiative To Launch This Month — Google's (GOOG) long-rumored, game-focused advertising initiative is going to come to life later this month, according to sources familiar with the Mountain View, Calif-based company's plans.

Windows Live Drops Out of Beta, Email Addresses Available [Windows Live] — Microsoft's Windows Live package has just dropped out of beta development. The released package contains various desktop programs for email, IM, blogging and photo sharing.

Symbian dismisses Google Android — Google's dominance of the web will not translate to the mobile phone market, a senior executive at Symbian has said. — John Forsyth, vice president of strategy at Symbian, the platform that powers many of the world's phones, said Google lacked experience.

The head of Times Online on tech women, and Google — Yesterday at the Society of Editors conference, Times Online editor Anne Spackman had spoken about how she thinks online news will become more dominated by men because journalists increasingly need technical skills.

Prince, Has Lost The Plot Prince, To Sue A Lot — To all those TechCrunch commenters who took offense at our previous coverage of the singer Prince's intentions to sue YouTube, The Pirate Bay and eBay for copyright infringement in September, read this carefully.

Microsoft moving closer to Centro — The product is still months away, but Microsoft is sharing a few more details on its forthcoming custom software package for midsize business servers. — Microsoft first announced its plans for Centro back in September 2005, saying at the time it would be based …

Microsoft confirms new Xbox 360 Parent Tools — Sorry kiddies, your days of unlimited 360 playtime — which seem primarily dedicated to screaming pre-pubescently into your headset while you trash us in Halo 3 — are numbered. As rumored, Microsoft is unveiling new a new Xbox 360 Family Timer control …

Yahoo! Roundly Criticized in Congress — In a congressional hearing on Yahoo's activities in China, Committee Chairman Lantos hammers the Internet giant for what he calls "misleading" statements — Statement of Representative Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Nov. 6, 2007