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Eisner's advice to striking writers: Blame Steve Jobs, not the studios — NEW YORK—In his keynote speech on Wednesday morning at the Media and Money conference hosted by Dow Jones and Nielsen, former Disney CEO Michael Eisner talked about writers as though they were a minority group that he didn't particularly understand well.

@ Media & Money: Keynote: Michael Eisner: Strike is 'Insanity …

If You Purchased MLB Game Downloads Before 2006, Your Discs/Files Are Now Useless; MLB Has Stolen Your $$$ And Claims "No Refunds" — Just bumping this to the top for awhile. — Great to see non-baseball sites like Boing Boing, Wired, Slashdot, Techdirt and others posting about this.

MLB rips off fans who bought DRM videos — Allan Wood (a baseball megafan who has written a book about Babe Ruth) purchased over $280 worth of digital downloads of baseball games from Major League Baseball, who have just turned off their DRM server, leaving him with no way to watch his videos.

Fans shafted as Major League Baseball revokes DRM licenses

Facebook Ads — Today we announced an entirely new advertising solution for Facebook. Right now, we want to make clear what's changing—and what's not—for you. — First of all, what's not changing: — Facebook will always stay clutter-free and clean. — Facebook will never sell any of your information.
Between the Lines, Bits, Good Morning Silicon Valley, ClickZ, Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab,, Screenwerk, The Chronicle, Search Engine Watch Blog, Bokardo, Ryan Stewart, Unit Structures, Mark Evans, Rough Type, Insider Chatter, Laughing Squid, MediaVidea, WebProNews and Read/WriteWeb

Facebook Is Marketing Your Brand Preferences (With Your Permission)
GigaOM, CrunchGear, Contentinople, Today @ PC World, i-boy, Valleywag, Deep Jive Interests, FP Posted and CNET

Log Off and Get to Work — Turns out your bosses don't want you updating your social networking page at the office. — Web security firm Barracuda Networks polled 2,400 of its own customers and found that 50.2 percent block access to social networks MySpace and Facebook.

AMAZON TO HOST RED HAT LINUX ONLINE — Update: I added a lot more detail about Red Hat's ambitions and other moves. — Red Hat on Wednesday announced a significant departure from its current business plan, saying its flagship Linux product will be available on's Elastic Computing Cloud online service.
InfoWorld,, Business Wire, The Register, blognation, Dana Gardner's BriefingsDirect, Seeking Alpha and Between the Lines

AOL's New Plan: It's Not Working — Randy Falco is betting the entire AOL franchise on building up its advertising network. The Time Warner results released this morning show that the horse that the head of AOL is betting on is slowing down. — AOL sold $540 million in ads in the third quarter …

Russian Business Network: Down, But Not Out — A major Russian Internet service provider whose client list amounted to a laundry list of organized cyber crime operations appears to have closed shop. But security experts caution that there are signs that the highly profitable network …

Digg close to a $300 million sale? [Rumormonger] — Digg is close to announcing its sale to a major media player for $300 million to $400 million, according to sources close to the company, I hear. When I floated this rumor that Digg was up for sale, my friends scoffed: "When isn't Digg up for sale?"

Attack of the 20%'ers — At Google, 20% time is core to our culture and today's Reader release incorporates features developed by two engineers in their 20% time. Those two engineers would be us! — Steve Lacey: As a blogger I like to include a blogroll on my site so that friends …
Mashable!, The Last Podcast, TechCrunch, ParisLemon, Search Engine Land and Random Thoughts

Format war fanboys shut down AVS Forum — Anyone who's ever visited AVS Forum—probably the largest online forum for audio/visual discussion—knows that people can get carried away. And anyone who has dared to venture in the HD DVD and Blu-ray forum is well aware of rampant fanboy flame wars …

HD DVD set-top player $99 sales moves units
CrunchGear, Engadget HD, BetaNews, Digital Trends, DailyTech, Gizmodo, Gadgetell and High-Def Digest

Google maps find their way to gas pumps — The Internet giant will join with another firm to give directions at service stations. — Lost drivers soon will be able to Google for help at the pump. — As part of a partnership to be announced today, the online search leader …
Discussion:, Ars Technica, Insider Chatter, CrunchGear, Googlified, CNET, Switched, Engadget, Blogs, The Register, Searchviews, Gadgetell, Search Engine Land, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, WebProNews, p2pnet, iMedia Connection, Download Squad, Zatz Not Funny!, Mashable!, Read/WriteWeb, Gawker, Screenwerk, TechCrunch, Network World, The Last Podcast and jkOnTheRun

The Comcast Net Neutrality Controversy: A Discussion — On October 25, the Technology Liberation Front, a technology policy weblog, hosted an online discussion[1] concerning recent actions by Comcast Corporation to limit certain types of traffic on its network in order to manage demand.
The Great American Blog

Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail strike out Iran — Exclusive Yahoo! and Microsoft have removed Iran from the country lists of their webmail services as stronger US sanctions against the Islamic republic begin to bite. — Google has kept Iran as an option on the Gmail registration page, however.

The power of the Web with Opera Mini 4 — After three betas we're proud to release the shiny new Opera Mini 4 to the world. — We've done a lot with this new Opera Mini. For example, we rewrote the entire code for Opera Mini 4 and added lots of improvements and new features to make the browser even better.

Forbes Buys Clipmarks, RealClearPolitics Stake — Forbes Media, as long rumored, has acquired Clipmarks, a tool that lets people share Web content like text and images. Forbes has also acquired a 51% stake in RealClearPolitics. More info after the jump. Release Disclosure: Forbes Media is my former employer.