Top Items:

Where's my Gphone? — Despite all of the very interesting speculation over the last few months, we're not announcing a Gphone. However, we think what we are announcing — the Open Handset Alliance and Android — is more significant and ambitious than a single phone.
Brier Dudley's blog, Search Engine Land, Open Source, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Computerworld, Tech Talk with Dean Takahashi, Mercury News, Read/WriteWeb, Gizmodo, Ars Technica, Techlog, Between the Lines, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, The Register, Silicon Alley Insider, IP Democracy, Google Operating System, Bits, VentureBeat, Digital Daily, MobHappy, USA Today, Download Squad, The Globe and Mail, MARS Magazine, Disruptive Telephony, Search Engine Watch Blog, Kelsey Group Blogs, Skype Journal, Dana Gardner's BriefingsDirect, The Tablet PC, Scobleizer, Seeking Alpha Internet stocks, SEOspace, Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog, Engadget, Compiler, Technology Live,,, Jeffrey McManus, Gearlog,, WebProBlog, Web Analytics World, BetaNews, CyberNet, franticindustries, FORTUNE: Apple 2.0, Blackfriars' Marketing and geeksugar

Google Enters the Wireless World — Google took its long-awaited plunge into the wireless world today, announcing that it is leading a broad industry alliance to transform mobile phones into powerful mobile computers that could accelerate the convergence of computing and communications.

Industry Leaders Announce Open Platform for Mobile Devices — Group Pledges to Unleash Innovation for Mobile Users Worldwide — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.; BONN, Germany; TAOYUAN, Taiwan; SAN DIEGO, Calif.; SCHAUMBURG, Ill. (November 5, 2007) — A broad alliance of leading technology …

Google Launches Mobile Phone Platform, Android: What it Means, What Experts Think — Updated post press conference, read My Take #2: Google (GOOG) has just announced its much talked about Google mobile phone platform, Android, and has announced a large list of partners who are working with the company.

Breaking: Google Announces Android and Open Handset Alliance — Google just officially announced the Open Handset Alliance to create an open platform (to be called Android) for a Linux phone that can run mobile Google apps and others. The 34 partners include T-Mobile, Sprint Nextel …
Silicon Alley Insider, Epicenter, Salon, Coolest Gadgets, CrunchGear, Gizmodo and Telecompetitor

Google's Dream Phone — Google likes software, particularly the kind that puts ads on Web pages, making Google rich. The realities of a phone business—running a supply chain, keeping inventory and managing distribution—were never something Google wanted from its phone initiative.

Google unveils cell phone software and alliance — update Google's cell phone strategy took shape Monday with the announcement of a new open software platform and an alliance of wireless heavyweights that will help form the development community for the planned phones.
Crave, InfoWorld,, John Battelle's Searchblog, Lifeblog and blognation USA

The Google Phone... Everything You Expected And Less (For Now) — from the and-that's-it? dept — After Apple finally announced its iPhone, all the folks who spent years and years passing around rumors about it needed to move onto something else. The first easy target was the gPhone from Google …

IAC Announces Plan to Spin Off HSN, Ticketmaster, Interval and LendingTree as Four Publicly Traded Companies — NEW YORK, Nov. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — IAC (Nasdaq: IACI - News) announced today that its Board of Directors has approved a plan to separate IAC into five publicly traded companies:

MySpace To Announce Self-Serve Hyper Targeted Advertising Network — MySpace will announce plans to introduce a new advertising platform, "SelfServe by MySpace," at Ad:Tech Monday. The service itself will launch to a limited set of advertisers in the next sixty days.
InfoWorld, Computerworld, Profy.Com, Download Squad, and Insider Chatter

Tracking of Web Use by Marketers Gains Favor
The Chronicle

For Radiohead Fans, Does "Free" + "Download" = "Freeload"? — 2 out of 5 Downloaders Willing to Pay an Average of $6 for "In Rainbows" Album — U.S. Downloaders Willing to Pay More than International Counterparts — comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world …


UPDATED:Web 2.0 Is On The Ropes. . . Kleiner Perkins Has Halted Investments — [UPDATED: With a reply from Tim O'Reilly, one of the persons mentioned in this article.] — Whenever I meet with VCs lately I've noticed they have a growing distaste for Web 2.0 startups.
WebProNews, VentureBeat, Micro Persuasion, Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab, MediaVidea, Glass House, Digital Daily and David Dalka

Optimus Maximus News — I've been to the factory that produces OLEDs for the Optimus Maximus in Taiwan last week. Unfortunately they don't let any camera in, so I have to carry the impression in my mind. Looks quiet impressive :-) — Keyboard Shipping — The first lot is completely sold-out.

New Media, New Value, Old Troubles — In the hierarchy of things the American public seems not to care about — the national debt, Paris Hilton's charitable works, Fred D. Thompson's campaign for president — the Hollywood screenwriters' strike probably wins hands down.

Michael Barrett on Web 2.0: This stuff scares the hell out of me — When Michael Barrett (CISO, Paypal) heard the Eric Nolin was putting on Defrag, he called up and said "I'd like to come and talk because this stuff scares the hell out of me." His key messages: (a) we're doomed to repeat history …

NPR Launches Its Ambitious Music Site — NPR has launched its rather ambitious music site, after a long time in development: NPR Music is being launched along with 12 member stations, and will have on-air and online content gathered from NPR and the participating stations as well as original content …