Top Items:

Open Social: a new universe of social applications all over the web — My company, Ning, is participating in this week's launch of a new open web API called Open Social, which is being spearheaded by Google and joined by a wide range of partners including Google's own Orkut, LinkedIn, Hi5 …

Details Revealed: Google OpenSocial To Launch Thursday — Details emerged today on Google's broad social networking ambitions, first reported here in late September, with a follow up earlier this week. The new project, called OpenSocial (URL will go live on Thursday), goes well beyond what we've previously reported.
CNET, Epicenter, Profy.Com, Guardian Unlimited, Search Engine Land, Publishing 2.0, O'Reilly Radar, The Social Web, Digital Daily, New York Times, Download Squad, Valleywag, All Facebook, WebMetricsGuru, Insider Reports Feed, The Register, Andy Beard, Compiler, Technovia, Between the Lines,, Startup Dunia, Non-Profit Tech Blog, B. Mann Consulting, Scobleizer, Things That, John Battelle's Searchblog, Tom Raftery's Social Media, TechFold, Read/WriteWeb, Unit Structures, MediaBytes with Shelly …, Google Operating System, GigaOM, Harold Jarche, WebProNews, VentureBeat and Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

Google Seeks Bigger Role In Social Networking

Google Phone Plan Draws Interest — Google Inc. is in advanced talks with two top U.S. cellphone operators, Verizon Wireless and Sprint Nextel Corp., about selling handsets tailored to its new mobile-phone operating system, people familiar with the matter said.
Good Morning Silicon Valley, InfoWorld, Tech Trader Daily, Engadget, IntoMobile, TechCrunch, CNET, …, Digital Daily, WebProNews, Media Biz, BloggingStocks, Seeking Alpha Wireless stocks,, The India Street, The Register, FierceMobileContent, FierceWireless, Reuters,, Today @ PC World, Gizmodo and Silicon Alley Insider

The Google Phone: The Story So Far, Some Launch Details & What's Next — The Wall Street Journal has been reporting on Google's mobile phone efforts and how it is beginning to draw some interest from carriers, especially in the United States. Sprint (S) and Verizon (VZ) are in talks with Google …

Apple to Allow Virtualization of Leopard — In a notable about-face, Apple has changed its stance with regard to allowing Mac OS X Server to be run inside a virtual machine (VM), much as Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion make it possible to run Windows and other PC-based operating systems on a Mac.
Download Squad, The Macalope, Blackfriars' Marketing, The Mac Observer, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and MacUser

$200 Everex Green PC Now Available — Everex's TC2502 gPC is the first mass-market $200 desktop computer, featuring a custom distribution of Ubuntu Linux and headed for selected Wal-Mart stores. — "It's $200, with no gimmicks or subsidies," Everex spokesman David Liu said.

Everex's $199 green PC: attention ignorant Wal-Mart shoppers
Incremental Blogger

Everex's gPC: A $199 PC with a half-baked "Google" OS
Between the Lines

INTEGO SECURITY ALERT - October 31, 2007 — OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse Changes Local DNS Settings to — Redirect to Malicious DNS Servers — Description: A malicious Trojan Horse has been found on several pornography web sites, claiming to install a video codec necessary to view free pornographic videos on Macs.
Crave, MacUser, TidBITS, O'Grady's PowerPage, Technovia, Macworld, MacNN, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and MacDailyNews

AOL Launches Innovative Privacy Education Program For Behaviorally Targeted Advertising — Program Will Provide Greater Transparency, Enhanced Notice of How Targeted Advertising Works, and Patent-Pending Technology to Protect Consumers' Opt-Out Choices; The Program Will Reach More Than 91% of Online Consumers
Computerworld, InfoWorld, Federal Trade Commission, WebMetricsGuru, Search Engine Land and Threat Level

Online Marketers Joining Internet Privacy Efforts — Most consumers are familiar with do-not-call lists, which are meant to keep telemarketers from phoning them. Soon people will be able to sign up for do-not-track lists, which will help shield their Web surfing habits from the prying eyes of marketers.

Hey, Look Who's Now The 5th Biggest Company in the US — That's right: Google (GOOG). And trading at a not-preposterous 55-times trailing 12-month earnings, too. — Rank Company Market Cap (Bil) Ticker — 1 Exxon Mobil $505 XOM

Even dogs like iphones for halloween — Next time you get a call, just pick up your dog and answer. Even dogs are getting in the halloween spirit in NYC this year! Trick or Treat! — Pups on Parade at Tompkins Square Park - Link [via]

Trent Reznor and Saul Williams Discuss Their New Collaboration, Mourn OiNK — Spoken-word and hip-hop artist Saul Williams toured with Nine Inch Nails last year, and Trent Reznor liked him so much that he decided to produce his new album. The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust! …

Sony's Folding@home project gets Guinness record — It's a small thing, but Sony got some good news today related to its troubled PlayStation 3 video game console. In fact, the system helped set a new Guinness World Record. — The record was set by Stanford University's Folding@home project …
Opposable Thumbs

Army tests James Bond style tank that is 'invisible' — New technology that can make tanks invisible has been unveiled by the Ministry of Defence. — In secret trials last week, the Army said it had made a vehicle completely disappear and predicted that an invisible tank would be ready for service by 2012.

Q&A: Digg co-founder Jay Adelson — Jay Adelson, co-founder and chief executive of Digg, sees his site's future growth in empowering its users — Jay Adelson is the co-founder of social news website and internet video company Revision 3. He spoke to the Guardian about his plans for Digg in the future.