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Details Revealed: Google OpenSocial To Launch Thursday — Details emerged today on Google's broad social networking ambitions, first reported here in late September, with a follow up earlier this week. The new project, called OpenSocial (URL will go live on Thursday), goes well beyond what we've previously reported.
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Google and Friends to Gang Up on Facebook — Google and some of the Web's leading social networks are teaming up to take on the new kid on the block — Facebook. — On Thursday, an alliance of companies led by Google plans to begin introducing a common set of standards to allow software developers …

Open Social: a new universe of social applications all over the web — My company, Ning, is participating in this week's launch of a new open web API called Open Social, which is being spearheaded by Google and joined by a wide range of partners including Google's own Orkut, LinkedIn, Hi5 …

OpenSocial, Google's Open Answer to Facebook — Google's (GOOG) much awaited answer to Facebook ecosystem is finally coming to light. The existence of this Google platform was first reported by TechCrunch and is going to become official tomorrow. — Google will announce …

GOOGLE LAUNCHES OPENSOCIAL — Release below. I will comment after kids go to bed, or Weds... But here's the big question: Will Facebook and Myspace play? — Google Launches OpenSocial to Spread Social Applications Across the Web — MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA — November 1, 2007 - Google …

OpenSocial: Led By Google, Social Networks Band To Take On Facebook — As expected, the much-discussed Google social play turns out to be an alliance with other companies to "open up" social networks and their data to developers. TechCrunch and the New York Times both have early news …
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How the iPhone changed Verizon Wireless — Verizon Wireless is reportedly talking to Google about using its upcoming mobile operating system. It has unveiled a bevy of phones for the holiday season and generally seems more hip overall-at least for Verizon. So why the change? — Two words: Apple's iPhone.

Online Marketers Joining Internet Privacy Efforts — Most consumers are familiar with do-not-call lists, which are meant to keep telemarketers from phoning them. Soon people will be able to sign up for do-not-track lists, which will help shield their Web surfing habits from the prying eyes of marketers.

IAC Reports Q3 Results — IAC (Nasdaq: IACI - News) released third quarter 2007 results today, reporting $1.5 billion in revenue, a 7% rate of growth over the prior year, and $173 million in Operating Income Before Amortization, versus $170 million last year. Adjusted EPS was $0.37, compared to $0.35 in the year ago period.

Earnings: IAC Q3 Revenues up 7.4 Percent; Media & Advertising Grows 40 Percent
Search Engine Land

Army tests James Bond style tank that is 'invisible' — New technology that can make tanks invisible has been unveiled by the Ministry of Defence. — In secret trials last week, the Army said it had made a vehicle completely disappear and predicted that an invisible tank would be ready for service by 2012.

Intel's Montvale Itanium chip arrives — Intel announced on Wednesday its line of Itanium products for high-end computing servers. — Code-named Montvale, the chip is an update to Montecito, the dual-core Itanium 2 chip that was launched in July last year, Eddie Toh …

Hello, India? I Need Help With My Math — Adrianne Yamaki, a 32-year-old management consultant in New York, travels constantly and logs 80-hour workweeks. So to eke out more time for herself, she routinely farms out the administrative chores of her life — making travel arrangements …

Trent Reznor and Saul Williams Discuss Their New Collaboration, Mourn OiNK — Spoken-word and hip-hop artist Saul Williams toured with Nine Inch Nails last year, and Trent Reznor liked him so much that he decided to produce his new album. The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust! …

Broadband Mapping Bill Moves Forward - Markey: 'Can't fly blind' when it comes to policy — Yesterday the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved legislation authored by Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA) aimed at providing better broadband penetration data.