Top Items:

Is Apple's Leopard still in beta? — Mac users are hitting problems galore in Mac OS X 10.5 — Even a casual glance across the Mac web in the last few days will reveal a litany of problems faced by users upgrading to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. — Problems range from application crashes to login problems …

INTEGO SECURITY ALERT - October 31, 2007 — OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse Changes Local DNS Settings to — Redirect to Malicious DNS Servers — Description: A malicious Trojan Horse has been found on several pornography web sites, claiming to install a video codec necessary to view free pornographic videos on Macs.

Phishing trojan targets OS X — Security vendor Intego claims to have found a new trojan attack that targets Apple's OS X operating system. — The OSX.RSPlug.A trojan allegedly disguises itself as a video codec that would provided access to a pornographic video.
SunbeltBLOG, Sunnet Beskerming …,, Liquidmatrix Security Digest and Macsimum News

Open Social: screencast and screenshots — In yesterday's post, I described the new Open Social API, sponsored by Google and supported by a wide range of Internet companies including my company Ning. — In this post, I present a screencast and a series of screenshots that show Open Social in action.

OpenSocial - Can it Compete with Facebook?
Master of 500 Hats, Groundswell, FactoryCity, hypebot, Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, GigaOM, VentureBeat and WebProNews

Nearly 150,000 installs of AppSnapp (iPhone 3rd party app/jailbreak tool) in 3 days — The demand for unofficial third-party applications on iPhones is, by at least one account, staggering. AppSnapp, a Web-based script that jailbreaks (allows read-write access to the filesystem) …

More than 100,000 iPhone owners break out of jail

Facebook Declares War on the Blogosphere — Just as in earlier times a man was only as good as his family name, today we are defined by the social networks we belong to. So imagine my horror when I learned that I have become a virtual bastard. Earlier this week I logged into Facebook …

Hakia Adds Social Networking - But Does Search Need Social Networking Features? — Semantic search engine Hakia has just released a new social networking feature, called Meet Others (MO). The basic idea is to "meet others" who asked the same query. This is something I've never seen …

FUTURE READING — Digitization and its discontents. … In 1938, Alfred Kazin began work on his first book, "On Native Grounds." The child of poor Jewish immigrants in Brooklyn, he had studied at City College. Somehow, with little money or backing, he managed to write an extraordinary book …
The End of Cyberspace

The Google Phone: The Story So Far, Some Launch Details & What's Next — The Wall Street Journal has been reporting on Google's mobile phone efforts and how it is beginning to draw some interest from carriers, especially in the United States. Sprint (S) and Verizon (VZ) are in talks with Google …

Hey, Look Who's Now The 5th Biggest Company in the US — That's right: Google (GOOG). And trading at a not-preposterous 55-times trailing 12-month earnings, too. — Rank Company Market Cap (Bil) Ticker — 1 Exxon Mobil $505 XOM

Experts skeptical of alleged Nov. 11 cyber jihad — Security experts are saying that a reported al-Qaeda cyber jihad attack planned against Western institutions should be treated with skepticism. — The attack was reported by DEBKAfile, an online military intelligence magazine.

An open letter to Steve Ballmer — Hi, this is François, from Mandriva. — I'm sure we're way too small for you to know me. You know, we're one of these tiny Linux company working hard for our place on the market. We produce a Linux Distro, Mandriva Linux.

Apple Updates MacBooks to Santa Rosa, GMA X3100; 2.6GHz MacBook Pro — As rumored, Apple has quietly updated the MacBook tonight to the Santa Rosa architecture with mild speed bumps and the GMA X3100 integrated video. — White 13.3" — $1099.00 2.0GHz/1GB RAM/80GB/Combo/GMA X3100

Google's worst nightmare [Brad Fitzpatrick] — Google's worst nightmare — Our spy cameras have penetrated the inner sanctum of the Googleplex! Sneaking up on Brad Fitzpatrick from behind, we caught a picture of his "epic" Halloween costume. "He is dressed as one of Google's largest fears!" an informant whispers.

Everex's $199 green PC: attention ignorant Wal-Mart shoppers — Make no mistake, Everex can build 'em some kind of ugly. Still, they have learned to spin their gear as green, not underpowered, which counts for something. The TC2502 gPC (that's "g" as in "green," not crap) …

$200 Everex Green PC Now Available
Discussion:, CrunchGear,,, Gadgetell and Between the Lines